Sentences with phrase «through various channels»

The real estate market is now dominated by the Internet, making it possible to reach potential clients through various channels quickly, cheaply and efficiently.
Below are resources to help your agent team effectively market to your customers through various channels.
The problem is, most mid-sized businesses don't have the time and resources to go through the various channels.
Despite the fact that a resume remains the most important marketing job search tool, hiring authorities still want to get to know their applicants through various channels as well.
The site allows users to add pictures and share their experiences through various channels on the site.
Since public domain books are usually widely available for free through various channels, whoever decides to publish them should consider adding something extra.
When you send visitors to our website we will keep them coming back through various channels and resources.
Conversations are happening through various channels and for this reason marketing needs to be more fluid than ever.
Furthermore, I have the ability to analyze information, identify trends and research information effectively through various channels.
Currently, the federal government doesn't internally track women - owned businesses, but there are third parties who have been tracking these businesses through various channels.
The tour will allow you to go fishing through the various channels of Isla Damas mangrove which have a large variety of fish such as the Snook, the Seabass, and the Red Snape among others.
Payments for Reliance term insurance can be made through various channels including net banking, and debit and credit cards online and also in person at various centres.
The Max Bupa Plans can be purchased through various channels for example Max Bupa's direct sales person, Max Bupa's telesales team, or independent advisor or through the official website, licensed brokers and agents.
You can reach banc de binary support team through various channels.
First lets talk about how plants can influence climate — directly through carbon, directly through energy fluxes, and indirectly through various channels.
At Outskirts Press, our self - publishing packages have remained consistently value - packed and economically priced for years, and we expend a good amount of effort communicating that value with our clients through various channels like phone, email, and social media channels.
The offer was made available through various channels, such as Flyertalk, so it should be open to all.
Zan» it Al - Sittat is an exploration into concepts and representations of femininity that proliferate through various channels in Egyptian culture at large.
As sellers progress through the Seller OnRamp program, they are introduced to new ways to sell products through various channels.
Digital publications are often distributed through various channels, for instance in online bookstores.
(Physical activity may affect long - term income through various channels, such as better health and improved performance; however, although everyone benefits on the long run from physical activity only few exercise.)
Additionally, traders can also get in touch with the CiTrades customer care representatives any time of the day or night through the various channels provided by the company.
Employee Advocacy is an outcome of creating the right culture, and empowering your employees to participate in your communication efforts by sharing your enterprise's message and vision through various channels.
«Keynes purchased artworks through various channels between 1917 and 1945, and bequeathed his entire art collection to King's College in Cambridge upon his death the following year.
«Low rates and higher asset prices should support household and business spending and investment through various channels
The Easter message took shape as the disciples wrestled with the «offence» of the cross through the various channels open to them.
It comes through various channels, but its source appears to be a more realistic awareness of the love commandment of Jesus.
Again, we have an opportunity to move the Christian ethic through the various channels with a much higher level of security and sanctity.
So please remember that social media is great for inspiration but never feel inadequate as you scroll through the various channels and accounts because the person that posted the photo probably feels exactly the same.
Hong Kong's wine consumption by volume is projected to grow to 4.23 million cases by 2020, up from 3.28 million cases in 2011, but Deglise cautioned the figures given some wines in Hong Kong invariably ended up in mainland market through various channels.
Throughout implementation of the new school meal regulations, SNA has maintained a constant stream of open communication with members through various channels.
Instead, Wollaston plans to continue to argue the case for dropping the pay cap through various channels.
Thanks to our trusty «ol detoxifying organs, we're able to eliminate these toxins through various channels of elimination, including our colon, lungs, liver, kidneys, blood, lymphatic system and skin.
Consumers with a financing gripe can register complaints with the bureau through various channels, including its website.
I live in Los Angeles and through various channels found the car at R&H Motor Cars in Maryland.
The City of Lost Souls ebooks are available HERE for Kindle and HERE for Nook, as well as for other devices through various channels.
It distributes ebooks through various channels including Amazon, Google, Apple, Nook, Kobo, Scribd and hundreds of regional and country online retailers and print books through CreateSpace.
It markets its service through various channels, including online advertising, broad - based media, such as television and radio, as well as various partnerships.
The hunt, entitled The Yoshi Chase, will involve tracking down a series of different - coloured Yoshis, playable in Mario Tennis Open, through corresponding QR codes released over the coming weeks through various channels.
Thus Texas art was acquired through various channels during this formative period and, as a primary interest for public and private collectors, played a pivotal and active role in the early life of the museum.
Although it's true that there are few leaders behind the campaign to discredit IPCC (and climate science) their writing cascades through various channels.
It operates through various channels including Agency, Bancassurance, Corporate Agency & Broking along with Direct Channels as well!
The LG television in my apartment, for example, requires a «Guide» button to navigate through the various channels.
While the skill doesn't allow users to search through the various channels, it does allow users to ask Alexa to play a certain channel by name or to listen to their favorite team's game by saying «Alexa, play the Washington Nationals.»
As well as standard wallet functions, the Android - only app allows users to buy and sell bitcoin through various channels, top up prepaid mobile phones, pay bills, and even work as a mobile remittance service by converting to Philippines pesos.
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