Sentences with phrase «time after that»

They give an authentic appearance to a wide range of products time after time — but not at the expense of a clean label.
I had a very bad habit of weighing myself everyday at the wrong times (at times after lunch).
Last year, lawmakers raised teacher pay for the first time after years of frozen wages.
They're the kind you reach for time after time, kind of like this dress.
There may also be early repayment charges if you decide to repay what you owe within a short time after taking out the deal.
What a lot of work but such a great deal and I'm sure you will enjoy it for a long time after all the effort you put into it.
There's not a lot of time after work to find love.
I have been there many times after for regular maintenance and will never take my car elsewhere.
If you know your child needs more time after school for academic help or because he or she plays a sport, you might be able to take advantage of free sit time.
Waiting period: When an individual signs up for a new health insurance policy, there is a fixed period of time after which certain benefits of the policy come in effect.
Under the bill, the department must post the information within a reasonable time after receiving the participation data from all school districts.
Well over half of the survey's participants reported that they ended up in relationships for at least some period of time after using an online dating site or app.
I wish I had more time after school to work, but my own children are keeping me very busy.
The longer you continue to pay your bills on time after fixing these mistakes, the more you will see your score increase.
A teacher takes time after school to write postcards to parents of students who have done something special in class.
They are essential for your optimal performance during training sessions, strong immune system, shorter recovery time after intense workouts etc..
I've referenced it several times after giving birth for both the breastfeeding support as well as the other early infant care information.
Over time after losing desired weight and maintaining a normal eating plan cholesterol be back to normal range.
We often say to couples that it is sort of like going to the gym to see a trainer for the first time after years of living like a couch potato.
This baking bar is a winner and performs well time after time.
There's something about the air, the water, and the people here that have folks coming back time after time.
Very few games have actually been able to maintain this payment system for long periods of time after launch.
Adults come time after time and are treated with the same professionalism.
Always make them at the same time of day, at the same time after meals and under the same conditions.
After a summer internship with the hospital she returned full time after graduation.
It does not certify you for dives at other times after leaving the property or again at the same property.
Unlike other mammals, they can not keep themselves warm, move about, or feed themselves until a relatively long time after birth.
With a dedicated Lightning port, you can easily charge your device multiple times after just one fill - up of this power bank.
It also helps to wash the potatoes a few times after cutting them to remove as much starch as possible.
This movies made me happy, not for a moment after it ended but it made me happy for a very long time after watching it, days even.
At the very minimum, your dog should continue to eat it's meals in it's crate and have some quite time after each meal.
She will have the momentum in her favor big time after this.
Spend time after work or on weekends to digest all the new content that you have learned.
It is a benefit to the pet by reducing pain, reducing the amount of drugs needed, making joints function better, and it helps with quicker recovery time after surgery.
Have a set time after dinner in which any leftovers go into lunch containers to be refrigerated and ready to take the following morning.
My seller had told me the neighbor, once a big executive with a local firm, had fallen on hard times after losing her job during a corporate bankruptcy.
You can help that along by making the sit - down time after dinner.
It was also amazing to have some extra time after all the flights within the last weeks to meet some friends.
Beyond the initial load time after starting up your game, loading is practically non-existent.
However, group differences in the proportion of parents reporting an area of burden that was quite or extremely stressful became more pronounced over time after injury.
A wealthy man is sentenced to jail time after being convicted of fraud in the comedy Get Hard.
Put your dating apps to good use, and try to squeeze in date time after buying your holiday presents, so you can also relax and unwind.

Phrases with «time after that»

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