Sentences with phrase «time and»

It's a joke, and waste of time and money of the arsenal fans.
You have to be creative and you have to be willing to work or put in time and effort for it.
He certainly thinks he is logical and reasonable, but he actually is deeply flawed, unreasonable at times and does stupid things, like abuse drugs and alcohol.
Finding good employees, replacing ones who leave, and training new employees is costly in time and in money.
People spend a lot of time and energy on things that don't work.
Question of the Day is the show for listeners who are short on time and long on curiosity.
Save time and save money with our easy - to - use software.
-LSB-...] research takes time and effort as a key part of SEO planning and analysis and there are a number of advanced tools to assist with this process.
This fact has been gone over time and again on this blog.
However, a mistake I see time and time again is startups with a passionate but naive team setting out to get funded.
I'm hoping that'll change over time and with more use.
That's why I take time and space in each of my books for authors to help them understand the concepts before I begin the nuts and bolts education.
If you intend to travel a lot then its best to invest in a good stroller that will last you a long time and all those miles.
She doesn't waste time and energy on criticizing herself or anyone else.
That was great and all, but then they needed a sprinkle of good timing and good fortune.
Becoming your child's teacher needs spending time and effort for your child, but it gives fruitful result at the end.
In recognition of their generous contributions to the community with time and resources.
These days, it's all about saving time and resources for the company.
Try it as - is the first time and then make your tweaks.
Visit the property and the neighborhood at different times and dates so you can see whether it is secure, if it changes during the weekends, etc..
For a one - off surcharge, adjustments can be implemented that save time and costs during operation.
These are the seven blocks that, when given time and attention, can easily be turned around.
Imagine sandwich bread, French toast, bread pudding, stuffing — all your favorites in very little time and not much fuss.
It's about love — which is something we choose to give time and time again.
The avoiding, in many times and places, has proved so difficult that a very large part of the human race failed to achieve it.
What a lovely idea to make different colours at the same time and then use a story to bring it to life!
There are far too many authors out there investing time and effort into getting visibility for you to succeed with a strategy that basically amounts to hoping for a lightning strike.
Plan to pump at the same time and place at work every day.
My wife and I are about to become parents ourselves for the first time and there was no hesitation from either of us, it's home birth!
Of course, generating this kind of marketing content takes time and talent.
Point is that there are millions of things we do not understand for we are limited by time and other resources.
I work part time and keep busy with alot of activities within the group from church.
I have made this ice cream a few times and used different kinds of chocolates and they all work great.
Full time student, work full time and full time mother... Prepared to stay at home doing my house work when i have spare time....
He's seems to disappear at times and from what I saw in that series, he's not much of a leader.
So I've been waiting for just the right time and space to start another one with the energy such a project both requires and deserves.
Kids need to be properly hydrated to stand for long times and if in games and they are not drinking, that is a set up for passing out.
And as a result you save time and expenses for technical instruction delivery and tailoring eLearning solutions for different systems / platforms.
It's amazing how many times and how long each time a baby will play with these toys.
I personally believe that the right team will stick it out through hard times and find more customers.
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