Sentences with phrase «tightening of»

In his statement, Poloz identified that because of the regulatory changes, including a tightening of mortgage rules in January, households pulled forward their housing purchases to the fourth quarter of 2017, resulting in a slowdown in the first quarter of 2018.
Fourth: Check out David Gaughran on the tightening of Traditional Publishing / Author Solutions ties.
We came in under the push model and facing the tightening of the market due to both publisher and bookstore merger / concentration in the big boys.
Depending on the definition, copyediting may also include editing of syntax, word choice, tightening of sentences, and the application of style, such as The Chicago Manual of Style.
It's also important that you have your battery inspected, including a cleaning and tightening of its terminal.
When the system detects the ILX is about to leave the road, it warns you with an MID warning message, an amber heads - up warning and a tightening of the seat belt.
But thanks to the first major tightening of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations in decades and customer preference for higher efficiency, the trend now is for smaller, not bigger, engines.
2003: Honda introduced an autonomous braking (Collision Mitigation Brake System CMBS, originally CMS) front collision avoidance system on the Inspire [39] and later in Acura, using a radar - based system to monitor the situation ahead and provide brake assistance if the driver reacts with insufficient force on the brake pedal after a warning in the instrument cluster and a tightening of the seat belts.
Porsche couldn't avoid turbos any longer with the continuous tightening of emissions standards.
Usually, hand tools are used for the tightening of lugs, then followed with a torque wrench to ensure accuracy in getting the wheels onto a vehicle.
[8] recent months have seen a tightening of charter scrutiny:
A significant downgrading in the OBR's forecast could lead to a further tightening of the country's finances on top of an already depreciated pound, longstanding poor productivity, and UK inflation hitting its highest point since 2012.
-- The average difference between NAEP and state proficiency levels decreased from 35 percentage points to 30 percentage points nationwide, which the authors point out is «the largest tightening of state standards in any two - year period since NCLB was first established.»
Over that two - year period, the average difference between NAEP and state proficiency levels decreased from 35 percent to 30 percent, the largest tightening of state standards in any two - year period since NCLB was first established (see Figure 2).
With the extent of changes taking place throughout all areas of the sector, a review of the national curriculum and a significant tightening of the purse strings, schools are under pressure from all angles to continue to provide the exemplary education that has come to be expected.
HER «YENTL,» AND HIS A little song, a little dance, a little tightening of the pants.
With a simple tightening of his voice, Cassius (Short Term 12's Lakeith Stanfield) becomes a telemarketing genius, and quickly ascends from humble worker - bee to boss» favorite.
Let there be a furious filleting of fish, a rapid tightening of corsets.
January also sees the release of Resident Evil 0 HD, a re-release and tightening of the GameCube classic.
If anything, we may hope for a further qualitative and quantitative tightening of the schedule so that the event does not overlap with the Milan men's shows like it did this season, to the chagrin of many international editors who had to leave one of the world's most beautiful cities a few days early.
I can seriously feel the tightening of the skin under my eyes moments after applying it.
If you have dry or combination skin this product may cause issues with dryness and tightening of the skin.
Muscle cramp and muscle spasms are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.
Our understanding is that the emotional and physical body are intricately interconnected, emotional tension will manifest itself as physical tension leading to a drawing in or tightening of the muscles, for many people this is something that may have developed and been embedded for many years.
The result is poor posture, altered gait, and tightening of the antagonist muscles, especially those of the lower back.
Emotional or physical abuse creates a subconscious tightening of the pelvic floor area.
This tightening of the plantar fascia has two functions; (1) the medial arch of the foot is packed tighter and is increased in height, allowing for improved loading capacity and shock absorption, and (2) the foot becomes more rigid and has improved function as a propulsive lever (Figures 2 and 3).10 Consequently, if during the swing phase the toes are trying to «grip» the flip - flop, the 1st MTP joint is not able to extend and the windlass mechanism of the foot is compromised.
Again you should feel a slight tightening of the hip muscles but no more.
The Stress Connection Stress of any sort promotes the tightening of muscles.
It is the strongest of the three heads and is aided by the supraspinatus in abduction and limited by the tightening of the lower shoulder capsule.
Frozen shoulder is actually a tightening of the muscles in the shoulder region causing the shoulder to become immobile or «frozen».
This tightening actually occurs from tightening of either or both the hand and the foot on the side that the shoulder is frozen.
When it comes to running, these tight calf muscles are contracted and overstretched within a narrow range with every stance phase, which soon causes a reflexive tightening of the muscle as a protection measure.
What is less commonly known is that about 20 - 25 percent of all women have a chronic holding and tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor.
You should notice a tightening of your body.
I am still hesitant to run... although my physician said that running would actually strengthen the pelvic floor and that with every foot strike there is a reflex tightening of those muscles.
This results to tightening of the skin and thus, the improved * appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and even cellulites.
That short lived pump makes you look ripped and defined because of the tightening of the skin around the pumped up muscles.
It's also used to prevent any shortening and tightening of muscles due to scar tissue.
Studies have shown that even just looking at images of frightening or stressful scenarios cause an automatic contraction / tightening of these muscles.
Therefore they are often prone to pain through gradual tightening of the muscles which can also result in tearing from sudden sharp movements.
Not only does it lead to the rectus abdominis (our 6 pack muscle as we know it) being over stretched and our back muscles to be shortened, but this can also result in or lead to issues with a tightening of the psoas, which can cause problems when it comes to working the pelvic floor.
When you sit day after day, tightening of your hip flexors and weakening of your glutes can lead to an imbalance we called an anterior pelvic tilt.
I still feel the tightening of the contractions but not as much pain.
The natural treatment for GERD, then, is not acid suppression — but avoidance of stomach distension and tightening of the LES valve.
Asthma obstructs these airways through swelling, the production of too much mucus or a tightening of the tubes.
Continued tightening of federal funds supporting basic and translational research make private donations more important than ever.
«It makes sense that low oxygen would induce this cascade of molecular events leading to the tightening of the barrier,» said Rehman.
«It has become very clear that the opening up or tightening of chromatin, to expose or hide genes in our chromosomes, plays a role in cancer progression,» dos Santos says.
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