Sentences with phrase «throwaway mentality»

The effects of this throwaway mentality can be readily witnessed in our landfills and at our beaches that are being overrun with plastic packaging.
«The use of paper, perhaps more than any other single product, reflects the throwaway mentality that evolved during the last century.
Representing the depressing consequences of the American economic crisis, Williams is clearly trying to demonstrate how our fast - paced, over-consumed society leads to such unnecessary waste and a throwaway mentality.
Lack of understanding and a sensationalist media unfairly portrays the breed further deflating value and supports a throwaway mentality by many within the community.
Because of the illusion of a plethora of choices, online dating created a throwaway mentality and unrealistic expectations — everyone looking for a unicorn.
If you already cloth diaper your baby or toddler, you've taken one step away from the mainstream throwaway mentality depleting our earth of its resources and quickly overflowing our landfills.

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Our goal is to thoughtfully reduce unnecessary euthanasia rates; help change the «throwaway» mentality and improve Weber and Davis Counties» animal welfare with compassion and respect through community building and public education on the mutual benefits of responsible pet parenting; importance of pet sterilization, and the humane treatment of animals.
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