Sentences with phrase «through vocal learning»

The bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, is one of very few animals that, through vocal learning, can invent novel acoustic signals and copy whistles of conspecifics.
Dolphin communication is suspected to be complex, on the basis of their call repertoires, cognitive abilities, and ability to modify signals through vocal learning.

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For example, many songbirds go through similar stages of vocal learning as we do, as they grow up, which makes them interesting to study.
In a paper published recently in the journal Family Relations, lead researcher James McKenna, director of the Mother - Baby Behavioral Sleep Lab and Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, and his colleagues suggest that the origin of both colic and SIDS may be related to the gradual emergence of an infant's ability to voluntarily control the release of air through the vocal track, learned skills that are required for the development of speech.
Through social facilitation some Huskies do learn to bark from other dogs.Huskies can be very vocal which can be a treat for a Husky enthusiast but for the not so keen it can become a nuisance and something a perspective owner should consider before getting this breed.
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