Sentences with phrase «time an expression of»

How ironic is it that Limbaugh would apply to this pope and his efforts the name of a man who once had the following to say about religion: «Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress.
Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress.
Most importantly, both personality and situation characteristics independently predicted real - time expressions of behavior and emotion as there were very few interactions between personality and situations found.
The authors of the paper titled, «The Independent Effects of Personality and Situation on Real - Time Expressions of Behavior and Emotion,» designed their study to examine the degree to which personality and situations impact behavior with the goal of seeing how personality, situations, and behavior are related in real - world contexts.
They are democratic both in production as well as in their objective, being at the same time an expression of bourgeois wealth and taste.

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It was a perfect expression of Google's ambitions: users who are constantly connected, grinning to each other the whole time at just how awesome it all is.
Copyright protection is created the moment your work is fixed in a «tangible form of expression» (paper copy, CD, disk, videotaped performance, and the like) for the first time.
«Flip the switch» is an expression frequently heard in the NBA this time of year.
Consumable or edible gifts, like candles or food, are especially appropriate at holiday time as an expression of warmth and friendship.
My results, especially in discipline, freedom of expression, and clarity of ideas, are more valuable than almost anything else I can imagine otherwise doing in that time, certainly watching TV.
But the end of year is a great time to step up the expressions of gratitude and go above and beyond in saying, «I love you!»
From body movement and hand gestures to facial expressions and timing, these factors figure into the success of a presentation.
And as a trader, you hear that expression all of the time because timing is everything in the markets.
«By investing the necessary time and resources, we are building a solid nonprofit that we are confident will successfully support the spread of our global culture of self - expression, participation and civic responsibility,» wrote Goodell.
In times of global economic instability, precious metals and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin become more attractive as expressions of value that aren't subject to government manipulation.
The two hit it off, and soon after they teamed up at MIT's Media Lab, armed with a near - million - dollar National Science Foundation grant, to prototype a sort of emotional hearing aid for autistic people — essentially a wearable camera that scanned people's facial expressions to interpret social cues, in real time, for the person wearing the device.
In a time where working from home is common, polos and khakis are replacing suits and ties, and cursing like a sailor is seen as an expression of passion for your work, the fine line between work and home grows thinner and thinner.
The expression terms of trade is something worth spending more time on.
While Pranesh Prakash, policy director at the Centre For Internet and Society, doesn't believe the government would actually summon Zuckerberg to India, he says, «One new concern that's valid across the world, where there are limitations put on freedom of expression during times of campaigning and elections, how do they translate online?
Grief is the appropriate response in times of tragedy, though some expressions are more appropriate than others.
I leave it to one of the greatest minds of all time who wrote... Quote: «The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.»
Yes, each one of us is stuck with the one we've got (at this point in time), but we can re-create it, fashioning it into an expression of the identity we prefer.
This striking transformation of life into lifestyle, the way in which the tools, garments, and attitudes specific to particular times and places become commodities to be marketed to anonymous and rootless consumers: they are the natural (if also banal) expressions of our normal nihilism.»
Whitehead's endeavors to resolve questions of becoming began with physical nature as a frame of reference and an event as the primary datum in the construction, functioning, and form of nature, with the time factor of space - time constituting one of the major expressions of the relation between events.
By paying attention to these four expressions of the church, we can all better understand some of the personal and institutional struggles Christians are experiencing during these times of global change.
Time passed and I found myself deconstructing my faith and thinking, «To what extent do my beliefs just become an expression of me and my shortcomings and idiosyncrasies?»
The antiwar domestic American politics of the Sixties were a volatile expression of what might be called, following the existentialist fashions of the time, the «politics of authenticity.»
The issue has so far been ceded — by default — to pseudo-moralists like Richard Lugar, Pat Buchanan and the Christian Coalitionist's Ralph Reed, who have been the only major political voices to speak out against the proliferation of legalized gambling... The highest formulaic expression of the New American Economy might just be «casinos plus part - time jobs.»
This can only be resolved once it is recognized that an institution may insist upon adherence to etiquette in order to further its mission, without these restrictions on the freedom of expression at certain times and places necessarily constituting an abridgement of right guaranteed by law.
From the point of view of the Christian tradition itself, such a renovation is not merely a capitulation to one more cultural expression, «but a new stage in the ongoing shaping of the gospel in different times and contexts.
The feminist reformist recognizes that that ideal is not fully achieved, and that there were times when male Christians refused to accept the full humanity of women, but they consider those failures as expressions of inadequacy and human perversion of the gospel.
One time - system stands as only a partial expression of the passage, the complete expression of which requires an indefinite number of time - systems.
The body of God, as theologians would say, is creation, understood as God's self - expression; it is formed in God's own reality, bodied forth in the eons of evolutionary time, and supplied with the means to nurture and sustain billions of different forms of life.
My revelatory commission forbade me to resort to extrahuman sources of either information or expression until such a time as I could testify that I had failed in my efforts to find the required conceptual expression in purely human sources.
In all three Gospels the paragraph proceeds with an expression of pity for pregnant women and those nursing babies in the time of distress (Mk 13:17: Mt 24:19; Lk 21:23).
121:8.14 — While I, with the collaboration of my eleven associate fellow midwayers and under the supervision of the Melchizedek of record, have portrayed this narrative in accordance with my concept of its effective arrangement and in response to my choice of immediate expression, nevertheless, the majority of the ideas and even some of the effective expressions which I have thus utilized had their origin in the minds of the men of many races who have lived on earth during the intervening generations, right on down to those who are still alive at the time of this undertaking.
The body of God, then, is creation, understood as God's self - expression; it is formed in God's own reality (although not thereby identical with it), bodied forth in the eons of evolutionary time.
If the characteristic mark of hermeneutical theology is its interpretive stance, especially in regard to texts — both the classic text of the Judeo - Christian tradition (the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament) and the exemplary theologies that build on the classic text — then heuristic theology is also interpretive, for it claims that its successful unconventional metaphors are not only in continuity with the paradigmatic events and their significance expressed in this classic text but are also appropriate expressions of these matters for the present time.
Heuristic theology, though not bound to the images and concepts in scripture, is constrained to show that its proposed models are an appropriate, persuasive expression of Christian faith for our time.
Indeed, with the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection more intensely and vividly present to him, one imagines at these times than at others, it is not abstinence from sexual communion, but rather (one would suggest) the fullest, most joyful, most grateful expression of it that becomes at such times his just response to the costly redeeming love of God.
Three times in his explanations of these two parables Matthew uses an expression that occurs two more times in his Gospel and only once anywhere else in the New Testament (Mt 13:39 - 40, 49; cf. 24:3; 28:20; Heb 9:26).
It's not for someone looking for a casual read, but I've found it to be one of the most enlightening and convincing takes on how marriage becomes sacramental through the expression of erotic love over time.
To this mythology belongs the expectation of the end of the world as occurring in time, the expectation which in the contemporary situation of Jesus is the natural expression of his conviction that even in the present man stands in the crisis of decision, that the present is for him the last hour.
This, said one person, is the source of fear: «At the time my dad was ready to die, he was almost totally paralyzed, but he had this terror - stricken expression.
Through social media, our outlets of expression have increased significantly to the point where we can say anything... about anyone... at any time... without much accountability.
The unity of control and direction, which is material being as it builds through time and space to its climax in man, is but the partial expression of a greater reality, a Law that defines and drives the unfolding a deeper purpose aligned on a yet higher goal.
Mike Davidson, CEO of CIT: «Sexual expression may take many different forms and may change over time, as do identities.
In modern times, Christians have tended to view charity toward the poor as an expression of social justice.
Born at the time when Christianity's transcendent form of knowing was being decoupled from the imitative practices grounded in it, anthropology would serve as a diagnostics for (and corrective to) the new operations and expressions of Christian mimesis.
Rather than speaking of our time as a post-Christian age, the contemporary Christian might more truly say that the Word appears in our history in such a way as to negate its previous expressions.
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