Sentences with phrase «through reading and writing»

Ghosts, phantoms, the paranormal, and the unexplained have been a life - long interest, and she continues to pursue that interest through both reading and writing.
• Prepared students for high school history through reading and writing workshops that led to a 20 percent increase in test grades.
If you haven't developed that skill through reading and writing (whether in school or elsewhere), your shaky writing foundation is much more likely to collapse when asked to support a «good vocabulary.»
Ghosts, phantoms, the paranormal, and the unexplained have been a life - long interest, and she continues to pursue that interest through both reading and writing.
Students learn to construct meaning through reading and writing and to assume responsibility for their own learning.
Students make meaning of the world and develop their voices through reading and writing about history.
They often cite the shift in literacy that has come through reading and writing» i.e., that people read and write / decode and create not just from left to right but also in and out, up and down.
The toolkit, expected to become available later in 2011 or in 2012, includes content - neutral formative assessment templates teachers can use to help students progress through reading and writing assignments that grow more demanding in terms of text complexity and expectations for thinking and writing.
The Academy Charter High School English Language Arts (ELA) teacher works to deepen students» mastery of the English Language through reading and writing.
Others might find they learn better visually, gaining understanding through reading and writing.
Frontier is the best tool for teachers to increase critical thinking in the classroom through reading and writing lessons.
Teachers must also be able to utilize technology in ways that require students to use it for higher - level tasks such as: sorting information, conducting research, communicating through reading and writing, and creating real - world products.
In addition to helping educators hone a classroom approach to writing that focuses on more in - depth analysis and metacognition, we help guide them through a unit or a year of instruction: Where do we start, and how do we proceed, to gradually build our students» ability to work through the reading and writing process successfully?
They could not learn through reading and writing since few could do either,» she added.
Ghosts, phantoms, the paranormal, and the unexplained have been a life - long interest, and she continues to pursue that interest through both reading and writing.
Using this to mean you can run a node and through it read and write to the Ethereum blockchain, i.e., use the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Not exact matches

«Read through Zhang's apology and it is quickly apparent that this is a mea culpa made under extreme political pressure, in which Zhang, an engineer by background, ticks the necessary ideological boxes to signal his intention to fall into line,» David Bandurski, co-director of the China Media Project, wrote on the site.
We wrote this book with the hope that it would be read, paged through, used, and generally kept handy on every entrepreneur's bookshelf.
If there is no one else in the business you trust to read through and correct the release, set to one side for a few hours after writing and then come back to it and read through thoroughly once again.
I don't follow many newsletters anymore, but Jonny's writing is always so on point and such a good pick me up that it's one of my must - reads every time it flows through my inbox.
He's a lifelong learner who loves to read, write and serve his church in whatever way he can, especially through youth and young adult ministries.
And through it all, God hears my cries, He reads my prayers, and He cheers me on in this race as I continue to wriAnd through it all, God hears my cries, He reads my prayers, and He cheers me on in this race as I continue to wriand He cheers me on in this race as I continue to write.
I spent the next few mornings doing the same exercise — reading through Scripture and writing down the things God wanted to be present in my life.
Several years before he died in 430, Augustine began to read through all his writings and wrote what we know today as the Retractiones, a title that might be translated as «reconsiderations.»
Spend time reading through the Bible and writing down how you can implement what you read.
After reading, reviewing, and writing on Hannah Arendt, I have come to think of her, fairly or otherwise, as a special voice, one of many» they range from Thomas Mann to Karl Jaspers to Marlene Dietrich» who came through the fires of hell called Nazi Germany with their consciences intact.
His post was one of the most intelligently written, grammatically correct, concise posts I've read yet - and I've been wading through 20 pages of this stuff.
I appreciate your work and look forward to reading through your writing.
Much of what I read on depression, on suicide, on homosexuality, seems written by people who begin with a Christian conclusion and who, in fact, have never been through the anguished steps that are the familiar path to a person struggling with depression, suicide or homosexuality.
Paul was writing to Christians whom he had never seen, but expected soon to see, and he sets forth the common faith which he is sure they already hold — «the gospel of God, (See Mark 1:14 — though the text may originally have read, «the gospel of the Kingdom of God,» as in the A. V.) which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the sacred writings,
Read through the eyes of the people who wrote it, Genesis 1 would seem very different from the way most people today would tend to read it — including both evolutionists who may dismiss it as a prescientific account of origins, and creationists who may try to defend it as the true science and literal history of origRead through the eyes of the people who wrote it, Genesis 1 would seem very different from the way most people today would tend to read it — including both evolutionists who may dismiss it as a prescientific account of origins, and creationists who may try to defend it as the true science and literal history of origread it — including both evolutionists who may dismiss it as a prescientific account of origins, and creationists who may try to defend it as the true science and literal history of origins.
Then I red something like this, that you wrote almost four years ago and it encourages me, because you were speaking to my heart 4 years ago, and today I am here and reading it, because God saw fit to use you through the written word.
For anyone reading this, if you want to do something productive, find the names of his victims and write them a letter of support that will help them through.
It allows the Word of God to remain alive rather than shrouding it in the binder of the most read, but yet the most misinterpreted book ever written — because many of those who read it, read it through the eyes and mind of an ancient civilization that was only beginning to understand the mysteries of creation.
When it comes to scripture though we have a written record that yes must be read and therefore interpreted but has been done so throughout the history of the Church and corrected by the same through the oversight and guidance of God himself and it endures even till today.
The primary form of intellectual ENGAGEMENT is through reading, and the second through talking about and writing about what you've read.
Since Tomas has been reading for some time now, we have some technical work to do with him to help his acquired literary crafts: penmanship and things that, once they can be explained through logic, might enable him to write down his own stories.
Day by day young Marcus went through his routine tasks at the office of the firm, posting accounts, checking the long bills of lading; for he certainly could read and write, and was thus in touch with the outside world of trade.
Answer: I wrote you about viewing anything through the ways of the world, as usual, you keep your silly debates going because you ignore anything I write on His truth, that, and know your school didn't teach you diddly so you sharpen your knowledge on His truth through other Christians that read the Bible and explain their knowledge of His truth..
I sometimes imagine there is a «Comedy Hour» in heaven where God and the angels read through all the things we Christian theologians preach and teach and write about.
Jeremy, you wrote, «Why can we see «through» the blatant lies and false accusations and scapegoating violence when we read the account of the crucifixion, but not when we read the rest of the Bible?»
There are always pessimistic and optimistic views over Islam but my religion teaches peace and humanity and jihad is to resist against wrong no matter if some one have same faith, it can be through writing also and please if u haven't read my religion, (which I can see) then please DO N'T comment.
But as I read through the material and listened to the instruction about how to set up a top - ranked blog and write posts that engage with readers, I kept thinking to myself, «I wish I had known this ten years ago when I started this blog.
I love everything by C. S. Lewis, and am trying to read through everything he has ever written (that I can find, anyway).
I was raised a Fundamentalist, and I read through the entire KJV, in the order in which it was written, and I was shaken by what I read.
I was recently reading through Job again and have written a post which is a dialogue between a modern day counselor and Job (using only words Job himself said).
Somewhere along the way, if you can work through the feelings of rejection and bitterness that nobody is reading, you realize that your writing is cathartic.
The «we - they» theme runs through much of his writing on Islam, coming perhaps into clearest focus in a paper read to the Conference on Near East History held at the School of Oriental and African Studies London University, 1968, not yet published.
VERDICT: Elegantly structured and thoughtfully written, Evans's approach to church through the metaphors of the sacraments should please many reading groups and individual seekers.»
This time, like before, I followed the tutorial written in 101 Desserts mag by Helen of Tartelette — I read it all through twice, and then had it in front of me making this, double checking each step of the way.
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