Sentences with phrase «through public policy initiatives»

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We accelerate business success through our advocacy and public policy initiatives, our four Signature Programs for professional development, and our 100 + events each year, which educate and connect our region's business community.
Through several public policy initiatives, NACO represents Angel asset class issues of national significance, assumes a leadership role in areas requiring national coordination and support, and promotes the Angel asset class to the general public in Canada and abroad.
FAO collaborates with the public sector, the private sector and civil society to develop and implement food loss and waste prevention and reduction solutions through: i) Advocacy and awareness raising; ii) Collaboration and coordination of world - wide initiatives on food loss and waste reduction; iii) Research to evidence for policy, strategy, legislation and standards development; iv) Support to investment programmes and projects.
In 2012 the AAPD through the Council on Government Affairs developed a state Public Policy Advocate initiative in order to strengthen and coordinate advocacy efforts by our state chapters.
B Lab drives systemic change through three interrelated initiatives: 1) building a community of Certified B Corporations to make it easier for all of us to tell the difference between «good companies» and just good marketing; 2) accelerating the growth of the impact investing asset class through use of B Lab's GIIRS impact rating system by institutional investors; and 3) promoting supportive public policies, including creation of a new corporate form and tax, procurement, and investment incentives for sustainable business.
«Cooking up major policy initiatives completely in secret and then banging them through with virtually no opportunity for the public to weigh in.»
Mr. de Blasio's announcement today follows a flurry of similar policy initiatives that Mr. Cuomo, after his skepticism of the State Legislature, rolled out unilaterally over the last year: first, a $ 15 - an - hour wage for fast food workers through a special wage board, then the same for state public employees last November, and most recently for SUNY employees Monday — complete with a call for the city to follow.
In addition to publishing Science, AAAS fulfills its mission to «advance science and serve society» through initiatives in science policy; diplomacy; education and career support; public engagement with science; and more.
Holdren walked through the policies and initiatives former President Barack Obama set into motion with his 2009 inaugural pledge to «restore science to its rightful place,» and laid out what is needed to preserve the capacity of science to advance «economic prosperity, public health, environmental sustainability and national security, among other laudable aims.»
Through the internships and other initiatives described below, the institute helps Rice students explore careers in public policy, or simply become better informed about important issues of the day.
The first national organization committed exclusively to championing economic empowerment, financial education, asset development and financial stability for all persons with disabilities, NDI affects change through public education, policy development, training, technical assistance and innovative initiatives.
The nonprofit AAAS ( is open to all and fulfills its mission to «advance science and serve society» through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement, and more.
Influential Leadership — We will demonstrate influential leadership through unrelenting advocacy for our cause, perceived clout among education, legislative, government and community leaders, and achieved results of our public policy initiatives.
The survey showed that the public rejects school accountability built on standardized tests, which has been federal policy through No Child Left Behind, the signature education initiative of President George W. Bush.
We also have increased citizen participation on all fronts, including engaging the public on departmental policy and regulations and in local transportation decision - making through our Ladders of Opportunity efforts and initiatives such as the Every Place Counts challenge.
The DOT gathered input from stakeholders through a number of public meetings, online webinars, and conferences as well as online dialogues related to key policy initiatives.
The National Link Coalition is a national initiative to address the link through education, public policy, programs, and research (
AIDS Timelinematerialized a dense cross-section of societal responses to and constructions of AIDS through artworks, artifacts, media accounts, medical statistics, governmental policies, activist initiatives, community organizations and public opinion — taking into account the particular social contexts and location of its presentation at the University of Berkeley.
The emergency contraception public health initiative did not merely expand EC availability through pharmacists provision; the total yearly number of ECs received by women more than doubled by the second year of the new policy.
The Public Policy and Advocacy Committee promotes SEL through legislation and other policy initiatives at the local, state, and national Policy and Advocacy Committee promotes SEL through legislation and other policy initiatives at the local, state, and national policy initiatives at the local, state, and national level.
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