Sentences with phrase «thyroid gland secretion»

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The four - stroke breath balances the pituitary gland, known in yogic science as the master gland because the entire endocrine system (from the hypothalamus to the thyroid to the ovaries and testicles) all change based on the pituitary secretion.
The body's defence system reacts by creating antibodies to attack this unexpected visitor thus causing a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, and stopping any secretion of the much needed thyroid hormones.
It is secreted by the pituitary gland to control thyroid hormone production and secretion, thereby protecting the body from hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism [1].
The effects of neck - lock include: «helps to bring an internal focus for the practitioner «sealing the energy that is created in the upper brain stem area «stabilizes blood pressure that can change due to exercise and breathing «acts as a safety valve, regulating the pressure and reducing dizziness «creates nerve reflexes that balance / stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands «allows the flow of energy to remain natural and calming to the heart «Moon center energy is contained in the chin «increases the concentration of secretions from the pituitary gland «allows a new interrelatedness between the glands How do you know?
The brain's pituitary gland regulates the thyroid's hormone secretion with its own hormone known as the thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH).
Thyroiditis (Inflammation of thyroid gland) & idiopathic atrophy (no growth in gland due to a pathogen of the thyroid gland are two main reasons for impairment in the thyroid gland function or secretions.
Since spontaneous remission of hyperthyroidism does not ever occur in cats, the aim of treatment is to normalize the excessive secretion of thyroid hormone by the cat's thyroid gland.
It usually occurs because of a tumor of the thyroid gland that ends up increasing the secretion of the thyroid hormones.
The endocrine system includes ductless glands or the glands of internal secretion, such as: pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
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