Sentences with phrase «time and attention span»

There's huge opp costs to my time and attention span.
DIY glitter shoes!!!! Now I really wish I could create more DIY posts, the thing is I am just short on time and attention span.
I can't remember the last time I walked into a movie theatre or even had the time and attention span to lounge on the sofa for a couple hours to watch one at home.
Time and attention spans are limited, so invest in content that provides the most relevant information, in the simplest and clearest manner.
A deep - dive brainstorming session to discuss how to package yourself effectively when time and attention spans are short
b. Ensuring a clear understanding of your top selling points at a glance (important when hiring managers are skimming through dozens of resumes at a time and attention spans are short)

Not exact matches

At the time, the Linden, N.J., entrepreneur didn't think twice about putting in 18 - hour days, six days a week, despite the flagging energy and dwindling attention span that plagued him most evenings.
Time is limited, and attention spans are short.
This is despite the fact that the average person shifts their attention span roughly 565 times a day as technology and social networks like Facebook have become increasingly part of many people's lives, Leaf later added.
While the study was performed in 2012, I'd guess that people in 2016 have even less time and shorter attention spans.
Daniel Goleman, author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, suggests spending time in nature to help you reset your attention span and relax your mind.
There are a variety of reasons for this gap in understanding: The time gap between discovery research and the translation of that discovery into a therapeutic or a commercial product can take decades, and public and political attention spans are short; the natural human inclination is to pay more attention to things that don't work rather than things that do.
I believe our collective compassion has a short attention span in the church and that even those who want to be supportive of justice work grow weary of the same cause if it is not resolved within a certain time frame.
That simple possibility goes way past the contemporary attention span time limit... bring on Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, even Depak Chopra and get your daily dose of foolishness.
As I'm not in school this semester, I've noticed myself spending more time playing Call of Duty and not having a strong enough attention span to continually read The Bible every day.
You just need some quick hands and pair of tongs and an attention span longer than a Pokemon - goer, and the dough will come out fabulous every time.
«It's a long season, these girls have held their attention span and their work rate for a long time,» Lum said.
Whilst I applaud the analysis and time taken to write said article, it is just far too in depth for the average footie fan with the attention span of a gnat.
By eliminating the twenty toys and do - dads that come with typical activity gyms and shutting off the music you can create a zone of calm where they can focus on one toy at a time, therefore extending their attention span (aka learning to * play * on their own).
Toddler breakfasts give a variety of benefits such as aiding to avoid obesity and at the same time, they will be able to be in a good mood all day with longer attention spans.
During this time you may notice your child controlling his impulses and negative behavior and lengthening his attention span.
Toy rotation may also help encourage your child to stick with one toy for longer periods of time and increase his / her attention span.
cognitive issues (limited attention span, poor reaction time and reduced decision - making and problem - solving skills)
Puzzles, books, and indoor toys captivate their attention for short spans of time, the gift of adventure, exploring, and getting outside satisfies them.
People's attention spans are short and they're getting shorter all the time, especially online.
According to Ezzo, skills such as «creativity,» «mental focusing» and a «sustained attention span» may be «seriously delayed if your child misses out on structured playpen time
When your child can follow simple directions and has a slightly longer attention span, she's ready for a more traditional time - out.
Lengthen your little one's attention span and spur creativity with well - planned craft time.
Instead of jumping on an early diagnosis of ADHD for your child, you might consider that many three and four - year - olds still have short attention spans, are hyperactive and like to play, and wouldn't be expected to sit still for 2 hours at a time.
The British public, or at least the media that serve them, seem to only have enough attention span for one scandal at a time, and it will do no harm to the Murdoch empire to overshadow the Leveson Inquiry with another scandal.
Added one New York City Democratic insider: «Four years is a long time, but New York and Washington are places where people have short attention spans and long memories.»
Whatever the cause — dwindling attention spans, underfunded schools, something to do with the Internet — the fact is these days that if a Top Thinker wakes up one morning aghast at man's inhumanity to man, he's probably going to dash off a 300 - word op - ed and e-mail it to The New York Times, or better still, just stick it up on his blog, typos and all, not cancel his appointments for the next seven years so he can bang out War and Peace in a shed.
This idea is also the theme of the book «Last Child in the Woods,» which suggested that indoor lifestyle and more screen time hurt children's attention spans.
This implies that time - management and multitasking skills are essential — something which suits me and my goldfish - like attention span down to the ground.
Einstein's life spanned the terrors of the 20th century — two world wars, the worldwide Great Depression, fascism, communism, the Holocaust, the threat of nuclear war — and he was never less than steadfast and rational in his attention to the history of his time.
Improved concentration translates into their time at school during lessons, boosts their attention span and can help improve their grades.
These flavonoids enhance cerebral blood flow which helps to improve attention span, memory, problem solving capabilities and reaction time.
[6] One study in healthy adult volunteers found that a high - potency Ashwagandha extract taken for 14 days significantly improved reaction time in 5 of the 6 psychomotor performance tests measuring everything from attention span and brain to response speed to central integration, visuo - motor coordination and alertness, without being sedating or over-stimulating.
Acetylcholine is known to improve and increase attention span, and its concentration in the brain is directly correlated with the ability to focus for sustained periods of time.
My cute planner hasn't been much motivation and at times I have the attention span of a gnat flitting from one idea to the other until I am completely overwhelmed and decide to hang out on Pinterest for what seems like forever.
I was a little too free spirited, and my creativity and attention span didn't care to have me in a classroom for hours at a time.
This social media generation that we're presently in is more time - starved than ever and simply has a shorter attention span.
Giving someone your full attention, maintaining eye contact and replying in a quick time span are great ways to give off a good first impression.
The average attention span for the notoriously ill - focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from It's no longer just your clicks they want, it's your time and attention.
Erin Brockovich is about as funny, smart, interesting and inspiring movie as any this year and one can only hope Academy voters don't suffer from the short attention span that they are known for come nomination time.
First time writer - director Peter Landesman keeps the energy level low, which may test the attention - spans of many in the audience, as his style, which emphasizes a lot of roving cameras and close - ups, is so subdued that it plays almost like a detached, mood piece instead of an explosive series of events that rocked the world.
THE HUMBLING is a throwback to a time when attention spans were longer, characters were created out of complex and even contradictory behaviors, and the story was an extension of the characters, not a glib contrivance.
Novels can be put down and picked up again at will, allowing much greater freedom for long expository sequences and character development, and yet the skill of a great filmmaker is to convey the information concisely, such that we feel we know the characters and plot as well as were they written, but within the time and attention - span limitations that are inherent on screen.
And when those info pieces are just the right size of small, your learners with short attention spans don't have time to get distracted before they get through each piece.
Whether at home or work, we are multitasking more, have less time to spare, and our attention spans are shrinking.
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