Sentences with phrase «tide tables»

"Tide tables" refers to a set of predicted times and heights of ocean tides. It helps people plan activities like fishing, boating, or coastal walks by showing when the water level will be high or low. Full definition
Gold Coast tide table for next 7 days (Gold Coast) Visit our website and shop a wide range of dining tables.
Surprisingly, the hot springs are natural salt water, which seeps up from the shallow tide table.
There is the pleasant cunning of making the wind take us where we want to go, and there are charts to read, with their soundings and buoys and markers, and the tide tables, and the tidal current tables, and the tidal current charts, and knots and splices to learn.
It is like a tide table, telling you when the tide will come in or go out.
The South end is an attraction for most families with tidepools and sea caves accessible at low tide (be sure to check a tide table before venturing to the pools or caves).
Make sure you check the tide tables before heading out on the boards.
You can get a tide table to tell you when to expect this tide change.
While in Point Arena, be sure to check your tide table.
While no official corrections for Cannon Beach are available, these tide tables are intended to help plan a safe trip to the beach.
Check the tide tables for the lowest tide and arrive ready to explore as the tide is going out.
Tidepool Tips: Check the tide tables for the lowest tide and arrive ready to explore as the tide is going out.
But visitors must pay careful attention to the day's tide tables; when the water is at its highest, the hot spring flow has little impact on the ocean's natural temperature (and the shape of the rock barrier can occasionally lead to dangerously rough waves).
Dive times are carefully scheduled around the tide tables to give you the best experience.
This crossing is not safe within several hours of high tide so check the tide tables before you go and plan your coming and go accordingly.
The currents can usually be predicted from the tide tables but at certain sites they can increase (sometimes reaching 5 knots), decrease or shift direction with no advance notice, and may also vary dramatically with depth.
Also, materials in welcome basket were outdated, i.e., 2015 tide tables, not 2016.
At some places the tidal range is so large that your first surfing purchase should be a tide table and not a surfboard.
William Kentridge, drawing for «Tide Table,» 2003.
The donation includes Felix in Exile (1994), Stereoscope (1999), Johannesburg 2nd Greatest City After Paris (1989), Tide Table (2003) and Other Faces (2011).
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