Sentences with phrase «through illusion»

This is because within this framing transparency is seen as either a) ammunition — a way for those on the outer edges of the debate to target those in the arena whom they disagree with in order to discredit them; or b) a shield — a way to protect the status quo through the illusion of accountability.
6 June: A Journey through Illusion at cueB gallery is a retrospective dedicated to Italian artist Barbara Nati.
Instead of creating a realist effect through the illusion of depth, Cézanne experimented with painterly elements.
The viewer perceives oscillation through the illusion of a continuous wave produced by the physiological experience of space and movement.
Only through that illusion could art hope to signify the painted surface itself as object.
Some paintings depart from two dimensions through illusion, adding angled planes to the edge of his gridded rectangles, while sculpture takes the stacked colors into the center of a room.
Reality soon breaks through the illusion thanks to some dodgy textures and animation.
I was not about to let some publisher have them forever through the illusion of keeping the printed book in stock; HarperCollins maintains a deathgrip on my strongest backlist titles in this fashion.
Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity and even a bit of wizardry, Oscar transforms himself not only into a great wizard but into a better man as well.
Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity — and even a bit of wizardry — Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well.
Only Sherlock can see through the illusion to discover the truth behind it all.
Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity — and even some wizardry — Oscar transforms himself into the great wizard and a better man as well.
It derives from compassion, which comes from spiritual unity and identity, from seeing through the illusion of self; and results in understanding and charitable behavior.
On the other, there are those who profess to have seen through those illusions, and seek only their own advantage in a world stripped of all meaning.
We need to cut through our illusions and our pretences.
Like the Emperor with his new clothes, they are refusing to admit that the masses — in this case, the readers who are willing to put their hard earned money down to buy books — see through their illusions of grandeur and realize that they are marching down the street wearing nothing.
The Op art, or optical art, is a term used to describe certain artistic research that started in the 1960s which exploit the reliability of the eye through illusions or optical games.

Not exact matches

You may think you're handling it, but that's usually an illusion, supplied by the adrenaline released by the stress response, which masks the damage to your body by giving you a sense you're powering through it.
But the company is hoping to give those investors a boost through a sort of mathematical illusion: A recent study of Acorn's customers found that people were much more likely to agree to set aside $ 5 per day than $ 150 per month, even though they'd end up contributing the same amount either way.
Employees only need to perceive other employees aren't being treated well, and the illusion becomes exaggerated through rumors and stories retold.
Author and film producer Eric Schlosser, writing in his book «Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety», captures the raw power of the blast through the perspective of scientist Bernard O'Keefe:
Those who run the Fed are despondent that despite implementing for eight YEARS an interest rate policy specifically designed to enable Obama to create a totally false illusion of economic «recovery» by massively increasing government spending with trillions of phony, deficit, zero - interest - rate «dollars,» the people saw through the economic lie and defeated the Fed's next intended puppet, Clinton.
Well, I saw LES MIZ: It's an edifying tale of how personal transformation through faith and charity is real and how transformation through political revolution is a bloody illusion.
We have the illusion we can control our fate through individual economic opportunity, but we are in fact controlled by the very institutions that allegedly made our «freedom» possible.
And so the real - time responding screen becomes a field where one's actions produce outcomes and further enhance the metaphor and the illusion of control through or in a space — cyberspace.
But whatever the language, it sprang from the conviction that the only genuine hope, the only hope really worth hoping for, the only hope worth believing, the only hope which was not an illusion, was a hope grounded in God, the God whom we Christians know through the life and the mighty victory of Jesus Christ over the power of death.
Today, society beguiles us into doing this; through such devices as television, bureaucratic organization, and the conformist pressures arising from mass democracy, it tries ceaselessly to engross us in illusions of community.
It has a concern for her well - being at least as much as, perhaps more than, for my own, a desire to break through my own images and idealizations of the girl, my illusions about her, and at all costs to know her as she really is.
From the exposes of the illusions of modern conscious rationality by Freud, Marx and Nietzsche through contemporary feminist theory, modernity has been forced to rethink its Enlightenment heritage on both reason and.
However, as I scrolled through the 129 photos of and about the March posted by my friends on Instagram, not to mention the hundreds of photos and videos that flooded my Facebook and Snapchat, any illusions I held quickly faded away.
The true foolishness is the illusion of absolute security through property which death destroys.
(I would argue that the baby boom and the suburban explosion which led to the momentary illusion of mainline prosperity through the «50s only superficially ran against a trend already visible in the Depression and the «30s.)
He argues that people take to religion as a crutch, because they can't get through life without help» or, as he thinks, the illusion of help» and the Christian and Jew and Muslim smile benignly and admit they can't.
The idiom of resurrection recognizes this, and it is opposed to alternative views of man, either that a part of man survives death or that death is unreal, an illusion, simply being the name for the veil through which a man passes into a fuller life in another world from which we are ourselves cut off.
The «postulate» of freedom must henceforth cross through, not only the might of knowing, with its crisis of the transcendental illusion, but also the night of power, with its crisis of radical evil.
Emotionally mature Christians see through the facades of fear, and they know control of anything is largely an illusion.
It and many other wrong doings are being encouraged for decades now in our generations through the medias as «good» to do, it is just alright, and that it will have no consequences at all is the deeply persuaded «illusion» given to this world today.
He must struggle to liberate himself from sin through ascetical practice and acts of charity, suffering through his abandonment of the world; he must pass beyond the material illusions of this life to the spiritual realities through a loving participation in the sacraments; and, above all, he must welcome the gift of grace that transforms hearts of stone to hearts of flesh in the reception of the Eucharist, which is «the end of everything -LSB-...] the sharing in the mystery.
Our continuation of the «intellectual activity» of the prophets and of the early church, responding to the suspicion of a Marx, a Nietzsche, or a Freud, takes us through the «speculative Good Friday» which declares that the God of the transcendental illusion, the God of «dogmatic mythology» is indeed dead.
Although certain that their cause was a righteous cause, the Churches, this time, had no illusion that they knew perfectly the will of God and were, through America, his chosen instrument.
The mission of the Situationists was to find ways for people to express their authenticity by creating new «situations» through a critical hermeneutics «that sees through appearances, illusions, and fantasies to the realities being masked and covered over.»
But it does rest on the illusion, and «once we dispel the illusion we immediately restore to the human mind, through science and through metaphysics, a knowledge of the absolute» (CM 65).
These pressures on religious broadcasters find expression in their tendency to exaggerate reality either by selection, avoidance, or creation of certain incidents over others and the tendency to compromise with the illusion and sensation which television as a whole promotes through its programming.
Planet Hollywood at Disney Springs features 3 - D interiors that come to life through trompe l'oeil 3 - D technology, an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create an optical illusion that objects exist in the space rather than on the screen.
Takeovers are a form of corporate cannabilism that allows companies to perpetuate an illusion of growth without creating real added value through endogenous growth.
ALBANY, NY (03/30/2009)(readMedia)-- «There's a lot to dislike in the budget agreement reached between Governor David Paterson and the leaders of the two houses of the legislature, but no one should have any illusion that it moves New York forward through «shared sacrifice.»
Nobody should be under any illusion that the ruling All Progressives Congress will ever change from its mission of dictatorship through deliberate and carefully calculated violations of human rights, the rule of law and democratic processes.»
«But if you say, «Are you gonna vote for this person who went through this bureaucratic process to get to the point where you were given the illusion that you had a choice about how your city is going to work?»
They reveal a new model of representation: not through indexical photographs but through automated data collection from a myriad of different sources constantly updated and endlessly combined to create a seamless illusion; Google Earth is a database disguised as a photographic representation.
However, instead of displaying multiple images on separate panels and carefully aligning them — a tedious and time - consuming process — the researchers create the illusion of depth from a single image by altering the polarization of the light passing through the display.
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