Sentences with phrase «through skin scraping»

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This common skin infection occurs when one of two types of bacteria (streptococci or staphylococci) enters baby's system through a break in the skin (e.g., a bug bite, a little scrape, a fingernail scratch, or a chickenpox blister).
Cut through the skin and flesh halfway along to the drumstick and scrape back the flesh, then smash through the bone.
«The heavy boats scraped and rubbed the men's shoulders, wearing through their shirts, and then their skin, until the white tips of bones poked out.»
My three cats love to lick, and when they get going, it can feel almost like they are scraping through the skin.
CA - MRSA most often enters the body through a cut or scrape and appears in the form of a skin or soft tissue infection, such as a boil or abscess.
Rabies virus is shed in the saliva of infected animals, and transmitted through breaks in the skin caused by a bite, or via a scrape or wound.
His pieces are created through a method he developed himself: He reproduces images in thick oil paint on a piece of glass, scrapes off the «oil skin» from the glass when it's dry, and collages these pieces over large - scale canvases to create totally new art pieces — proving, of course, that there's more than one way to skin a canvas.
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