Sentences with phrase «through human labour»

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Some elements of human rights can also be dealt with through language on labour and gender in an agreement.
The guideline highlights the importance of woman - centred care to optimize the experience of labour and childbirth for women and their babies through a holistic, human rights - based approach.
So it isn't an exact model: if domestic servants value productivity differs from (say) video game programmers, the price of the commodities they contribute to won't express the actual number of human hours of labour, but only the number of hours of human labour that our society (through market, production, class war) deems socially average.
On the other hand, re-education through labour (RETL)(laojiao (劳教)-RRB-, a draconian detention programme, has long been a focal point for critics of China's human rights record, whereby China's police can sentence an individual to three years (with a possible 4th year extension) in a labour camp without a trial
Speaking at an NASUWT fringe meeting at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton, NASUWT's Deputy General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach condemned the Government's attempts to undermine the Human Rights Act and curb the ability of trade unions to advocate and represent the interests of their members through the Trade Union Bill.
There is of course a strong religious lobby with deep roots in and outside of Labour which does not wholly share our values of social justice, human rights and equality and which is desperate not to lose its privileges nor one of its best recruiting grounds through running schools.
If Labour MPs were decent human beings (I know they aren't) then we could have a vote of no confidence passed through the Commons.
The new chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, now empowered to permit scientists to create hybrid embryos and saviour siblings, is not a whit dismayed by the ethical and religious fracas that broke out as the enabling bill laboured through parliament.
The texts explore the concept of equality and inequality through the history of human rights and any form of modern injustice such as child labour.
For instance, for those in Ontario, complaints can be submitted to the Ministry of Labour or the Pay Equity Commission and helpful resources are available through Ontario's equal pay coalition or the publicly funded Human Rights Legal Support Centre.
With Baby's got the Wedgwood Blues the idea of luxury is undercut through the «shonky» finish of the objects, their deliberate imperfection draws our attention to the labour entailed in producing these familiar domestic items; they become more human because of it.»
I'm an employment and labour lawyer, so I am often required to look at substance abuse issues through the lense of human rights law.
We use our extensive resume writing, human resources and career coaching expertise, new technologies and advanced knowledge of labour market trends and issues to promote our clients through strategic job - search & networking campaigns, attention - getting and industry targeted business & career documents (linkedin profile writing, resume, cover letter, networking & post-interview letters) and Interview & Career Coaching services.
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