Sentences with phrase «tight network»

We're focused on building a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible real estate investments in Phoenix.
The Kaiser survey found that 71 percent of all firms think such programs are «very» or «somewhat» effective, compared with only 47 percent for greater employee cost sharing or 33 percent for tighter networks.
Braided wires form tight networks of colorful patterns and dismembered motherboards appear as cityscapes viewed from above.
We're focused on building a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible real estate investments in Nashville.
(Recent research on public employee plans in Massachusetts found that tighter networks were associated with large savings.)
Mark Carney was cast as the perfect alternative to Justin Trudeau by a tight network of Liberals who pulled out all the stops last summer to attract the Bank of Canada governor into the Liberal leadership race.
This central organ reaches out to the smallest village through a tight network of a central Working Committee, an operations Secretariat, a dozen regional Joint Management Centers, three score sub-regional JMCs, and 448 local JMCs, each of which has an intelligence committee, a political - social - economic committee, and a commmunications committee.
«Rather, it is in what they help reveal about the tight network of behavioral scientists so eager for CIA and Pentagon contracts that they showed few qualms about getting involved with institutions that were using pseudo behavioral science to brutalize prisoners.
When he returned to Cambridge two years later, O'Rahilly began developing a tight network of physicians who send send him patients with baffling metabolic syndromes.
In this form, the cellulose fibers could intertwine in strong, tight networks, just as they do in nature.
Instead of each individual independently weighing the pros and cons of his or her own actions, we occupy nodes within a tight network that connects all of us in both body and mind.
There is a caveat, however: The enzyme Hunter patients now receive does not cross the blood - brain barrier, the tight network of cells that protects the brain from pathogens, and the livermade enzyme produced by the gene edit may not either.
This creates a tight network of individuals for whom to invite feedback and solicit advice now and in the future.
The overall approach was to integrate all the resources available to parents and families into a tight network of support for each child.
It's the place where I have a tight network of supportive people.
The Balinese village is a tight network of social, religious and economic institutions, of which each person on the island is a part.
At heart a collaborative venture, the creation of early fifteenth - century panel paintings in Italy depended upon a tight network of connections between patrons, painters, woodworkers, and gilders.
His first project on the continent, the British architect brilliantly cut through the tight network of tubed silos to create the post-industrial structure, which features over 100 galleries, a rooftop sculpture garden, and six research centers dedicated to Art Education, Curatorial Excellence, Performative Practice, Photography, the Moving Image and Costume Institute.
These policies are almost exclusively the domain of a tight network of conservation groups ensuring one view, and one -LSB-...]
A tight network of paths and streets offering multiple routes to many destinations can also make walking and cycling trips varied and enjoyable.
Pricing and marketing cars through a tight network of brand exclusive dealerships restricted buyers to paying the price for the cars that the «Big Three» decided to sell them.
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) have strict networks and require referrals to see specialists; preferred provider organizations (PPOs) don't require referrals and let you go outside of your network, for a higher cost; and exclusive provider organizations (EPOs) have a tight network, like an HMO, but don't require referrals.
Read more... If you're adopting a tight network strategy, then you're pretty much done with linking.
«Co-workers aside, do pull toward you a tight network of professional friends and colleagues in related industries or interesting fields who would be open to making e-introductions or passing along your resume — or even better, giving you a heads up of openings coming up in their companies.»
team member Steve Bews Steve Bews Recruitment Consultant With a tight network from coast to coast spanning two decades in the Life Sciences sector, and a passion for delivering on objectives, Steve was born to recruit...
Whether it's State / County Code, Archaeological, Architectural, Legal, Cultural (and you will need all of it)- Billy has created a tight network of the BEST professionals on the island.
We've built a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible investment properties in Tampa Bay FL..
We've built a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible investment properties in Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
We're focused on building a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible real estate investments in Tampa Bay.
We've built a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible investment properties in Denver CO..
We've built a small, tight network of long - term investors who want to purchase credible investment properties in Nashville TN.
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