Sentences with phrase «tidal forces within»

If it was just being heated by tidal forces within the ice, the ocean would freeze over in less than 30 million years.
Tidal forces within the black hole overcame the star's gravity, tearing the star apart into a debris stream.
Its irregular orbit around the gas giant creates strong tidal forces within Io, causing its surface to rise and fall by as much as 100 meters.

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Over time, Mars» gravitational pull would have pulled that moon toward the planet until it reached the Roche limit, the distance within which the planet's tidal forces will break apart a celestial body that is held together only by gravity.
Thomas and colleagues suggest a few ideas for future study that might help resolve the question, including the surprising possibility that tidal forces due to Saturn's gravity could be generating much more heat within Enceladus than previously thought.
Our models predict that, due to tidal forces, the semi-major axis of KELT - 22Ab is decreasing rapidly, and is thus predicted to spiral into the star within the next Gyr.
Judging from the sample of open clusters within 3,000 light - years of the Sun, only half of them can withstand such tidal forces for more than 200 million years, and a mere 2 percent have life expectancies as high as 1 billion years.
This means that in the cases of Uranus (and Neptune), objects can pass within close vicinity of the planet, where they experience extremely strong tidal forces.
It would also be consistent with your «stream of consciousness» musings about tidal effects being greater deeper within celestial bodies (because the gravitational force is less?).
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