Sentences with phrase «through indisputable»

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In the next chapter I will explain how the identification of Jesus as the Christ through this functional interpretation is indisputable, sufficient, and even sacred.
so that you have an obvious and indisputable miracle — well, then we need to go back to Chapter 3 and begin to work this through all over again.
But if you don't take their word for it (though it's as much primary historical evidence as any other thing we take as fact) there are so many thousands of indisputable miracles being performed through the name of Jesus today, that you'd have to be blind not to know it.
This could have given the indisputable process through which Oba Akanbi was crowned the 16th monarch of the ancient city and saved him the odium of this nature.
Attenborough's heartfelt admiration for the man's philosophy of resistance through peace is indisputable, yet it is expressed exclusively in conventional coffee - book epic tropes that render it a swollen underdog tale, with Gandhi as the exotic center of a huge, guest - star cast of Hollywood Yanks (Martin Sheen, Candice Bergen) lending liberal cred and old - pro Brits (Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Trevor Howard) supplying Imperial villainy.
She is a powerhouse in these movies, displaying a total performance through stoicism, and body language that hearkens back to the indisputable power of Maria Falconetti's performance in The Passion of Joan of Arc.
Also, it is indisputable through physics that CO2 causes warming.
If you do the same for 31 year averages, 32 year averages, 33 year averages, etc., on on through at least 70 year averages, you continue to find an indisputable trend of climate warming — even if you dismiss the land data as flawed because of the use of daily extremes rather than a more robust indication of the daily mean.
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