Sentences with phrase «through sniffles»

Through sniffles, he admitted, «Ask for help.»
AdV normally causes self - limiting upper respiratory infections that are expressed through sniffles and coughs with that allover achy feeling.

Not exact matches

My preschooler is sniffling her way through a bowl right now!
Sniffling and bleary - eyed, Hamed held on through Round 11, when Medina staggered to the ropes and failed to answer the bell for Round 12.
Other telltale signs of a respiratory allergy include red, itchy, or watery eyes, wheezing, coughing, sniffling, rubbing the nose, breathing through the mouth, and sneezing.
As a family of 5 we go through winter with lots of colds and sniffles Vicks are trying to help families...
The mayor, sniffling through his remarks, highlighted major investments in the city's public hospitals, whose finances, a city - commissioned report found, were teetering on the edge «of a financial cliff,» and in shoring up the city's bridges, as well as a one - time, $ 183 credit paid out on the water bills of more than half a million homeowners.
I've slept on my back on occasion — usually when I'm sniffling through a restless night with a cold — and it's never gone well.
In response to the warm weather, pollen production goes up, and the presence of pollen in the air can leave even people with mild allergies sneezing, sniffling, and rubbing their itchy eyes through Labor Day.
And keep in mind that to the CDC, a flu shot is a success if it prevents hospitalizations and deaths, not if you sail through the season without a sniffle.
First, a child comes home with a sniffle, or a colleague down the hall has a dry cough... before you know it, the «bug» had gone through your entire household.
Whether they have children or not, anyone who makes it through these two hours of primal parental fears without choking back a sniffle or two would qualify as pitiably hard - hearted.
I wept, and sobbed, and sniffled, and wailed through the bittersweet adventures of two immigrants - a bear from Peru in London, and an improvised sushi chef from Syria in Helsinki in Paddington 2 (truly a work of comedic wonder, which also made me cry tears of joy) and The Other Side of Hope; the dredged up pain of Folsom Prison inmates in The Work; the anger of racial injustice and prejudice exposed through James Baldwin's words in I Am Not Your Negro - and the blow of that Kendrick Lamar song that comes with the end credits; the disconnection of fathers and daughters in the corporate capitalist world who discover they can still duet by the piano in Toni Erdmann; the pangs of the teenage heart with the real girls of All this Panic.
I had barreled through that crowd of small, sniffling humans and their mothers on my way in.
Anyone who's watched their cat go through a bout of vomiting or a case of the sniffles has probably wondered: Can I get sick from my cat?
I'll be playing on Xbox Live, and prolly PC download as well, if I can see through the tears...:: sniffle::
I dropped in for a quick fix of lifestyle beautifyin» and I end sniffling through a Kleenex or three.
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