Sentences with phrase «through financial ruin»

I would not ever put yourself through financial ruin just to send your child to college.
Here is a movie that invites the viewer to bare witness to something of a moral dilemma: watching a man caught between dragging his family through financial ruin and an opportunity to make money (lots of it) by physically, psychologically and emotionally ruining himself.

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Persons who stand up against the corrupt and corrupt practices in society are very often either bought off, blackmailed into silence through death threats or forced to face financial ruin and at worst physically eliminated.
When Chrysler was facing financial ruin in early»90s, it was an exciting new Mitsubishi - made sports car, the Dodge Stealth, that helped pull Chrysler through.
In 2011, past age 60, the opportunity to self - publish through Kindle Direct Publishing rescued my wife and me from financial ruin.
Today, bankruptcy laws have involved into a fair system where any United States citizen experiencing financial ruin through debt can get financial relief and begin a fresh new financial start.
Many watched helplessly as the financial malaise trickled through the system until their savings were in ruins and in some cases, they were out of a job too.
I can only imagine what a sisyphean arrangement the LPP might end up being for those desperate enough to go through it, and, between opportunity costs and poor job prospects at the other end, I suspect the end result for some will be financial ruin.
It isn't uncommon for American fathers to undergo financial ruin, emotional fatigue and physical collapse through time - consuming litigation.
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