Sentences with phrase «thunder phobias»

Behaviorists have been studying thunder phobias for years, including the impact of lightning, the sound of thunder, the sound of the wind outside the house and the sound of rain outside the house.
The truth behind thunder phobias is: no one really knows why dogs are afraid of thunderstorms.
Also see our two handouts on fireworks and thunder phobias.
Storm or thunder phobia happens far more often than you think.
Positive Solutions: TTouch offers a positive approach to solving common behavioral and health - related issues, including inappropriate aggression, car sickness, separation anxiety, excessive barking, chewing, jumping up and leash - pulling in dogs, resistance to grooming, nervousness, shyness, thunder phobia etc..
If you're like some dog owners, you've probably had several sleepless nights over the last week thanks to your dog's «thunder phobia» resulting from the severe thunderstorms that have been plaguing the Northeast.
The authors of the study believe that this predisposition to a thunder phobia is a direct result of breeding for specific characteristics in these dogs.
Some researchers have even studied the impact of changes in air pressure and electrical charge in the air to pinpoint a cause for thunder phobia, but unfortunately, there are no definitive answers to date.
Reddy is a Golden / Poodle mix and is a severe special needs case with both social distortions and severe astraphobia (aka «thunder phobia»).

Not exact matches

Storm phobia can be attributed to several triggers: A drop in air pressure, the build - up of static electricity, the sound of the wind, the scent of the oncoming rain, bright flashes of lightning, or the loud crash of thunder.
Many dogs suffer from noise phobia, and the thunder is just one of several frightening noises (others include fireworks, gunshots, etc).
Fear of loud sounds - fireworks, thunder, gunshot - are called noise phobias.
Other dogs may develop separation anxiety, fear of thunder or other phobias during that time.
In the case of thunderstorm phobia, many dogs don't react at all when hearing a recording of thunder, but display extreme fear of the real thing, even at a great distance.
Astraphobia is a fear of thunder, and it is a very common phobia in dogs.
Although most dogs are able to filter out offensive sounds so that their brains are not overwhelmed, others do not have this ability and suffer from noise sensitivity disorders as a result, developing fears and phobias to noises such as fireworks, thunder, and sirens.
However, every ounce of the admittedly limited success I've found treating thunder - phobia has come from being a strong leader to the anxious dog and providing calming, consistent assignments.
The most common phobiasthunder, vacuums, hair dryers — probably don't seem like a big deal to you as a human, but to your dog, they're absolutely terrifying.
The most common phobiasthunder, vacuums, hair dryers — probably don't seem like -LSB-...]
Fear of loud noises, especially thunder and fireworks, is a common phobia in dogs.
For example, if a young dog is frightened by a loud, surprising noise, it may develop a life long fear or phobia of loud noises such as thunder or firecrackers.
If your dog is fearful of thunder he or she is exhibiting one of the most common phobias that affect dogs.
Please note that just like acepromazine is no longer considered appropriate for thunder - phobia and fear of fireworks in dogs, the same is likely true for cats.
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