Sentences with phrase «time advocates trained»

The GRG Support Line is staffed by two part - time advocates trained in advocacy, social work, family law, and government services related to kinship caregiving.

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Some advocates argue that infant toilet training is less messy than diapering, because diapering forces the parent to clean up every time a baby poops ( 2006).
It is important to clarify that although that the DSM has been casually referred to as «the bible» of diagnosis and assessment, PSI and other allied organizations are full of trained perinatal mental health professionals, supporters, and survivors who do understand the elements for which we advocated through the DSM revision: the broader time of onset, the importance of diagnostic and statistical criteria through specifiers for anxiety, mixed anxiety / depressive disorder, obsessive disorder, hypomania, and traumatic stress disorders.
Developed by William Sears, a popular attachment parenting advocate, the No Tears method of sleep training believes in comforting your baby each time she cries.
A guide to sleep - training methods, including Ferber, that advocate letting your baby cry for specified periods of time before o...
Cry - it - out is a sleep training method that advocates letting your baby cry (or the more innocuous - sounding «self - soothe») for varying periods of time before offering comfort.
Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, Public Advocate Letitia James and Manhattan Deputy Borough President Aldrin Bonilla held a press conference Tuesday at the station — where elevators have broken down at least four times in two weeks, causing trains to bypass the station.
Advocates of CrossFit, which encompasses both cardiovascular and strength training, say that the varied and high - intensity nature of the workouts significantly enhances physique and overall fitness in a shorter time, and results are balanced across all the muscles of the body.
Those voices include, as this column noted in early July, two recently published reports: Research Universities and the Future of America: Ten Breakthrough Actions Vital to Our Nation's Prosperity and Security, from the U.S. National Academies, which urges universities to «restructure doctoral education..., shorten time - to - degree and strengthen the preparation of graduates for careers both in and beyond the academy,» and the Biomedical Research Workforce Working Group Report, from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which advocates «additional training and career development experiences to equip students for various career options, and test ways to shorten the PhD training period.»
Whereas, the case of remotely switching the train's trajectory produced no difference among control and brain - damaged subjects, when it came to actually pushing someone into the train's path, those people with insults to their VMPC were, on average, three times more likely to advocate throwing the man to his certain death for «the good of the many,» as Spock would say.
Online bodybuilding gurus constantly advocate specific methods for structuring your training to get the most out of your hormonal environment and diet programs seem to emphasize the influence of certain foods and meal timing on hormone activity more than ever.
So, in addition to my full - time job, I am also a trained advocate for women's heart health through an organization called WomenHeart.
This style of training isn't something new, in fact it's been used for a long time in the fitness game, with legendary Iron Guru Vince Gironda advocating it back in the 1950.
I'm just looking for a good way to say that I'm not offended; that I understand about the difficulty of managing trains; and that taking a break and coming to a different conclusion is the sort of courage that the world needs, especially in people who take the time to advocate for what they believe to be right.
I completely advocate a whole body 2 - 3 times a week strength training routine for the best metabolism boost in the least amount of time for my clients.
Again, many people advocate the Olympic lifts to achieve this, but I am not convinced as most athletes butcher them even after years of coaching, and I think to coach them is an in appropriate use of training time.
As a profession undergoing constant pressure to grow, improve and reconstitute the work of teachers and principals in new times, we must as a continuing priority, advocate strongly for modes of professional training and development of the type that reflect these Principles of Procedure.
As a result, Everlaw's User Advocate, Mondee Lu said, «We reduced the onboarding time for both new employees and partner organizations, while ensuring that they are well trained on our product.»
Collective for Youth's mission is to advocate for, facilitate resources, and provide quality training for out of school time program providers.
None of these things would be possible without a full - time, certified Media Specialist leading the Media Center's many programs, utilizing specialized training and background knowledge to meet students» information and literary needs, and advocating for expanded services and improved resources on a regular basis.
«It is however surprising that Michael Gove is showing such interest in the entry requirements for teacher training courses, while at the same time advocating that schools should be free to employ unqualified teachers.
You may not be able to do this 100 percent of the time (thus my cautions about your dog's training and personality), but as the human half of the team, you play several roles, and one of them is to be your dog's advocate.
Bob and Roberta Smith — the pseudonym of the artist Patrick Brill — spent time training as a sign painter in New York, and uses text as an art form, creating colourful slogans that challenge elitism and advocate the importance of creativity in politics and education.
Supporting NGO's that are working on the ground there was high on the list as way we can all get involved, since more than 5000 volunteers are there with nothing to do because hazmat training is time consuming, and required in order for anyone to get anywhere near the spill itself Cousteau suggested that being an advocate for a clean world and vowing to never buy another plastic bottle, and banning single use plastics overall was a good way to help things improve as well.
Journalists, for instance, are trained to be fair and to look at both sides of a story; lawyers advocating for their clients» interests (or their own) have no time for that sort of thing.
Attorneys are highly trained and can become your best advocate in a stressful time.
Professor Stephen Mayson of The Legal Services Institute (Funded by The College of Law) has a very detailed paper on The Education and Training of Solicitors: Time for Change — advocating, inter alia, the abolition of the training cTraining of Solicitors: Time for Change — advocating, inter alia, the abolition of the training ctraining contract.
The Parenting Matters Program is seeking a full - time, degreed Fathering Advocate to provide a combination of fathering support and job readiness services in group trainings and individual case management with fathers.
I am talking about the extravagant use of hyper salesmanship technigues (which is what a salesman / woman is trained to use in order to sell a particular product) vs. the much more rarely used consultative, educational, advocating method (which is organically used by true professional Realtors as a means of offering their clients the desired option of making educated decisions concerning their buying / selling behaviours), no matter how much time is invested by said professional Realtors during the process.
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