Sentences with phrase «time after birth»

She visited us at home 3 times after the birth of my son to help out with whatever we needed.
After the Birth: The doula usually stays for a short time after the birth.
My daughter was born prematurely, and I dealt with a rather difficult time after her birth.
Not only did I reach my birthing goals, but I also got to hold the only one of my 3 babies for the first time after birth.
Most states allow for some help with living expenses during your pregnancy and for your recovery time after birth.
I agree that the immediate bonding time after birth is very important, and I feel very fortunate that I was able to have that with both of my children.
The calendar is organised weekly for the initial time after birth, but then moves onto a monthly outlook to give you practical advice.
Unlike other mammals, they can not keep themselves warm, move about, or feed themselves until a relatively long time after birth.
If you give birth in a birthing center, you and your family will be left uninterrupted in the same room for some quality time after the birth.
Not all women are ready for sex at the same time after birth.
She pioneered alternative work schedules in the 1960s and was allowed to work part - time after the birth of her first child.
For in - home help, you might want to hire a baby nurse, postpartum doula, or a responsible neighborhood teen to help you for a short time after the birth.
When used during the first six months, breastfeeding and the Lactational Amenorrhea Method can be a highly effective form of birth control that allows a couple time after birth to decide what form of contraception is right for them.
The mom took this photo of her baby's hand right before the surgery took place because this baby went into heart failure five different times after birth, you know the time at a very short period of time and the doctors determined immediately that this baby needed a different heart.
Normal performance of primitive reflexes in newborns can be linked to a greater likelihood of having higher Apgar scores, higher birth weight, shorter hospitalization time after birth, and a better overall mental state.
I'm sure if you took Sunny if you took a poll of the women who were separated from their babies for long periods of time after birth how their breastfeeding relationship was, I bet you would find that it was pretty severely the impact.
Schwartzberg has written that the fraught time after the birth of his son delivered a «fatal hit» to his marriage.
«In the immediate time after birth, C - section babies often need more medical intervention than vaginally born babies,» Blumenfeld says.
Over coffee yesterday, I opened up about my experience with a new girlfriend and she shared that her sister went through a difficult time after the birth of both of her children and how it really helped to hear my story since she was concerned she too might suffer from postpartum depression.
Over coffee yesterday, I opened up about my experience with a new girlfriend and she shared that her sister went through a difficult time after the birth of both of her children and how it really helped to hear my story since she was concerned she too might suffer from postpartum depression.
One of the very first things the doctors said to me when I saw my babies for the first time after their birth was that the colostrum my breasts would soon produce would be very helpful for the babies» fragile immune systems.
Her classes can help women have healthier and more comfortable pregnancies, learn techniques for easier labors, and experience faster recovery times after birth.
There is no cure or treatment for Anencephaly and most infants only survive for a very short time after birth.
You of course are blessed with prescient knowledge and can predict that some time after the birth of children you will always be able to afford them.
If on the other hand it is self - awareness, rather than mere consciousness, that grounds a right to life, that does not arise in a human being until some time after birth
Relevant to the point raised about separation of mother and baby: «Calves are left with their mothers for a period of time after birth.
Baby acne can start any time after birth and it is completely normal for it to stick around for a few months; it is also normal for the acne to peak around 3 or 4 weeks of age.
What's more, the time after birth is one you should be enjoying with your newborn baby and partner rather than going all out to recover the flat stomach you've not seen in nine months.
Baby blues or post-partum depression can occur at any time after the birth of your baby and has been known to increase with subsequent pregnancies.
For example, if your baby was born prematurely, he might need to be woken to eat for a longer period of time after birth than most babies in an attempt to help him gain weight.
A Little Lifetime Foundation (formerly ISANDS) is a voluntary organisation, founded in 1983 by a group of bereaved parents whose babies died before or at birth (stillbirth) or some time after birth (neonatal death).
Instead, postpartum is simply the time after the birth of your child.
It's a known fact that many women fall through the cracks in the time after birth.
The rights and benefits to which bereaved parents may be entitled are complicated and depend on many things, including the length of the pregnancy, whether your baby was stillborn or lived for a short time after birth, whether you are employed and your earnings before the birth.
I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I try to sleep as much as I can now so I get a bit of «reserve» for the times after birth.
Playtime with your baby can start any time after birth and goes up to around six months when she starts to learn to conquer the world on her own.
A Cochrane review found that: «Women who used epidurals were more likely to have a longer delivery (second stage of labour), needed their labour contractions stimulated with oxytocin, experienced very low blood pressure, were unable to move for a period of time after the birth (motor blockage), had problems passing urine (fluid retention) and suffered fever and association between epidural analgesia and instrumental birth.»
Be fully supportive to you, your partner and your baby for a designated period of time after the birth.
There are often misconceptions when it comes to the time after birth which can leave mothers confused.
Women whose infant died before 1 month or did not live with her at any time after birth were not asked the breastfeeding questions.
For in - home help, you might want to hire a baby nurse or a responsible neighborhood teenager to help you for a short time after the birth.
Case in point: In just a short time after birth, a breast - feeding baby has learned not only to compress her mother's nipple between her tongue and roof of mouth, but also to give a backward pull of the tongue — otherwise known as suckling.
Some time after my birth I was asked if I would do it again... and my answer was yes, as long as Molly is there.
Cats may be born with Feline Leukemia or Feline Immunodeficiency or can contract either of them at any time after birth, through means of intimate contact with infected cats (Felv) or bite wounds (FIV).
A: Puppies can be infected any time after birth.
Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency are two diseases caused by viruses that cats can be born with or can contract, via intimate contact with another infected cat, at any time after birth.
Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency are two diseases caused by viruses which cats can either be born with or can contract, via intimate contact with another infected cat, at any time after birth.
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