Sentences with phrase «through language use»

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When reaching out to a new contact, whether through LinkedIn or on the phone, use language that resembles:
That was the driving force behind both the Georgetown research and another recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania which focused on improving language skills through the use of tDCS.
Always use actionable language (tell them, don't ask them), and work through many iterations of your ad before deciding on the best one.
By using local languages in its marketing documents, Jain adds, the information filters through his customers» organizations, which, he reckons, helps establish Globeways as an easy firm to do business with.
You'd never know from the fighting language used by the B.C. premier that the pipeline has been safely transporting oil through the province for more than 60 years.
But why not take the time to look through sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, public Facebook Groups in your industry, or industry - specific forums to find the questions people are asking and the language they're using?
The question is not which is greater in its use of language and its power of insight, but why Milton has been the more important for our culture and what we can learn about the limits of both canonical writings and their challengers through this interesting juxtaposition.
Teilhard de Chardin uses more dynamic language, but his system in which matter and spirit are seen as essentially a single, twin - faceted energy that runs through the whole of reality, translates into much the same kind of «panentheistic» vision.
Most school learning occurs through the use of language.
He now speaks either through using a computer with a mechanised voice, or in language that Emma is able to understand.
The phenomena are described through classical language, but instead of using classical calculus to predict from one phenomenon to the next, we replace the classical calculus with the quantum algorithm — wave functions, matrices, and so on.
Everything created by and through the use of language must likewise be artificial, unnatural and unreal.
This does not mean outright rejection; it has to do with the attempt to penetrate through the symbolic (and mythological) language which religion inevitably uses to the basic reality that is there being affirmed.
All through, the teaching of Jesus about God is distinguished by the directness, warmth and simplicity with which the language of fatherhood is used.
A useful way of approaching the varied structures of human existence is through reflection on the meaning of «I.» The use of the first person singular in some way is probably coterminous with language, but its meaning varies widely.
Moreover, he goes on to praise the ancient Latin orations for giving «an other - worldly, superhuman atmosphere through their sense of age and mystery», which rather suggests that he was neither as favourable towards a vernacular Mass, nor as opposed to the use of «archaic language», as Fr Hill so confidently declares.
As background for any approach to Christian education through the insights of the findings of the philosophers of language, we need to look closely at the uses of language in the Bible, and especially in the Gospels.
In the same essay, Davison puts forward the case for continuing to use theological language, even when it might be strange, because «it is the task of apologetics to make things clear and on other occasions it is the task of apologetics to cut through the vapid familiarity of our time and present something unfamiliar, glorious and true».
There are ways around this, but the unrestricted multiplayer game allows your child to interact with strangers — who can use whatever language they want through the chat feature.
The purpose of traditional spiritual formation — the language used to describe faith formation before the time of Christian education — is to deepen awareness of what it means to claim and live through faith that is «the gift of God.»
But language is what the poet has to work with, and so the poet is forced to take sometimes exaggerated, sometimes extreme steps to pierce the mundane, breaking up lines, using words in odd new contexts, relying on sound effects and packing the stanzas with sensuous images and fragments from scripture, and the common language of faith suddenly takes on new meaning through these odd juxtapositions.
Meanwhile the USA countered the Taliban propaganda with its own campaign through the use of Middle Eastern media, besides dropping pamphlets from the air in Afghanistan and creating Radio Free Afghanistan, broadcasting American news and entertainment to Afghans in their local languages.
Furthermore, there are first - rank theologians and biblical scholars who, though they have rejected the crude literalism of a descent of Christ through the clouds as the mythological product of a prescientific age, nevertheless use the language of a second coming to designate the final consummation of the kingdom.
Baptismal language is used to describe believers as persons made new by God through Christ, by «washing of water with the word.»
It just means that whenever God enters the human story, God speaks to (and through) people using their own language, their own view of the world.
Those already sufficiently conscious of the sexual imbalance in language make the effort to use «a person,» «an individual,» «one,» «persons,» «people,» «humankind» (a word given deep poetic resonance in our century through T. S. Eliot's «Four Quartets»).
So Christians memorized them and passed them on, used them in sermons and letters and conversations, preserved them through the transition from the Aramaic to the Greek language until the days when they collected them into our Gospels.
Until then, we just muddle through as best we can, using sign - language and unvocalized grunts in attempts to explain the infinite mysteries and wisdom of God.
In the case of many of the addresses copies in two of these languages were scattered through the assembly while the speaker used the third.
It has been argued that the word «knoweth» is used in this verse because in the original language of the book of Matthew, the meaning was «to know instinctively» as in no man knoweth the hour nor the day instinctively but could possibly learn it through a study of God's word.
The NOSB has reviewed the allowance for synthetic inerts during sunset reviews and recommended that the NOP continue to use the current annotations until the NOP implements the new language through rulemaking.
Bespoke websites which appeal to children through the use of language intended for, spoken by or directly to children.
What used to be something you had to search for in foreign languages, on video - cassette, in hard - to - find European magazines, through penpals... was now something everyone of a certain educational level was expected to be at least conversant in.
What bothers me sometimes is the language being used to portray ones opinion on an Arsenal man through and through, not just any Arsenal man but the one that gave us our best ever memories.
The guidelines repeatedly reference breastfeeding quotas, instructs healthcare facilities to keep formula «out of view of patients and the general public,» and uses insulting language such as, «human milk fed through the mother's own breast is the normal way for human infants to be nourished.»
They guide you through the process in the Course using easy - to - understand language.
If you're concerned by the language used or name - calling, it's appropriate to «coach» kids through what they're feeling by using appropriate words.
I am trying to work through how to use language positively to help us all negotiate conversations sensitively and wondered 1) do I volunteer that Elana is adopted or wait til she is old enough to decide who to tell.
Direction and use of directional language — forwards, backwards, through, move, go, turn, rotate, number of degrees in a turn.
The channel helps kids all around the world familiarize themselves with the English language through the use of song and animation.
What they are learning while they play: literacy: storytelling from memory, retelling in correct order, sequencing, remembering key elements of a story, using storybook language in play motor skills: scooping, pouring, tipping, pinching and raking through sensory materials maths: counting out numbers of objects to match those in a book, problem solving
Through sensory play and sensory bins children are using the scientific method and are also building pre-math skills, fine motor skills, language skills, imaginative play, and much much more.
Districts can further lessen their exposure by instituting risk management programs that ensure the safety of school personnel, students, and visitors; by seeking protection through insurance; and by putting language into shared use agreements requiring the user to assume all or part of the liability in the event of injury or property damage.
AVT guides caregivers and parents in helping your child develop spoken language through listening, using everyday natural and meaningful communication.
We also demonstrated to the Commission that the current regulations fail to stop cross promotion of infant formula brands through other products, so the language in the Delegated Acts was toughened up to make it even clearer that infant formula branding and package text, images and colours should be clearly distinct from those used on follow - on formula.
«Children are able to communicate through sign language earlier than they are able to use spoken language.
Research shows that preverbal infants can communicate through the use of sign language long before they can verbalize their needs.
Through this activity, you will help your child develop her observation skills, increase her ability to express herself and, without realizing it, she will be using mathematical and scientific language.
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When your child does something dangerous or disrespectful, use empathy and respectful language to guide him to the appropriate behavior by stating the limit and helping him follow through.
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