Sentences with phrase «time active labor»

Most women will relocate to the place where they plan on giving birth by the time active labor begins.

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For a Birth Center birth, you will arrive in or near active labor and for a home birth, we will arrive to you at this time instead.
I have basically stopped ordering IA because nursing staff are determined to interpret it as «20 min of EFM, 40 min off», which is an unacceptably long length of time without checking FHT in active labor.
It is said that the average first - time mom will dilate just under a centimeter per hour once active labor has started and the mom having baby number two or more will dilate just over a centimeter per hour once active labor has begun.
I got gritty and determined and for the first time since active labor started I was able to remain quiet during some contractions and simply breathe through them.
Time for continuous attendance by your midwives during active labor.
I had what June called a «fast and furious» labor, that was about 4 hours in length from the time I went into active labor.
We noted that my body takes a long time with early labor but then blasts through active labor and transition like a freight train.
But many doctors recommend that first - time moms don't leave for the hospital until the initial stages of active labor.
Most midwives have a usual procedure here; for example, she might usually come around the time that you're transitioning into active labor.
The researchers defined active phase labor arrest as 1 cm or less of labor progress over 2 hours in women who entered labor spontaneously and were at least 4 cm dilated at the time arrest was diagnosed.
«The best time for analgesia is when a woman is in active labor,» says OB - GYN Laura Riley, M.D., medical director of labor and delivery at Massachusetts General Hospital.
For first time moms, active labor can last 3 to 6 hours and for moms who have already given birth, it can last 1 to 3 hours.
After some delicious turkey and stuffing, I joined her at her home and realized she was in active labor and it was definitely time to go to the hospital.
Even though there may be a short period of time to «relax» during active labor, it is important to take that time to catch your breath and rest your body as much as possible.
As with other technological interventions used at the time of birth, those using active management of labor seem bent on playing down or hiding any risks and reassuring everyone that it is «safe».
In describing active management, one of its practitioners says: «Twelve hours is considered the maximum safe duration of spontaneous labor and cesarean section is performed unless delivery is imminent at that time» (O'Herlihy).
About 30 percent of the time, a woman's water breaks before active labor starts.
Reducing mandated spending though is a politically tricky balancing act for a state that doesn't have a lot of money and a governor who has gone to pains to not seek new tax increases while at the same time has a very active labor movement opposed to more provocative changes.
Information on the diets of vigorous individuals living during these times and following low - protein vegetarian diets was largely ignored.2, 3 The healthy active lives of hundreds of millions of less affluent people laboring in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America on diets with less than half the amount of protein recommended by Dr. Voit (and almost no meat), were overlooked when experts established protein requirements that still affect us today.3, 4
My whole time of labor lasted only.for 12 hours and active labor only 1.5 hours as my uterus did all the work for me!!
It's much easier to deal with this time as I know better what my body wants to do (and I'm all for a short active labor and delivery!).
During this time, the cervix is dilating and thinned in order for the puppies to pass through during the second phase, active labor.
She places the photographer in an active role, taking time to make these labor - intensive cyanotypes, exquisite in their technical acumen and artistic intent.
(appraisals of Hitler's art) National Museum of the American Indian APOLLO MAGAZINE Debate on Satellite Museums LA TIMES OP - EDS: Make Art Loans, Not War Museums Can't Compete (public collecting endangered) HUFFINGTON POST: My columns for HuffPost Arts PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Her Art Came First: Anne d'Harnoncourt's Labor of Love ART IN AMERICA: [Note: The AiA links, alas, are no longer active.]
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