Sentences with phrase «throughout adolescence»

Further research is necessary to study whether our findings hold for more extreme forms of parenting styles and for longitudinal analyses of externalizing behaviors throughout adolescence.
The brain continues to develop throughout adolescence with the potential for positive changes.
The brain continues to develop throughout adolescence with the potential for positive changes.
I struggled with food and weight throughout adolescence and into adulthood.
Fortunately, poor body image does not persist throughout adolescence for most girls.
The course of affective relations throughout adolescence also has a beneficial effect on delinquent behavior and psychological well - being.
Risk - taking behavior in general (not just in the context of sex) increases throughout adolescence (e.g., experimenting with alcohol or cigarette smoking as well).
Helping your child know the difference between a good friend and a bad one is important information your child will need throughout adolescence.
Always focused on supporting the whole child, we provide an academically rigorous program that also fosters each student's social and emotional growth throughout adolescence.
However, maternal age, high birth weight of child, and maternal annual income exhibited long - lasting impact on obesity risk over time throughout adolescence.
But facial recognition continues throughout adolescence and is a very difficult recognition problem, because it relies on spotting only small differences in facial changes to tell people apart,» says Grill - Spector.
Follow - up studies by Mischel and others have shown that children who are able to resist temptation have significantly better social and emotional outcomes throughout adolescence and mid-life.
«Every kid who grows up in New York grows up pretty fast; it's astonishing,» she says, before describing a struggle with clinical depression that lasted throughout her adolescence.
Tics are at their worst for people with TS aged between 11 and 14 years old, but for the majority begin to improve throughout adolescence and into early adulthood.
Young women who had positive adjustment throughout adolescence were those who had better body images in adolescence and experienced the physical changes of puberty at the time that was most normative for girls.
Recurrence of problems As indicated, only one girl was consistently depressed, and most girls» eating problems were not continual throughout adolescence.
Part of the reason is that these folks tend to have short courtships, but it's also the case that individuals» identities or self - concepts tend to shift throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood.
Dopamine production and functional levels of other neuro - transmitters change throughout adolescence, reaching adult stabilization levels at approximately 16 years of age (13).
However, a significant proportion of high conflict divorce children are unable to withdraw from the parental fights and maintain their stance of rejection and denigration toward the target parent throughout adolescence.
Protective effects were found even after controlling for initial levels of outcome behavior and observed support from close friends throughout adolescence.
However, in contrast with the externalizing pathway which focuses on behavioral disinhibition, the internalizing pathway to comorbid affective and SUDs posits that behaviorally inhibited temperament and poor emotion regulation early in development predict increased internalizing symptoms and compromised emotion regulation throughout adolescence, ultimately leading to comorbid negative affect and substance use disorders [82, 83 • •].
Emotion regulation deficits are one of the many challenges youths face that contributes to the steep escalation in rates of comorbid psychiatric conditions observed throughout adolescence, including increased internalizing, externalizing, and substance use disorders [10, 26].
The purpose of this study was (a) to identify latent subgroups of Taiwanese adolescents who vary in their cultural value affiliations and (b) to examine how latent - subgroup membership in early adolescence predicted depressive symptoms for 6 years throughout adolescence into young adulthood.
The parentified parents had more unrealistic expectations for their toddlers around age - appropriate developmental tasks, a process that's been shown to continue throughout adolescence.
Same - sex versus other - sex best friendship in early adolescence: Longitudinal predictors of antisocial behavior throughout adolescence.
30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse I struggled with food and weight throughout adolescence and into adulthood.
My plummeting body image persisted throughout adolescence and things got even more complicated.
The Abstract should read «Objective: To examine the role of diabetes - specific parental regulation and general parenting dimensions (responsiveness and psychological control) in treatment adherence throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood.»
Throughout my adolescence and young adulthood I encountered this «Whites Only» sign hanging over my white female friends.
Throughout my adolescence I had high cholesterol, and even when I lost weight and ate healthily it was still rather high.
I am now the proud mother of an eighteen year old who has remained very close to me throughout adolescence.
Throughout adolescence both boys and girls lose gray matter as the brain connections they don't need are pruned, and their brains are sculpted into their adult form.
Throughout adolescence, teens became increasingly less skilled at establishing autonomy and closeness in friendships and romantic relationships the more psychological control they experienced from their parents.
as a child and throughout his adolescence he continues to devour every piece of information he can find, until he finally achieves his dream in 1985 when he is accepted at Bristol University.
Throughout his adolescence, Rose's uncontainable behavior also got him bullied, which prompted him to act out even more, to fail in school.
Throughout his adolescence he had been an omnivorous reader, and in spite of his lack of education became a widely informed man.
Comorbid Psychiatric Factors Contributing to Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Use discusses the various risk factors and the roles they play in shaping adolescents» alcohol and other drug use (AOD) throughout adolescence, focusing specifically on psychiatric risk factors.
Whether relationship dissolutions during the late child - rearing years (from the child is 8 years and throughout adolescence) are associated with the same predictors as short term dissolutions (occurring in the preschool years and until the child is 8 years old).
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