Sentences with phrase «through probate»

The ownership of the condo passed to your mother's heirs at the instant of her death, even though no one has gone through the probate process with the court.
Money awarded from an insurance policy, particularly the death benefit, does not ordinarily go through a probate process since the insurance company automatically sends the payment to the beneficiary.
Because the policy payout can pass straight to your spouse when you die, without going through probate court and without being subject to estate taxes.
After the death of an individual, it is a requirement for his or her will to pass through the probate process.
You may wish to focus on taking care of your family during its time of loss, rather than attend to the challenges of putting an estate through probate.
Not all property must go through probate when a person dies.
While estates must go through a probate before they are passed onto heirs, life insurance proceeds do not need to go through that process.
If it is payable to your estate, however, it will have to go through probate with the rest of your assets.
If your will is not valid, then your estate must pass through probate which can be time consuming and costly.
We can help you walk through the probate procedure step by step and ensure that you are properly administering your loved one's estate.
Even without an estate plan, we can help you get through probate depending on the nature of the estate and the possibility of disputes among the heirs.
Life insurance proceeds, however, do not need to go through probate unless the estate is named as the beneficiary.
When a car owner dies, change of ownership is usually handled through probate, which can take months.
If the home doesn't have to go through probate then the only reason why it would take two months is because of the turn times of the lender.
Whether it's planning for your family's future, executing a loved one's will, or working through the probate process, we're ready to help.
These actions are brought in the name of the personal representative of the deceased person (appointed through probate) within two years of the date of death.
Any asset forced through the probate process also becomes part of public record, so privacy is lost.
Legal Costs — In settling an estate, it is often incumbent that an estate will have to be settled through probate which entails legal costs that can be quite expensive.
We assist with a wide range of estate issues, from helping to protect assets through strong estate plans to guiding people through the probate process.
Because insurance benefits do not need to pass through probate court and are not taxable, there is no delay in distributing the assets to the beneficiaries.
The process of guiding an estate through probate can be a difficult one.
For estates not passing through probate, the deceased's family can sell the property and use the proceeds to pay off the outstanding mortgage balance.
However, those assets will not have to pass through probate when you die.
While drafting a will is a great start to estate planning, it often has to go through probate before its affects take place.
If it is payable to your estate, however, it will have to go through probate with the rest of your assets.
After the property goes through the probate process, the court will authorize you to act in any way you wish.
It's generally faster because you avoid going through probate court.
With more than 35 years of experience, The Eleff Law Group, in Bethesda, Silver Spring and Frederick, Maryland, guides families through probate in a cost - effective and efficient manner.
An administrator can be one of the heirs, but since guiding an estate through probate takes detailed knowledge of probate court procedure, heirs to an estate generally retain an attorney to oversee these matters.
Probate - free Death Benefit Unless your assets are in a trust, your estate will need to go through probate after your death.
Revocable trusts are commonly used in estate planning because assets that are owned by the revocable trust do not have to pass through probate upon the grantor's death.
If an account holder did not designate a beneficiary, typically the account would become part of the estate to be dispersed through probate court.
It transfers any remaining property and assets to your Living Trust after your death, so nothing gets left out, or has to go through probate separately.
When a loved one passes away and their estate is distributed through the probate process, a beneficiary or trustee who feels as though they are being improperly treated or discriminated against may opt to dispute the execution.
An estate administration lawyer can help you navigate your way through probate — the legal process of administering an estate — and help make this process as stress - free as possible so you can focus on your healing.
Create a Small Estate Affidavit to quickly guide an estate settlement through probate court.
We guide clients through the probate process while working to resolve complex estate disputes.
If you only name one executor, and they are unwilling or unable to serve, your estate may then have to go through probate even though you have a will.
Often, they're not the best way to do things, because they tend to leave out important details and can cost a lot to usher through probate, but they are recognized by probate courts.
Uncontested divorces move faster through the Probate and Family Courts; they're cheaper; and they're easier on the family.
And even though your case has to be approved through probate court in Ohio for settlement, that doesn't mean the settlement will be everything it's supposed to.
It also helped clear up outstanding debt or even paid an attorney who guided the survivors through probate.
My wife and I were recently referred to Todd for the purchase of a family home through the probate process.
By the way, what will be the difference in contacting the executor through the probate process as oppose to waiting for files to close and then contacting heirs at a later date once they've received numerous calls / offers?
After going through the Probate on my Mothers property with my siblings, the thought of reading it crossed my mind a couple of months ago.
In this case a spouse, or a trusted loved one, had better have immediate access to that cash as it is quite possible that these assets will be frozen until the estate get through probate.
Real estate agents build vibrant businesses through probate.
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