Sentences with phrase «throughout the earth»

Why would thousands upon thousands of people throughout earth's history willingly die slow, horrific, gruesome deaths for «myths»?
He has given us the spirit of progress to overwhelm the forces of reaction throughout the earth.
A scientific revolution has begun which promises to reclaim a very special ancient plant and restore balance throughout the earth's living ecosystems.
Web on the internet wedding alternatives are popular throughout the earth.
The impact of the greenhouse gas CO2 on Earth's temperature is well established by climate models and temperature records over the past 100 years, as well as coupled records of carbon dioxide concentration and temperature throughout Earth history.
The traditional reading argues that because the sin of violence had spread throughout the earth, God was going to trump all their violence with the greatest violence of all.
«We're looking at changes in zircon production on various continents throughout Earth's history and seeing how the changes correspond with the various icehouse and greenhouse transitions,» McKenzie said.
The scientists looked at atmospheric oxygen levels throughout Earth's history.
They understand that even eliminating coal and petroleum use in the United States will not lower atmospheric carbon dioxide levels or control a climate that has changed repeatedly throughout Earth's history.
A new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found seawater cycles throughout Earth's interior down to 2,900 km, much deeper than previously thought, reopening questions about how the atmosphere and oceans formed.
This outstanding lecture by geologist Richard Alley is IMHO considered must - viewing for anyone seeking to understand the role of carbon dioxide throughout Earth's history.
Utilizing the vessel's other capabilities, expeditions have collected sediment cores for understanding climate variations throughout the Earth's history, sampled seawater for determining physical and chemical properties of the oceans, and deployed remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for studying submarine volcanoes.
Many time throughout Earth's history the entire globe was much, much warmer (possibly warm enough for there to be no ice caps).
Wars increase throughout the earth until war is on every land (Matthew 24 and Luke 21) * Increase in the wickedness, murder and crime among men.
«Who knew that the devil had a factory where he made millions of fossils, which his minions distributed throughout the earth, in order to confuse my tiny brain?»
Blue whales eat krill - tiny, shrimp - like crustaceans that live throughout Earth's oceans.
The diversity of stuff — the manufactured flotsam and jetsam of our daily lives — may even exceed the total diversity of biology throughout Earth's history, the same research team asserts.
Also, 2 Chronicles 16:9: «For as regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about throughout the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.»
But God wants us to lift up His name, and make His name known throughout the earth.
Instead of the progressive spread of democracy throughout the earth, they see antagonistic systems on the march while they seek anxiously to save themselves from outer conquest and inner disintegration.
This means direct participation in authority and politics by the mutually serving community for the enhancement of all life; it means the covenant solidarity of all Minjung and all living things throughout the earth.
2 Chronicles 16:9 says that the eyes of the Lord search to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.
What all this means is that in the act of preaching, which takes place either directly or indirectly within the context of Communion, the entire body of Christ throughout the earth is part of the context.
The church with which we worship is not only the congregation gathered at a particular place to hear a sermon; it is also the church universal, scattered throughout the earth.
Even though the actual rate of global warming far exceeds that of any previous episodes in the past 14,000 years, large changes in global climate have occurred periodically throughout Earth's history.
These calculations assume a uniform density throughout the Earth, which we know isn't accurate since the core is denser than the mantle.
Traditionally, scientists have thought that the way energy moves throughout Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere is determined by the characteristics of the incoming particles and magnetic fields of the solar wind — for instance, a long, steady stream of solar particles would produce different effects than a faster, less consistent stream.
The real equilibrium date occurs earlier in the Northern Hemisphere (March 15 in Miami) and later throughout Earth's southern half (March 26 in Rio).
It was the proliferation of such oxygen - producing species throughout Earth's evolutionary trajectory that changed the composition of our atmosphere — adding much more O2 — which was as important for the development of ancient multi-cellular life as it is for us today.
Such fiery events have produced large igneous provinces throughout Earth's history.
These fixed ratios are seen throughout the earth, because the flood and flux of neutrons was global.
Ice sheets have waxed and waned throughout Earth history in response to changes in temperature and insolation.
[Response: If earth formed from the debris of exploded stars, radioactivity should be distributed evenly throughout the earth, not concentrated in the crust.]
The film begins rather calmly when duplicate star structures are located in various caves throughout the Earth, dating from several thousands of years, but quickly takes off once the space voyagers arrive at their destination.
The reflection stems from a narrow self - concept and worldview, which manifests throughout the Earth.
Little Night is summoned by Mother Sky to perform all the familiar routines that children everywhere experience, and like these children, Little Night responds with mischievous hiding games throughout the earth and sky.
Throughout Earth Romancer you will also get to know the various races that populate Xamsara and their symbiotic relationship with the Arcanum.
There is no empirical evidence to support assertions and computer models that claim carbon dioxide drives climate change or to suggest that greenhouse gases have supplanted the complex natural forces that have produced big and little ice ages, floods and droughts, and stormy and quiescent periods throughout Earth's history.
The question that has long burned in my mind was how could Plimer, a geologist, not know that the sun has been steadily warming throughout Earth's history.
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