Sentences with phrase «tidal forces affect»

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [Graphs updated to include error bars] Inspired by the paper by the charmingly - named Maya Tolstoy discussed here on WUWT, I decided to see if tidal forces affect the timing of earthquakes and volcanoes.
In addition, tidal forces affecting the Oort Cloud come from the differential gravitational forces exerted by stars in the Milky Way's galactic disk and by the galactic core on the Sun and comets as a result of their relative location in the Solar System, which have been modelled with numerical simulations (Duncan et al, 1987).
So, yes, you could get tidal forces affecting the Sun internally.

Not exact matches

The width of the slots affects how quickly they can respond to the tidal forces.
The fact that Titan has significant mountains at all suggests that some active tectonic forces could be affecting the surface, for example, related to Titan's rotation, tidal forces from Saturn or cooling of the crust.
Searching the far side Because the moon's rotation has been affected by tidal forces between Earth and the moon, only one side of the moon is visible from Earth.
Ross began working with a team that included his adviser, Raymond Najjar, professor of oceanography, Penn State, to pinpoint the precise effects of sea - level rise by subtracting other forces that affect changes to the tidal range.
While these tiny moons do not affect the tidal forces on Saturn, their orbits are disturbed by Saturn's core tidal bulges.
The author speculates that since it is liquid the outer core is also affected by gravitational tidal forces, in a similar manner to the oceans, but also it can be assumed that the magnetic field generating would act as a brake on its movement.
They include; Solar activity, variations in the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, variations to the degree, or angle, of the Earth's axis, tidal forces from our Moon, cosmic rays that affect cloud formation, movement through the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy, and the composition of the Earths atmosphere, to name a few.
But is there a chance that solar activity is affected by tidal forces exerted on the sun by Jupiter and the other planets?
And, the atmosphere also is affected by these tidal forces which could explain part of what happens with the trade winds.
Internal dynamics can ONLY be affected by tidal forces.
Tidal forces from Jupiter affecting the Earth or the Sun?
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