Sentences with phrase «throughout holocene»

The Vostok ice core proxy record shows that there has been substantial variability in temperature near the south pole throughout the Holocene.
The GISP2 del18O record shows that, at least in the vicinity of Greenland, there have been not only multi-decadal oscillations throughout the Holocene, but even stronger quasi-millenial ones as well.
Throughout the Holocene, according to UNEP, «based on the incomplete evidence available, it is unlikely that global mean temperatures have varied by more than 1 °C [2 °F] in a century.»
From: Highly Variable El Niño — Southern Oscillation Throughout the Holocene Kim M. Cobb, 1 * Niko Westphal, 2 † Hussein R. Sayani, 1 Jordan T. Watson, 2 Emanuele Di Lorenzo, 1 H. Cheng, 3,4 R. L. Edwards, 4 Christopher D. Charles2
Cobb, K.M., N. Westphal, H. Sayani *, E. Di Lorenzo, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, C.D. Charles, Highly variable El Nino - Southern Oscillation throughout the Holocene, Science DOI: 10.1126 / science.1228246, 2013.
The stomata data clearly support a temperature - driven carbon cycle throughout the Holocene.
The observed pattern is compatible with a quasi 60 - year oscillation commonly observed in climate and solar records throughout the Holocene (e.g.: Chambers et al. 2012, Klyashtorin et al. 2009, Knudsen et al. 2011, Mazzarella and Scafetta 2012, Ogurtsov et al. 2002, Qian and Lu 2010, Scafetta 2010, 2012a, b, 2013a, b, c, Scafetta and Willson 2013a).
Several peat cores were analyzed and radiocarbon dated and peatland succession and C dynamics was investigated throughout the Holocene.
Multi-scale harmonic model for solar and climate cyclical variation throughout the Holocene based on Jupiter — Saturn tidal frequencies plus the 11 - year solar dynamo cycle (PDF), Nicola Scafetta 03/2012, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar - Terrestrial Physics
Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt recently wrote a post about a new study that examines climate cycles of the Sahara region throughout the Holocene.
The point is to define the extent and rapidity of changes throughout the holocene, in full knowledge that the most recent part is the least accurate because it has the fewest remaining proxies.
There were also several episodes of even warmer temperatures throughout the Holocene.
We have a whole generation that look at graphs from 1880 or later and see bas8cally a rise but they do not know they are often merely part of a series of rises and falls throughout the Holocene.
A downward trend (smoothed as troubled waters) throughout the Holocene.
Absolute dating of these remains does, however, provide a chronology of floral changes throughout the Holocene.
And is there any reason to believe that thermal stratification has been constant throughout Holocene lake history?
However, the more southerly Larsen B Ice Shelf appears to have remained a fixture throughout the Holocene [8].
The broad comparability between the HML paleo - proxies, Chinese speleothem δ18Orecords, and the northern hemisphere summer insolation throughout the Holocene, suggests that solar insolation exerts a profound influence on ASM [Asian summer monsoon] changes.

Not exact matches

We used ancient DNA and Bayesian techniques to reconstruct a detailed genetic history of bison throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs.
[A] tmospheric circulation over South America and monsoon intensity have been tightly correlated throughout most of the Holocene, both directly responding to solar precession.
Sea level models suggest that the islands were larger and closer to the mainland and each other during the terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene but, throughout the Quaternary, they were always separated from the mainland by a watergap of at least 7 km [23,24].
Despite continued melting of the Laurentide ice sheet throughout the Pleistocene - Holocene transition, the only major perturbation of the NADW after Younger Dryas was the rapid drainage of Lake Ojibway at 8.2 ka.
Another thing you have to consider is that the Holocene Hypsithermal did not happen synchronously throughout the planet.
The aim in limiting greenhouse gas emissions should be to keep Earth's climate as close as possible to what it has been during the Holocene, say the study authors, adding that doing so depends on the cumulative amount of emissions released into the atmosphere throughout the industrial period, not just those emitted today.
Douglas fir populations expanded throughout northern Yellowstone in the middle Holocene as a result of effectively drier conditions than before, and a decline of mesophytic plant taxa during the late Holocene imply continued drying, even though fire frequency decreased in recent millennia.
A definition (and a very poor one) of Heinrich events is given, but there is no definition for «Holocene», even though that term is used throughout the text.
We have also been able to compute total solar irradiance since the Maunder minimum and further into the past throughout the whole Holocene.
Figure 2: Eight records of local temperature variability on multi-centennial scales throughout the course of the Holocene, and an average of these (thick dark line) over the past 12,000 years, plotted with respect to the mid 20th century average temperature.
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