Sentences with phrase «through the birth canal of»

Your unborn baby — when he or she is ready — is naturally inclined, with the help of your body's labor, to move through the birth canal of their own will and effort, when given the opportunity.
«The baby acquires its gut flora at the time of birth, when the baby goes through the birth canal of the mother.

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It was a campaign to educate people about the horror of abortion and to illuminate the patent absurdity of claiming that a fetus with no rights suddenly became a baby with rights when it got its navel through the birth canal.
Because of these large brains, our heads can barely squeeze through the birth canal.
Because of a technical point regarding interpretation of the Nebraska statute, the majority in Stenberg felt obligated to emphasize, in clinical language, that D&E involves pulling «a portion of the fetus through the cervix into the birth canal,» where the «traction» of the surgical instrument and the cervical opening produces dismemberment.
It's a case of the doctor or the patient, for that matter, wanting to schedule it around «their» time or because of some ill - conceived notion that a big baby can't fit through a woman's birth canal??? PLEASE!
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and cytomegalovirus can be passed from mother to infant during delivery when the infant passes through an infected birth canal, while HIV and CMV, can infect a fetus before birth during your pregnancy.
This can help in the process of labor and delivery, making room for baby to descend through the birth canal.
However, research shows that a baby in an undesirable position in the womb (the most common cause of back labor) is more likely to experience difficulty descending through the birth canal leading to interventions and complications that include:
The three separate soft bones of his head will temporarily overlap so he can pass through the snug birth canal.
Your baby's skull has firmed up, but is still flexible and soft enough so he or she can come through the narrow, tight space of the birth canal with relative ease.
Babies often experience spinal misalignment when going through the birth canal or during a C - section; these spinal misalignments can make them more susceptible to symptoms of disease.
Other news this week include the development of vernix caseosa, which is the protective, waxy skin covering which helps protect the baby's skin from being in the amniotic fluid all of this time and will serve an important purpose during the birth process to help pass through the birth canal easily.
As the baby is slowly pushed through the birth canal, the vagina stretches with it, allowing the process of birth to complete.
He had an APGAR of 3, he wasn't breathing because of swelling in his neck (his face and neck endured the entire trauma a baby's head usually takes when it traveled through the birth canal).
Afterward we learned she couldn't make her way through the birth canal due to unusual cock - eyed positioning of her head.
However, if it's due to your little one being in what's called an unfavorable position (and baby being head - down and facing your tummy is one of them), it may be more difficult for your baby to descend through the birth canal.
There is of course a good reason for it, it helps baby travel through the birth canal easier and helps baby's brain grow safely but when you see that spot it can be scary, but just remember, it gets stronger all the time and eventually will be as hard as the rest of baby's head.
Also according to APA, research shows a baby in an undesirable position in the womb, which is the most common cause of back labor, is more likely to experience difficulty going through the birth canal.
For: Expectant Moms, New Moms, Everyday Yogis Length 19:26 minutes Prenatal yoga hip opening poses help to facilitate the opening of the pelvis to prepare for the baby to descend through the birth canal.
Many moms don't feel much pain during labor, and save for the actual pushing of the baby through the birth canal, it's often manageable through breathing or relaxation techniques.
If you had a vaginal birth, the bones of your baby's head shifted and overlapped so he could pass through the birth canal.
This has been called the fetal ejection reflex by Michel Odent and this rising up allows her to facilitate crowning and the baby moving through the last part of the birth canal.
In a breech birth, the baby's head is the last part of its body to emerge making it more difficult to ease it through the birth canal.
This happens when the baby turns around with its head facing downwards in position for birtht The baby's head is at the mouth of the uterus and it is ready to move through the birth canal in the process of laboro Therefore when you are 38 weeks pregnant and lower back pain is experienced, you know you have to be prepared for labor and childbirtht When the baby is in position for birth and the abdominal lowering happens, it exerts a lot of pressure on the ligaments that are holding the uterus in positiono As the uterus prepares to push the baby out, the back pain and contractions become more intenses These contractions are very different from Braxton Hicks contractions which can be eased by adjusting your positiono Labor contractions increase and decrease rhythmically and are the strongest just before birtht
Their skull might be a strange shape — squashed or elongated — because of its journey through the birth canal.
CARA FURIO: This is really cool and I did some excess reading on that last night I mean I've heard of what's called seeding but I didn't know all of the little tidbits or a lot of the facts about it and what that is when a baby doesn't come through the birth canal.
Being squished in your uterus and then pushed through the narrow birth canal means your baby's body will be kind of scrunched up for some time.
If delivery of the baby is certain, your health care provider will unlock and remove the forceps before the widest part of your baby's head passes through the birth canal.
That fluid is removed through the blood and the lymphatic system, and some of it pushes out while passing through the birth canal.
Either you're cut open and some combination of your uterus / bladder / intestines is physically moved or lifted outside your body, or you have a melon - sized wrecking ball squeezed through your birth canal.
Around 25 percent of macrosomic babies develop shoulder dystocia during delivery, a condition where the baby's head passes through the birth canal but the shoulders get stuck, according to Dr. Barss.
However, midway through your final trimester, you may experience some relief by way of lightening, a term used for when your baby drops lower into the birth canal.
There are two very different ways to push, or bear down to help move your baby move through the birth canal during the second stage of labor.
This was Mother Nature's way of allowing their head to be slightly narrower in order to pass through the birth canal more easily.
Beginning with the trip through the birth canal, every minute counts in the early effort to launch the healthiest - possible balance of gut microbes.
This happens as the baby passes through the birth canal and is more common when a baby is born with the assistance of forceps or vacuum extractions.
During childbirth, the flexibility of the sutures allows the bones to overlap so the baby's head can pass through the birth canal without pressing on and damaging their brain.
These are all after - effects of passage through the birth canal, and resolve typically in only a few days.
Then they get exposed in a very specific way: first through the birth canal, a wellspring of bacteria, and then through near - constant snuggling with their moms — ideally accompanied by immediate breast - feeding.
With all the excitement of a new baby, it's easy to forget that the placenta also passed through the same birth canal, picking up the same bacteria that live there.
Hosts infected by viruses found new uses for the genetic material the agents of disease left behind; metabolic enzymes somehow came to refract light rays through the eye's lens; mammals took advantage of the sutures between the skull bones to help their young pass through the birth canal; and, in the signature example, feathers appeared in fossils before the ancestors of modern birds took to the skies.
The stress of journeying through the birth canal is not harmful to most infants.
As a caesarean baby, I missed my chance of picking up much - needed gut flora by not exiting through the birth canal.
The baby is born in a (hopefully) sterile environment and removed through the lower part of the mother's abdomen without making contact with the birth canal in the same way.
Baby picks up microflora through the birth canal, breast milk and later, feeding habits that are learned through family food choices or other learned behaviors.5 So, if mom has an overgrowth of candida, baby will also have an overgrowth of this insidious yeast.
Not only would a yeast infection be an uncomfortable nuisance during pregnancy, there is also a risk of the baby becoming infected as it passes through the vaginal canal during birth.
A baby's first opportunity for colonization is by the flora of his or her mother in the passage through the birth canal.
It is to be hoped that in this vaginal passage there are more beneficial microbes than non-beneficial, as a large amount of our first inoculation comes from this passing through the birth canal.
A child born in the United States today has a one in three chance of entering this world through a surgical incision rather than a birth canal.
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