Sentences with phrase «through skeptical eyes»

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I'd gotten so good at critiquing all the fallacies of opposing worldviews, at searching for truth through objective analysis, that it was only a matter of time before I turned the same skeptical eye upon my own faith.
The excellent script, credited to Kelly Marcel and Sue Smith, is sensitive and personal, depicting Disney (both the entity and the person) through Travers» skeptical eye.
Much of the film is told through the eyes of his skeptical son, Nicky (Noah Jupe), who eventually figures out what is going on, as does the investigator, Bud Cooper (Oscar Isaac in the role originally intended for Clooney).
I think through similar circumstances and reasons these two findings received something less than normal critical reviews and needed or need to be looked at with a critical if not skeptical eye.
Through research, crowdsourcing, and interviews with industry experts known for their skeptical eye, we uncovered some of the most questionable dogmas, along with reasons they should be dismissed.
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