Sentences with phrase «tied around the finger»

Each gemstone is like a string you tie around your finger to remember something important.
Man, destiny sure has these fans tied around their finger...
On the bottom left, you might see a little hand with a string tied around the finger.

Not exact matches

Asking her to marry him, Shane Bauer tied a shirt thread around Sarah Shourd's ring finger, an ad hoc measure made necessary by the fact they were in custody, along with friend Josh Fattal, in Iran.
When the baby progresses to firmer food requiring chewing, and the bolus of food needs to be moved from side to side, to assist mastication by the jaws, many children with tongue tie will reject food that is difficult to chew, or move it around their mouths with their fingers.
Tie a knot around your finger, or set an alarm on your clock for a reminder, but make sure to keep consistent with your visualizations.
Step 6: Position your hands how I have them in this photo... loop your tied hair around your pointer finger of your right hand!
You can also get a reminder that your note exists by clicking the «reminder» icon (which is a finger with a string tied around it).
Snowballing after that point will keep things rolling fast and get the goals met quicker than just tying a string around a finger;) That is why the snowball method works so well with debt.
Contortion and illusion play a part in the selection of works at Shulamit Nazarian, with leathery, sausage - like forms twisted and tied in knots in the works of May Wilson, bodiless fingers appearing around the edges of Sarah Meyohas's hall of mirrors in Sun Speculation, and puffs of form - obscuring smoke in the artist's Blue Speculation.
Tie a string around your finger, set an alert on your phone, whatever you have to do, but don't miss the deadline to lock in a favorable rate.
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