Sentences with phrase «thus less threat»

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If South American nations can overcome these obstacles, this should be possible in parts of the world where domination has thus far been chiefly economic, with much less threat of overt military intervention.
Thus the kinds of external threats and disturbances that have frequently diverted modern Italian history from what might be thought of as a «normal» course have been on the whole less in evidence.
Thus The Lesser Evil is, throughout, a defense of what Ignatieff understands to be the strength and superiority of democracy, both in itself as a form of government and also as a basis for dealing effectively with the threat of destruction posed by terrorism.
When the students who had a boyfriend or girlfriend learned that the new lab partner was single (and thus, a threat to their relationship), they consistently chose the images that represented a less attractive likeness.
While individuals like Mark Carney — a Canadian economist who serves as Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the G20's Financial Stability Board — claim that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have «failed» and thus pose no threat to traditional financial institutions, others less invested in the status quo aren't so sure.
Presents a threat beyond a single election; the next demagogue may be less outrageous - and thus even more dangerous
They are also more likely to disclose to parents who are accepting.3 Any reluctance to confide in their parents may stem from a cycle of concealment that may develop; when family members expect aggressive or negative reactions, they are less likely to reveal their secrets.4 Thus, treating family members with understanding may help reduce these problems (unless they start receiving threats from entities named A).
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