Sentences with phrase «time appointed»

Throughout Indonesia at any of the five times appointed for the daily prayers believers can be seen in any mosque or langgar performing the salat together.
«And when We did appoint for Moses thirty nights (of solitude), and added to them ten, and he completed the whole time appointed by his Lord of forty nights; and Moses said unto his brother: Take my place among the people.
Just four years later, A.E. Forest purchased the insurer for just $ 2,000 and at the same time appointed the company's very first general agent.
One quote that seems to help me all the time is this: «there is absolutely no need to hurry about anything: everything must happen only at the precise time appointed by the Cosmic Law»:) Best wishes for you on this new year
Public Arts Organization Creative Time Appoints London - based Elvira Dyangani Ose Senior Curator
DLA Piper has for the first time appointed vice chairs for some Chicago practice groups, seeking to aid those who chair large...
She was President of AFCC in 2004 - 2005, during which time she appointed the AFCC Child Custody Evaluation Model Standards Task Force.
India is planning steps to ensure cryptocurrencies are illegal within its payments system, while at the same time appointing a regulator to oversee unregulated exchanges that trade in «crypto assets,» a finance ministry official said on Monday.
'Cause when you started, you had to not turn the whole board over every time you appointed one.
The world, they hold, was created out of nothing by the will of God and at the time He appointed.
thou art of those reprieved (80) Until the Day of the time appointed.
So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed: and there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men.»
But God scatters them, establishing distinct nations (confusing their tongues) as the means to sustain humanity in a condition of real but limited solidarity until the time appointed by God for our restoration to Eden's happy harmony.
«'' At the time I appointed Rafa Benitez I spoke to Klopp.
De Laurentiis said: «At the time I appointed Rafa Benitez I spoke to Klopp.
He reversed his position right around the time his appointed counterpart came out in support of marriage equality.
This stage was reached early in Ed Miliband's leadership, around about the time he appointed Tim Livesey, his new chief of staff.
He has, however, been practicing law since 1971, was president of the Brooklyn Bar Association, worked in the Brooklyn D.A.'s office, and was three times appointed a special prosecutor, by Elizabeth Holtzman and Charles Hynes.
Not content with sacking the chief inspector of prisons, the chief inspector of probation has now resigned over conflicts of interest the justice secretary was fully aware of at the time he appointed him.
I hope you know that those they are complaining about were, first of all, appointed by the PDP and as of the time they appointed them, they knew their antecedents.
«Every time you appoint a new person who never had capital allocation experience, it's like rolling the dice.»
(1) The President shall preside as chairperson or, if there is no President, the President is not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting, or the President is unwilling to act, then the members present shall elect one (1) of their number to be the chairperson of the meeting.
If there is no President, or if at any meeting the President is not present within ten (10) minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, then the members shall choose one (1) of their number to be chairperson of the meeting.
(a) On the day and at the time appointed or on a day to which the case may be adjourned, the justice of the peace shall proceed to hear the case.
The Governor in Council may from time to time appoint, for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect, fit and proper persons, to be severally called «Protector of Aboriginals,» who shall, within the Districts respectively assigned to them, have and exercise the powers and duties prescribed.
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