Sentences with phrase «through generations»

Doctors estimate that about 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are linked to gene mutations passed through generations of a family.
Many influences and issues are passed through generations of a family.
His great - great - grandmother banned music from her home — a tradition that, like making shoes, has passed down through the generations of the family.
Usually these go through generations in a family and it is a very real and tactile object of desire!
Wearing matching football jerseys can be a great way to bond through the generations as grandparents, parents and grandchildren celebrate their love of football together.
This bit of knowledge was shared through the generations from mothers to daughters.
Though these boots only come up to the ankle, they are well known for lasting through generations of dogs.
It's status, which is acquired by individuals, and is difficult to transmit through the generations.
They also knew that breastfeeding seemed to delay pregnancy and this pregnancy info was passed through generations for women to use a form of birth control.
It sounds awesome in theory, but it turns the game into a long repetitive grind of going through generation after generation before you make progress only to finish before you really start.
As we progress through generation after generation of gaming history, we see a more prominent role for stories in our games.
Reading before bedtime is an age old tradition that I had as a child; a pleasant habit that has been passed on through generations in my family.
Well, here we are, midway through this generation by all accounts and they look to be hitting that target.
It has been a pleasure for them to be a part of these family's lives through the generations.
This special type of character, called the Russian one, had been born and then passed through generations until now.
In any case, we do not need to pick on the faithful women who have passed on the stories through generations of little children.
This speaks of the way recipes, food advice, and by extension, life skills, are handed down through generations like a precious gift.
This show is a true masterpiece and a cult show that will be remembered through the generations if not by a lot of people but a group of truly dedicated fans.
Some write as a creative outlet, some for money, and others to give their children or grandchildren as a piece of themselves to carry through the generations.
Much like trauma moves through generations, so too, it seems, has this idea that women need to keep their sexuality under wraps.
Certain dishes make holiday appearances around the table, time honored traditions are upheld through the generations, and new ones sometimes find their way in as well!
Within a tradition the pursuit of goods extends through generations, sometimes through many generations.
This story has been passed down over and over again through the generations.
So mixed, in fact, I can't really even decide what breeds came together through the generations to create her.
There are no family recipes that have been handed done through the generations either.
Or are they representative of some vaguely remembered reality passed down through generations beyond count?
These renowned scholars will collaborate with the artists to support the artistic process through the generation of ideas, themes, and directions.
If a program is available solely to bundled customers, they say, the costs for that program should be borne solely by bundled customers through generation rates.
On the other hand, the book is in turn the source of the tradition which ensures the continuity of the religious community through the generations.
But if greater income equality was achieved across gender lines, this could help decrease poverty through the generations.
Those lesser resistant strains eventually evolved stronger and stronger resistance through each generation.
I thought of the traditions that are passed down through generations through recipes, and how these recipes keep memories alive while connecting us as a family.
You need players through the generations and I'm very pleased with him.
We've come by that reputation through generations of giving back whenever we can.
Also consider family names as a way to honor people you admire or pass down names through the generations.
Information can be tracked through generations, for inherited diseases, or by address, for infectious disease research.
Such enhancements for the rest of the population might increase emotional intelligence through the generations.
Every species adapts through the generations to survive in its habitat, or else it faces extinction.
However, even though the women were linked through generations of the same family the stories were too fragmented for me.
Spare but powerful, both of these books take readers through generations of African - American history effortlessly.
The wisdom of establishing these and other areas as reserves has made itself clear through generation of revenue from entrance fees and sustaining tour operations.
A useful tool granted through generations of adaptation, it allows organisms to blend in against their backgrounds.
We will generate further revenue for this project through the generation and sale of carbon credits, ensuring it is sustainable in the long term.
That means it should be better in low - light, which is an area smartphone cameras have progressively been improving upon through the generations.
These managers are responsible for driving growth of their organizations through generation of new business opportunities as well as employee motivation.
The Cash Application & Billing Specialist maintains databases by performing data entry, updating and retrieval activities through the generation and formation of applicable reports.
By definition, fairy tales have been handed down through generations over centuries.
I suppose lack of brain power and a healthy dose of hate due to being a scared little baby of anything you don't understand is handed down through generations as well.
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