Sentences with phrase «through racial stereotyping»

For some years, Himid has been applying paint to pages of the Guardian to isolate photographs of black people, obscuring the rest of the news to draw attention to the media's way of making black faces both visible and yet also invisible through racial stereotyping (rappers, victims, athletes and so on).
Or, because through racial stereotyping, they are given classes exhibiting the most challenging behaviour.

Not exact matches

Sotomayor wrote that the prosecutor «tapped a deep and sorry vein of racial prejudice that has run through the history of criminal justice in our nation,» and that he had attempted to «substitute racial stereotype for evidence.»
Since the 1960s, David Hammons has confronted American cultural stereotypes and racial issues through wittily incisive sculptures, installations, performances, and body prints.
A leading member of the YBA (Young British Artists) group that gained notoriety in the late 1990s through their use of provocative forms and diverse materials, Chris Ofili creates paintings and collages which tackle themes around sexual and racial stereotypes, love, gender, and mortality.
Through recurring motifs such as flat, featureless human bodies and slave ships, Evans investigates the legacy of colonialism addressing the themes of racial stereotyping, migration, diaspora and the transatlantic slave trade.
June 15 — August 11, 2007 Transformer featured dynamic artists who address issues of role - playing, racial and gender stereotypes, and gender identity through employing alter egos in their work.
The artist, who currently lives and works in Chicago, is known for chronicling the African American experience, confronting racial stereotypes, and questioning history through comic book - style drawings, paintings, and installations, as well as collage, video, and photography.
Kare also relied on other artists who addressed racial stereotypes through creating pieces, referencing and giving them an important role whilst making sure that the African - American art scene stays as interconnected as possible.
Within the context of the exhibition, Shonibare's work explores the social constructs which inform the human condition by examining racial and cultural stereotypes through juxtaposing a white and a black ballerina dancing each other's mirror image in what is traditionally a solo from Swan Lake.
Bad, Bad Ads — M.H. Miller profiles Hank Willis Thomas for ArtNews, focusing on the American artist's fascination and discomfort with advertising images, particularly those that operate through racial or gendered stereotypes (that is, essentially all ads we've seen for the past century or so).
Gary Simmons Artist Talk Wednesday, November 15, 6:30 PM Rennie Museum Staging history through the looking glass of popular culture, Simmons» work exposes the impossibility of abolishing racial and cultural stereotypes from our shared memory, presenting a balanced, forthright address of racial, social and cultural politics.
Through personal contact with Indigenous people who had been taken from their families, many non-Indigenous Australians in the 12 months since the release of Bringing Them Home began to gain a better understanding of the discrimination experienced by Indigenous people, and an insight into damage done by policies based on racial stereotypes which reinforced and perpetuated the very stereotypes underpinning these policies.
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