Sentences with phrase «thugs because»

Dictatorships don't usually arrive by coup but by bits and pieces and everyone thinks, sheesh, your being alarmist when the thugs act like thugs because there is no violence today.
They are simply not desired by thugs because they are not seen as intimidating or dangerous.
The officers were said to have claimed they could not arrest the thugs because if they do, they will be released few minutes later per the orders of Mr Opoku.
We're not all thugs anymore than the GOP is all thugs because a Rand Paul supporter stomped on a woman's head on camera — which is a little more than immature and wrong.
Linking David Duke to Trump as a way to claim racism is as rational as saying Paul McCartney and John Lennon were murderous thugs because Charles Manson liked the song Helter Skelter.
In the first instance, the heads of Pakistani players were shaved off — for they violated the dress code of Taliban by wearing shorts; and, in the second case, the players were chased away from the stadium by bearded thugs because the timing of the match violated a recent edict of Taliban's spiritual leader, which prohibits the people from taking part in any sports activity after 4 pm.
There's a palpable sense of dread when playing as a thug because you know that out there in the shadows somewhere Batman is waiting for you, creating a tense atmosphere as you shuffle around the map trying to get on with things while keeping a wary eye out for the merest hint of a cape.

Not exact matches

Because the Deep Web is best known as the home of Silk Road, a notorious online service similar to eBay — if that website trafficked in handguns, ecstasy pills and thugs, rather than vintage timepieces and Alf dolls.
Because I'm not a bronze age thug traveling around trying to conquer everything in sight.
Two of the group of up to six thugs who attacked the teenager and his friend Duwayne Brooks, simply because they were black, have been convicted of murder, but the rest have evaded justice.
And that too, made me laugh because panties and parity (or lack thereof) are often key ingredients in «thug theology»...
(I note that in part because I used the term «theological thugs.»)
Because a few thugs decided one day that they would force her into a private room and then, one after the other, take advantage of her 10 - year - old body.
Just because you president and his army of thugs says gay unions are ok with him, at least during this election cycle, doesn't mean everyone has to agree with him.
Ballot counting in Zimbabe is more honest than in the United States, because the thugs counting the votes tell the voters that if they vote for the wrong party, their vote will not be counted.
Thug Kitchen has a similar recipe but with butternut squash, which I always just substitute with sweet potato (simply because they're easier / faster to cook and usually cheaper).
Just because somebody is cocky and talks a big game does not make them a criminal or a thug.
No matter how many cross you put in, the Chelsea thugs will head / kick it out because of their height.
«That because I'm aggressive on the football field, I'm a thug.
«They didn't take me, because they see me as a thug,» he says.
If you look at the tackle in slow motion you will see quite clearly that he goes in one footed, yes his front foot lifts off the ground but thats cause he is swinging to kick the ball and you have to lift your foot of the ground to kick a ball, he only hits Diaby because Diaby swings his foot in to kick the ball at the same time, and his foot is also off the ground, does that make him a thug too?
First, we had thugs and warlords robbing people through express violence, then we had Kings looting us because God wanted them to, and now we have rulers hiding behind labels like «leaders», «policymakers», «authorities», «officials», looting us with the pretense that it's for our own good.
Fed Up New Yorkers will make it a point to come out on election day and vote for Carl Paladino, thug or not, and it's only because Paladino is aware of what is going through the minds of the working class New Yorkers desperation and that is something that Andrew Cuomo disregards.
He said the decision to relocate the party office was approved by the majority members of the State Executive Committee because the former office was infested with thugs.
Excluded are cases where there are legitimate reasons for low turnout (e.g., the people are avoiding voting because there's a war / insurrection / government thugs scaring them off - such as post-US-invasion Iraq or Mugabe's Zimbabwe).
will the states be able to pay police and service them is the question we should answer especially those agigating for state - police because some of these states can not pay teachers and LG employees nor to talk of police that they are going to use as political thugs against the oppositions.
«Those boys, people normally call them thugs, I call them armed robbers, because they always organize themselves, they rob at will, they are not thugs but armed robbers.
Jonathan condemned the action of some politicians who he accused of sending their own children abroad, only to recruit children of other people as thugs to fight and die during elections because of their unquenchable ambition, stressing that such acts were against human dignity.
Because you are a black man, you are associated with the lowest common denominator of what the evening news has told society about black men: you must be problematic, lazy, or a thug.
No one has the Rife Machine because the FDA thugs destroyed them and destroyed all of Rife's records.
And although everybody knew that their crews were packing heat and hated each other, the murders went unsolved, probably because of the «no snitch» mindset adhered to by these thugs as a code of honor.
Given his features, principally his thick lips, pale complexion, and long eyelashes, he is able to merge into the role of a woman well before the surgery that actually changed his gender to such an extent that he able to pass for a woman even among some of his friends — though two thugs in Paris beat him up because thought of him as a man who is simply dressing as a woman.
It's hard to believe that Firth was never considered for the role of James Bond, because he's perfectly cast as the sophisticated but badass super spy, a man capable of taking out an entire gang of thugs armed only with an umbrella, and look good doing it in his bespoke suit.
More, because of the framing device, there's also little tension, the idea that Frank is going to get seriously harmed by any of the underworld thugs he encounters in his quest to discover the truth close to nonexistent.
Superintendents must make this choice because Governor Malloy, Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor and their Corporate Education Reform Industry thugs are on a mission to convince parents and guardians that they do not have a right to opt their child out of the unfair, ill - conceived and ludicrous standardized testing fiasco that is enveloping Connecticut's Public Schools.
Now she's campaigning to have her fans dox anyone who disagrees with her, dubbing them notorious gangster bully thugs who need to have their personal lives exposed, attacked and damaged because they don't agree with her.
A particularly poignant example comes when Brodeck is forced to flee the city where he attends university because nationalist thugs respond to a popular protest by smashing store fronts and savagely beating anyone who looks like they don't belong.
Every fat cat from Las Lomas Polo is shadowed wherever he goes by five or six escorts, and Spider Salazar is even worse; ever since he struck it rich he's had himself protected by a troop of thugs trained in Israel, and that night Spider, who hadn't been on a horse for months because he was clogged with cholesterol and had to content himself with watching from the stands, that night Spider, who was completely plastered, ordered them to bring him the most spirited horse, a big, imperious bay called Parsley, and if I say «called,» Agustina princess, it's because no one calls it anything anymore, since in the darkness, the mud, and the commotion, Parsley lost his temper and threw Spider, slamming him against a rock, and then some genius of a bodyguard, a guy they call the Sucker, had the brilliant idea of teaching the horse a lesson by blasting it with his machine gun, leaving it riddled like a sieve with its hooves pointing up at the moon, the most pathetic little scene imaginable.
Much as I would like it, because it restrains the power of governments that increasingly behave like thugs, I don't think a gold standard is likely to replace the status quo.
Very clever dog because i live in the uk in london gangs ang thugs fights these loving dogs we had our blue pitbull took off us because there band in uk because off people do nt no how to treat these dogs better we have to figght to get him back they said it would take up to 6 months he has to have his bballs cropped off tatteod on his leg.
Give your shoes a pump, set your pager to vibrate, and get ready to crank your Walkman, because Yakuza 0 has a release date — you'll be able to introduce street thugs» faces to the exquisite pavement of Kamurocho on January 24, 2017, exclusively on PS4 in North America and Europe.
Even the points where I have to slow down and go into Predator mode to silently take out a room full of armed thugs don't bother me much, mostly because the further you go through the game, the more options you unlock to take criminals out.
Trigger 1989 Crazy Park is a place not recommended for people who want to have a peaceful existence, because the murderers, thieves and other thugs converted it in their home.
And because of the (usually) side - scrolling vantage point, it's incredibly difficult to elude thugs once you've been spotted.
He was detained and tortured there because of unsubstantiated allegations made by Canada's spy agency, CSIS, which also supplied the questions to his interrogators (I wonder how CSIS is feeling about potentially losing those thugs as allies?).
AARP and New York Life are hideous thugs but they continue to get away with it because they are so branded that they can screw you and make you believe you got the best the industry has to offer.
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