Sentences with phrase «tidal forces of»

In his unforgettable memoir, Istanbul: Memories and the City, Pamuk delivered a spectacular tour of history and the tidal forces of change that were slowly chiseling away at his beloved city during his childhood from the 1950s through the»70s.
The essential premise at the heart of this 450 - page tome is pretty basic: business enterprises, no matter how noble their history, can not survive the tidal forces of capitalism on the basis of good intentions alone.
The Galileo mission that studied the Jovian system during the 1990s and early 2000s confirmed the scientists» speculations that these ridges were fractures, or cracks, on Europa's icy surface, caused be the intense tidal forces of the massive, nearby Jupiter and the orbital resonances with the other nearby moons of the Jovian system.
The vast network of crisscrossing cracks that are seen on the surface of Europa are caused by the intense tidal forces of the massive, nearby Jupiter and the orbital resonances with the other nearby moons of the Jovian system, similar to the way that the gravity of the Earth's Moon causes tides on the oceans of our home planet.
When planetary scientists started studying the photographs and data from Voyager and the subsequent Galileo mission that studied the Jovian system during the 1990s and early 2000s, they confirmed this notion: these ridges, or lineae, are fructures, or cracks, on Europa's icy surface, caused be the intense tidal forces of the massive, nearby Jupiter and the orbital resonances with the other nearby moons.
The extreme tidal forces of their interaction have determined the shapes and properties of the two galaxies.
A striking image presented here 3 June at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society shows a globular cluster known as Palomar 5 being torn asunder by tidal forces of our home galaxy.
When it's closer, the shape is distorted by the tidal forces of Saturn.
The Galactic Cushion The Hubble Space Telescope recently beamed back pictures of 29 dwarf galaxies in the Perseus Cluster that, by all appearances, should have been torn to shreds by the gravitational tidal forces of their giant neighbors.
Enceladus, we now know, is a moon being flexed and pulled by the gravitational tidal forces of Saturn.
«As far as I know, this is the first study to convincingly connect the tidal force of the moon with rainfall,» said corresponding author Tsubasa Kohyama, a UW doctoral student in atmospheric sciences.
The Moon is no exception; we can learn about the interior of our natural satellite from its deformation caused by the tidal force of Earth.
Tidal forcing of basal seismicity of ice stream C, West Antarctica seen far inland.
Tidal forcing of basal seismicity of ice stream C, West Antarctica, observed far inland.
The outskirts of our Galaxy contain various stellar streams that are believed to be the remnants of dwarf galaxies that were torn to shreds by the strong tidal force of the Milky Way.»
And Earth's core is hot, because of primordial heat from formation, radioactive decay of Earth core, Lunar tidal forces, AND the varying tidal force of the Sun which happens with Earth's periodic varying eccentricity.

Not exact matches

In addition to Yussuff, Corbett, and McGowan, the task force includes five other members from the trade union movement, municipal councillor Rick Smith from Leduc, Alberta, former EcoTrust Canada president Brenda Kuecks, former SaskPower president John T. Wright, and sustainable development specialist Anna Redden, director of the Acadia Tidal Energy Institute.
One job of a successful trader is to understand the relationship between the markets and the economy, understand the economic tidal forces in play, and determine how various news, events, and other developments will impact a stock portfolio.
Well before the impact of the next tidal wave of change hits with full force.
For a spell, Bellarmine seemed to build a tidal wave of momentum, poised to even the match and force a fifth set.
The potential tidal wave of bureaucracy could cripple even well - established organisations, while forcing groups to reconsider activity if there is a perceived risk of falling foul of the law.
By absorbing the force of strong winds and tides, wetlands protect terrestrial areas adjoining them from storms, floods, and tidal damage.
The doomed galaxies would have been pulled apart like taffy if they plunged through the center of the galaxy cluster where gravitational tidal forces are strongest.
To begin with, they orbited close to the plane of the ecliptic in the same direction as the planets, but their orbits were deformed by the galaxy's tidal force and by interactions with nearby stars, gradually becoming more inclined and forming a more or less spherical reservoir,» Morais said.
The width of the slots affects how quickly they can respond to the tidal forces.
Once they determined when and how they expected tidal forces to tear Phobos apart, Mittal modeled the evolution of the ring, adapting techniques developed to understand Saturn's rings.
The tidal forces from Earth could cause moons to slowly migrate outwards (the current Moon is slowly doing that at a pace of about 1 cm a year).
When a star passes too close to a black hole with 10,000 or more times the sun's mass, tidal forces outstrip the star's own gravity, converting the star into a stream of debris.
Precise measurements of the lunar gravity and rotation enable us to know how our natural satellite is deformed by tidal forces.
During the last several years, the degree of the lunar deformation caused by the tidal forces has been determined by several orbiters, for example, Kaguya from Japan, Chang «e-1 from China, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) from the USA.
The great tidal forces in this region of very strong gravity were expected to tear the cloud apart and disperse it along its orbit.
This spot is believed to be the nucleus of the former spiral galaxy, which was ejected from the system during the collision and is now being shredded by tidal forces to produce the visible stellar stream.
«We originally wanted to study the effects of tidal forces on small known galaxies and any attending structural disruptions.
Astronomers suspected that tidal forces, which arise because the Milky Way's gravity is stronger on one side of the cluster than on the other, could break up clusters — especially more diffuse ones.
Heat from the friction of rocks caused by tidal forces could be the «engine» for the hydrothermal activity on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
The graphic is based on a new model used to produce a three - dimensional simulation of these processes under the influence of Saturn's tidal forces.
These special classes of galaxy, so named for their extremely diffuse appearance, apparently produced far fewer stars than other galaxies or else were stripped of them long ago by galactic tidal forces.
But now, the model says, Mars's moon Phobos is on a gravity - driven, 70 - million - year course back towards the planet, a path that will cause it to be ripped apart by tidal forces and spun out into a new set of rings.
These forces occur on Earth in glacial ice as it flows due to gravity, and in space as icy satellite bodies, such as the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, respond to tidal forces from their parent bodies.
Another approach operates at the bottom of New York City's East River, where in 2006 Verdant Power, Inc., planted six windmill - like turbines — each 16 feet (five meters) in diameter — 30 feet (nine meters) below the surface and churning at a peak rate of 32 revolutions per minute to transform strong tidal forces into electricity.
Some stars in the spheroid are the remains of galactic cannibalism, having come from dwarf galaxies that fell into the spiral galaxy, were ripped apart by powerful tidal forces, and were incorporated into the larger galaxy's structure.
The fact that Titan has significant mountains at all suggests that some active tectonic forces could be affecting the surface, for example, related to Titan's rotation, tidal forces from Saturn or cooling of the crust.
Searching the far side Because the moon's rotation has been affected by tidal forces between Earth and the moon, only one side of the moon is visible from Earth.
«The disc is more dense, so the effect of the gravitational tidal force is bigger,» says Randall.
As the moon cooled and solidified more than 4 billion years ago, the sculpting effects of tidal and rotational forces became frozen in place.
«It's possible this hot Jupiter is keeping the star's rotation and magnetic activity high because of tidal forces, making it behave in some ways like a much younger star.»
Instead, he defines the gravitational field in terms of the difference in the acceleration from place to place — in effect, the tidal force.
How the plants sense the full moon remains a mystery, but Rydin's early guess is that they are actually aware of the minute differences in tidal force that the moon exerts on Earth.
The tidal forces, winds, magnetic fields, and general pushing and shoving would vastly overwhelm and ultimately break up the slow, gentle process of gravitational collapse.
As a result, a gravitational «tidal force» tries to stretch the object out in the direction of the hole.
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