Sentences with phrase «through public action»

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Reward employees who take accountability for their actions — good or bad — through public recognition and praise.
In 2010, Russ Shay, the Alliance's public policy director, privately urged IRS officials to crack down on the syndicators through more aggressive action than individual audits — perhaps by issuing a public advisory.
The Vancouver Board of Trade is strongly supportive of the announced Action Plan for Women Entrepreneurs, as well as its promise to modernize Canada's corporate governance framework through amendments to the Canada Business Corporations Act to promote gender diversity among public companies, using the widely recognized «comply or explain» model.
Remedy is improving consumer health engagement and actions through the development of authentic communities of health information seekers who can interact and learn from relatable physician, pharmacist, public health and patient experts.
The House also holds the government accountable through public debate, questioning, and review of government legislation and action.
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
In Harper's, Kazin identifies «Arendt as a scholar who writes with deeply moving personal urgency about politics in its classic signification» when it meant no context for office or administration but the public realm in which alone, through action, man knew freedom.»
In the case of ACT and the churches, the approach to the communications industry has been through a combination of education, public protest and stockholder action.
Through personal action and public pronouncements, these agency people led the church into the forefront of the fight against social injustice.
Moreover, for the ministers of the Reformed churches «preaching» was a symbolic word; it meant not only public discourse but every action through which the gospel was brought home and men were moved to repent before God and to trust in him.
«When both the logic of the market and the logic of the State come to an agreement that each will continue to exercise a monopoly over its respective area of influence, in the long term much is lost: solidarity in relations between citizens, participation and adherence, actions of gratuitousness, all of which stand in contrast with giving in order to acquire (the logic of exchange) and giving through duty (the logic of public obligation, imposed by State law).
The actions of government» through zoning boards, urban renewal agencies, public housing authorities, school boards, etc.» inevitably contributed, or so the argument went, to residential segregation.)
From the time she denounced Britain's participation in World War II as a girl (because it was plain to her, just months out of her teens, that Britain would be carrying out deliberate attacks on civilians), through her widely publicized opposition as a young don to Oxford's awarding an honorary degree to Harry Truman (on the ground that «having a couple of massacres to his credit» disqualifies a man for public honors), to her recent arrests in her seventies for participation in pro-life actions parallel to those carried out by «Operation Rescue» in the United States (because she found the life of a conceived child as worthy of protection and respect as any other), her life recalls John Paul II's injunction: «Always seek the truth; venerate the truth discovered; obey the truth.
If religions thus eschew separate «communal power» and seek justice in society, there is no reason why for this purpose, they should not bring their specific faith - insights regarding public morality into dialogue and common action through secular multi-religious groups open for faith - interaction among themselves as well as with secular ideologies.
For others, those convinced that morality is private, and that only they themselves can judge the rightness of their own actions, healing means accepting ambivalence, and perhaps offering comfort to others through public confession.
Think - tank Activities SOAAN will progress in stepwise fashion in order to develop the outputs mentioned above: Step 1) Review existing science and actions: An overview or survey of the existing science on the topic, including a discussion of the limitations of scope, empirical data, and their reliability and applicability to the organic sector's understanding of best practice; Step 2) Actors engagements: Identification in both public and private sectors of the institutions and individuals active on the topic and their respective roles and networks, so that SOAAN and the organic sector then moves to engage them, along with think tanking activities; Step 3) Think tank: Development of the model, the strategy and promotional / advocacy tools through think tank efforts including piloting cases to gain experience and showcase practicability; Step 4) Synthesis: Publication of the results, tools and recommendations.
Through nine games, Dallas has received the majority of public action eight times, with Week 5 against Green Bay the only instance where public bettors preferred their opponent.
Through nine games, Dallas has received the majority of public action eight times, with Week 5 against Green...
This post will remain «live» through kickoff of the College Football Playoff Championship Game on January 12th between the Ohio State Buckeyes and Oregon Ducks and will be constantly updated to reflect major line moves, public betting trends, sharp money indicators (action from professional bettors and / or syndicates), injury news and relevant betting analysis, so please check back often.
Bettors fading these trendy public teams have already earned a very nice profit through eight weeks of NFL action.
Using the tools and data available through The Action Network, let's break down how both professional and public bettors are treating this matchup.
The action guide includes best practices for promoting healthy eating and physical activity for children from infancy through school age, based on current science, public health research, and national recommendations and standards.
IBFAN — the International Baby Food Action Network — consists of over 27o public interest groups working in 168 countries to promote the health and well - being of infants, young children and their mothers through the protection, promotion and support of optimal infant and young child feeding practices.
«Not only will EPA actions to curb carbon pollution through the Clean Power Plan and new fuel standards combat climate change, they will encourage economic growth, spur innovation in our energy sector, and improve public health for all of our communities.»
It is our role to take the information we learn from them and share it not just with the broader scientific community but with the public through storytelling and personal connections that inspire action.
Pettit is just one fore - runner in the emergence of a contemporary republicanism that seeks to reaffirm the market as constructed through public, political action, rather than as belonging to the private realm.
We fight climate change, conserve land and water, and protect public health in New York State through political action.
Nixon called out every branch of the government for neglecting public housing, urging them to step up and take immediate action, «These people can't go through another winter without heat or water,» she said.
«Local officials should follow through with law enforcement and report potential violations so that appropriate actions can be taken to protect the public and keep our roadways safe.»
Iliescu's actions sent a powerful message to the Romanian public: Romanian leaders would not hesitate to crush popular uprisings through violence and force.
Recently, the country has witnessed the emergence of «mob rule», which is the presence of radical groups that aim to control public life through intimidation and violent actions.
The Public and Commercial Services Union general secretary said a march of one million people through London followed by strike action on a «large scale» would force the government to think again on cuts.
Immunization Action Plan Grant: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (herein referred to as «CDC») provides a number of grants to NYSDOH and DOH for various health related issues through the Public Health Fund.
«The bill that Gov. Cuomo is attempting to get through his state Legislature on fast - track — no hearings and no public discussion — shows Cuomo at his worst: Unable to persuade the bi-state Port Authority to do his bidding, he now hopes to strip it of independent action, crippling its ability to carry out its major functions, and turning it into an extension of the governor's office,» said Jameson Doig, author of Empire on the Hudson, the authoritative history of the Port Authority.
• The 37 distinct action items of the Oneida County Farmland Protection Plan which lay out five goals of supporting ag - business while creating new businesses; connecting local farmers with consumers; bringing new individuals to agriculture through education initiatives; increasing public awareness and protecting important farmland resources.
In this regard, he enjoined the citizenry to desist from promoting and tolerating corruption through their action of encouraging corrupt officials to live above their legitimate means by making requests of them that they can not meet within their legitimate income as public officials.
Then there's the individual as the vector of social change, the perception that Society is immanent in each individual action and can't simply be hypostasised as the State, imposed from above or evoked through fugitive concepts such as «public opinion» It's a view that's been quite strong since the late 1960s and is shared (the «desiring subject» for example) by what remains of the libertarian part of the Left.
Moore explained that an API from Sunlight would rely on a scraping process that would involve Sunlight going the extra steps of «going through the website everyday, and seeing what's new, storing it, sorting it, categorizing it, and then putting it back out to the public,» while it would be most valuable for the Council to be the «primary data publisher about what's going on in their legislative actions, and what's happening with different issues.»
«Given the overwhelming evidence that Exxon Mobil knew the facts about climate change but chose to mislead the public and their investors through a massive campaign of climate denial, we strongly support NYS lawmakers taking action to hold them accountable, «Lipton said.
The group Change Through Action and SUNY Plattsburgh's Institute for Ethics in Public Life and the Center for Community Engagement are branding the event as non-partisan candidate forum open to all.
«Through our research we found public commitment, which is a declaration of a position, increases the likelihood of compliance to a course of action and is a key part of a successful weight loss plan,» Bradford said.
Some among the 2,800 participants said such actions could also have hidden dividends of actually improving public health through cleaner air and the incentive to take more exercise in the new open spaces.
Buttke is interested in using public interest in personal health as a way to increase support for public green space, and enhancing public understanding of how human actions can drive infectious disease spread through a variety of avenues including school programs, websites, and smart phone apps.
To report annually to the Association, through the Council — and, as appropriate, to other scientific and technological communities and to the general public — the activities of the Committee and its general assessment of significant developments during the year that affect scientific freedom and scientific responsibility and that call for examination, discussion and possible action.
Members of these grassroots outfits, often operating at the risk of arrest or harassment, press for environmental improvements through public demonstrations and the limited legal action allowed.
«Health care and public health professionals now have a limited window of opportunity to engage policymakers about protecting Dreamers through legislative action, with an emphasis on the potentially dire mental health consequences of failing to enact a definitive legal remedy,» Venkataramani said.
The 2016 Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report: Reaching Goals Through Action and Innovation is being issued by the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health today ahead of World Pneumonia Day, which takes place every year on November 12.
The Convention recognizes the importance of women in the implementation of the Convention, and identifies critical areas for their engagement: (i) awareness - raising, and participation in the design and implementation of programmes; (ii) decision - making processes that men and women adopt at the local level in the governance of development, implementation and review of regional and national action programmes (RAPs and NAPs); and (iii) capacity - building, education and public awareness, particularly at local level through the support of local organizations.
He is the author of four books: Tough Liberal: Albert Shanker and the Battles Over Schools, Unions, Race and Democracy (Columbia University Press, 2007); All Together Now: Creating Middle Class Schools through Public School Choice (Brookings Institution Press, 2001); The Remedy: Class, Race, and Affirmative Action (Basic Books, 1996); and Broken Contract: A Memoir of Harvard Law School (Hill & Wang / Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1992.)
The main activities implemented in the program by the students, under the coordination of their teacher, are: (1) analysis of the problems of the local Roma community; (2) selection of a problem for in - depth study by the class, a problem that can be solved through local public policies; (3) collecting information about the problem from various sources, including members of the Roma community, public institutions, NGOs, specialists, and analysis of possible solutions; (4) drafting a public policy that could solve the problem; (4) developing an action plan to influence public authorities to adopt the public policy proposed by the students; (5) organizing a showcase at local level in which students present their projects; (6) reflecting on the learning experience.
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