Sentences with phrase «through water vapor»

to H20 is blocked to further increases, the photons blocked by CO2 pass straight through the water vapor.
Early work at GFDL relating to carbon focused on CO2 as a greenhouse gas and it's potential for doubling in response to human activities, through water vapor and other atmospheric feedbacks in the context of latitudinal, land - sea and other inhomogeneities influencing climate (e.g. Manabe 1968, 1986, 1987).
Natural cooling process through water vapor in the troposphere (heat rises).
My take centers on the IPCC hypothesis that man's increased CO2 causes a feedback through water vapor that is causing a warming of at least 2c / century and that it is BAD in numerous ways to the environment.
And it is through the process of breathing, that these byproducts leave the body — through water vapor and carbon dioxide.
The screens need to maintain their vivid colors, which they can't do if a thin protective layer — as opposed to thicker, rigid glass — lets through water vapor and oxygen.

Not exact matches

The researchers believe the greening is a response to higher atmospheric carbon dioxide inducing decreases in plant stomatal conductance — the measure of the rate of passage of carbon dioxide entering, or water vapor exiting, through the stomata of a leaf — and increases in soil water, thus enhancing vegetation growth.
E-cigarettes supply nicotine through inhaled water vapor.
During transpiration, water vapor is released from the leaves through small pores or openings called stomates.
In the morning, the chamber is closed, and sunlight entering through a window on top of the device then heats up the MOF, which liberates the water droplets and drives them — as vapor — toward the cooler condenser.
Here is what scientists think is happening: when Ceres swings through the part of its orbit that is closer to the sun, a portion of its icy surface becomes warm enough to cause water vapor to escape in plumes at a rate of about 6 kilograms (13 pounds) per second.
We actually flew through this plume of water vapor and were able to sample it directly with the Cassini spacecraft.
Martínez - Frías believes that megacryometeors form when an ice crystal is driven repeatedly through cold water vapor by atmospheric turbulence, acquiring coat after coat of frozen water.
Engineer Barbara Wyslouzil of Ohio State University and colleagues made the cubed ice by shooting nitrogen and water vapor through nozzles at supersonic speeds.
Lately the mission has also gained a tantalizing target: plumes of water vapor that seem to erupt through the moon's icy crust, presumably sweeping any organic molecules into space, where they might be detectable.
So when water vapor that has cycled through the Martian atmosphere condenses into the Martian soil, it can interact with and exchange oxygen isotopes with zircons in the soil, effectively writing a climate record into the rocks.
A portion of the sun's energy reaching Earth is captured and redistributed globally through latent heat carried in water vapor.
HD 189733 A has a Jupiter - class planet in a tight orbit, where methane and water vapor have been detected by filtering the star's light through the planet's atmosphere (more).
Human activities directly produce only a small increase in water vapor through combustion processes and irrigation.
Previous flybys through the plumes have revealed that they contain water vapor, ice particles, sodium, potassium, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, as well as both simple and complex organics.
Simultaneously, as the average liquid droplet becomes smaller through evaporation, the vapor's density increases, so more vapor molecules merge at a faster rate to become microscopic liquid droplets, and more water molecules are ionized.
Its instruments can't capture microbes or detect life, but in a couple of dozen passes through the plumes of Enceladus, it has detected various molecules associated with life: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, molecular nitrogen, propane, acetylene, formaldehyde and traces of ammonia.
Meanwhile, a different physical process in the comet's smooth mid-section was causing water ice to vaporize and flow through porous material to escape as a cloud of water vapor at the same time (NASA news release, and page on «fluffy snowballs;» David Shiga, New Scientist, November 18, 2010; and Astronomy Picture of the Day).
The Trade Winds carried the water vapor from east to west across the low - lying Isthmus of Panama and deposited fresh water in the Pacific through rainfall.
As an alien sun blazes through its death throes, it is apparently vaporizing a surrounding swarm of comets, releasing a huge cloud of water vapor.
As this water moves through rocks, it dissolves salt compounds and pushes through fractures in the overlying ice to form reservoirs closer the moon's surface, where it is expelled into space when the outermost layer of the crust cracks open and the resulting depressurization of these reservoirs causes water vapor and ice particles to shoot out in the observed plumes.
In dabbing, users inhale through a water pipe the vapor from «dabs» of waxy or solid marijuana concentrate.
A significant portion of the water loss experienced by the body each day is lost through respiration — a bit of water vapor is exhaled with each breath.
The process of diffusing is simple; you add some oils into a water and then either through heat (with the candle) or the machine, the oils mix with vapor and get diffused into the air.
Aircraft can have complex effects on climate through contrail formation and by emitting water vapor into the dry stratosphere.
It's like a mini humidifier that mixes the oils with water vapor and disperses them through the air.
Through smoke and water vapor, Smilde creates miniature clouds in both indoor and outdoor spaces — and then photographs them before they disappear into thin air.
Foregrounding their conditions of presentation, ownership, reception, and provenance, artworks, artifacts, and their passage through time and narrative discourses are played off the figure of the cloud chamber — an early twentieth century device that used water vapor to mark the movement of subatomic particles, and which laid the ground for the study of particle physics by photographing the patterns these movements produced.
For example, they predicted the expansion of the Hadley cells, the poleward movement of storm tracks, the rising of the tropopause, the rising of the effective radiating altitude, the circulation of aerosols in the atmosphere, the modelling of the transmission of radiation through the atmosphere, the clear sky super greenhouse effect that results from increased water vapor in the tropics, the near constancy of relative humidity, and polar amplification, the cooling of the stratosphere while the troposphere warmed.
Sensitivity of atmospheric water vapor content to the parameters of this new representation of convection is also being evaluated through use of the so - called adjoint of the scheme.»
The troposphere is currently cooling radiatively at about 2K / day, and adding CO2 to the atmosphere generally increases the radiative cooling (primarily through increases in water vapor, though how these details play out also depend on the details of the surface budget).
What we will all now over time, or those who come after will know, is that warming and cooling of the climate is almost entirely dependent upon the sun, its activity, our orbit of it, etc... Of course other things such as volcanism matter, and clouds, and water vapor, and so many other things which are all natural and have happened over and over through the ages.
In fact, as the atmosphere warms, the «atmospheric window» tends toward closing (particularly because of water vapor effects), and excess escape through this window can't account quantitatively for the reduction in stratospheric temperatures.
Some gases in Earth's atmosphere — mostly water vapor and carbon dioxide — let sunlight pass through mostly unhindered, but absorb infrared light from the ground.
For example, increased well - mixed CO2 and water vapor decrease the rate of heat loss through back radiation.
He provides a solid examination of a possible role of human - driven warming — through the buildup of water vapor in the air that accompanies warm temperatures.
It appeared that the there were several studies done in the 1989 through 2000 time frame regarding water vapor which seemed to have been discarded.
Because as the temperature did drop (through increased cloudiness), water vapor would also decrease, which in turn would cause cloudiness to decrease, which would lessen the amount of cooling...
David Springer wrote: «Roy Spencer, one of the world's foremost experts on electromagnetic wave propagation through earth's atmosphere, does a good job of describing the hypothetical conditions which would evolve if we had a pure N2 atmosphere including no water vapor
He found that gases and vapors whose molecules had three or more atoms, such as water vapor and CO2, absorbed much more of the thermal radiation passing through the tube than did two - atom molecules such as oxygen and nitrogen.
The free visit from Brent was able to help him identify areas that he had overlooked that a professional was able to spot right away and be able to remedy, such as a mineral build - up on the interior of a basement wall which was a sign of water vapor seeping through the cement.
The heat from this radiative forcing then goes back down, through the atmospheric CO2 and water vapor, through the clouds, and down to the surface where it has sex with liquid water.
«They can throw out water vapor and ice, which sets the humidity of the stratosphere, and that has an impact both because water vapor is greenhouse gas and also because water vapor, through a sequence of events, has an effect on the ozone hole,» Romps said.
Six types of instruments aboard Aqua are to scan through the atmosphere down to the surface, gathering the most detailed data ever on water vapor in clouds, ice crystals in the air, evaporation, water in the oceans, icebergs and other sea ice, as well as glaciers and snow pack on land.
But instead water vapor, CO2 and other «greenhouse» gases just affect the «passage of radiation» as it travels through the atmosphere.
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