Sentences with phrase «time as a christian»

But why do you have to do it at the same time as a Christian holiday?
It's time we as Christian's celebrated the holiness of God by keeping His name holy.
I've gone through such a difficult, isolated time as the Christians around me believe things that make me so angry — like gays are sinning and that homosexuality is the worst thing for our society and is accelerating us towards the end times and that if we support gay people we are deeply deceived and can fall away from the faith.
But for the above reasons, I don't see anything wrong with verbalising what we're all saying, thinking and doing all the time as Christians, and saying that God agrees with one position but not with another.
These Jewish holidays occur around the same time as the Christian ones, so what happens in the schools for Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur?
You do know that the Christmas tree was part of a pre Christian pagan winter solstice ritual, funnily enough at the same time as the Christians later co-opted as their date for Christmas.

Not exact matches

Or, as Christian Busch, CEO of German Accelerator Tech NY, sums it up, «Lack of focus on solving a specific problem / need, (poor) timing (too early / too late), and scaling too fast.»
The men saw wires and a pipe coming out of the bag on top of a municipal garbage can as they came out of a nearby restaurant, Elizabeth Mayor Christian Bollwage said, reports The New York Times.
It's sad, and almost embarrassing to identify as a Christian at times because of the simplicity of the issues big churches choose to «champion.»
Insofar as that support includes advocacy in Washington, D.C. for institutions of Christian higher education, we believe our association with the CCCU significantly weakens our collective voice for our distinctive mission, at a time when we are under increasing scrutiny.
In Italy, many of the pope's closest advisors were Jesuits, such as Robert Leiber, his long - time private secretary and a chief mediator in the 1940 conspiracy to overthrow Hitler; Mussolini's friend Tacchi Venturi; John LaFarge, the American Jesuit who helped prepare the draft for a papal encyclical condemning anti-Semitism; Augustin Bea, the pope's confessor and later the popular Cardinal Secretary for Jewish - Christian relations; and numerous others.
As Christians living in a culture that tends to present opportunities counter to our identities in Christ — children of God, as we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were youngeAs Christians living in a culture that tends to present opportunities counter to our identities in Christ — children of God, as we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were youngeas we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were younger.
You conducted yourself much better this time Ranier as a Christian concerning the Pope and the Catholic Church, so I applaud you for finally acting like a Christian.
Time to make CHURCH AND STATE, as well as making Good Friday a federal holiday + all important Christian holidays!
But if you look at the bible and how christians use it by picking out what parts they agree with and dismissing the horror of it as «cultural of the times» it says to me that their sense of right and wrong is more evolved than the book they claim is the final authority of right and wrong.
As Christians, do we need to think more carefully about the time we spend in our workplaces?I think we do, and the key part of it is to «know your why»...
I was a bit wary, then, when in the late 1980s I received an invitation to spend some time with a small group of Christian scholars and activists — with Tim LaHaye as one of the persons who had already agreed to participate — to discuss strategies for representing our convictions in the public square.
I think Christians, in general, don't know jack squat about the gay lifestyle / community nor do they really take the time to understand... their scripture says this and that's all they need (blatant ignorance — but that's life)... even those scriptures are up for contention as noted earlier by Trey.
Sure, some Christians argue that Sunday shopping violates the Sabbath, but mostly the movement has secular goals, such as working less, putting a brake on commercialism, and spending time with family and friends.
Russ Christian thinking at its best, 5 billion people totally ignore or think the bible is just another poorly written of fiction, sure to your lot it may be the most influential book in history, not so much to everyone else and is getting less and less influential as time goes by.
Christ, as time has many different names from many different cultures and the christians forcibly converted people to stop them from celebrating THEIR OWN religious holidays that fell at the same time of years millenia ago.
Republicans fall for it because the have no real connection with most Americans... the need it to get control of the country... Christians fall for it because they use the black and white issue of abortion and gay and lesbian marriage... while completely ignore the harvest field of the Muslim world because they have guns adn will kill you if yo uso much as fart while Muhammad is takign a dump... there's billion Muslims and very few Christians willin to go there... it's obvious a job for a million Christians a real million man and woman army willin gto die for Jesus Christ and stop talkign all the time about abortin abortion abortion and the gay thisn and anythinng else..
If my beliefs in God as a Christian are so rediculous why is so much time spent by secular individuals spent trying to discredit them to validate their own.
T hose of early Christian times are no doubt with Christ as as we speak, awaiting the time that they too will aid Jesus is breaking up the works of the Devil at Armageddon and in the coming Millennial Reign.
It's time for Christians (Muslims as well) to wake up and join us in the 21st century.
The reality is that Christians were systematically persecuted at times (as in the case of Nero) and at other times were treated like any other religious group.
As it happens, the Times Literary Supplement gave the book to the philosopher Anthony Kenny to review, perhaps because he could never be accused of any parti pris in this debate, since he has in the past leveled his own severe criticisms against classical Christian theism for relying on an «outdated Aristotelian cosmology.»
If the stories told about the era are true, the Christians» greatest shortcoming was that they thought their strict monotheism prevented them from making the token offering to the emperor, who at the time was viewed as a deity.
At one time more than a tenth of the Egyptian population, Coptic Christians have been getting out as fast as they can.
skinsfan666, I think her focus was persecution of christians, specificically that it wasn't as bad in Roman times as we are led to believe.
There is not Christian truth, your religion is cult stolen from other pagan religions it's time for people to recognize it as the myth it is.
At the moment, gays top the list as targets of hatred and vitriol spewed forth by christians, but they're a recent focus, with many others having spent time in that spotlight in the past.
As someone born in the early 50s, that read Lord of the Rings in my teens, I found that the Dark Tower series took LOTR place as a series I could read over and over and each time I find some Christian themes but also beautifully written passages that I simply want to stop and re-read agaiAs someone born in the early 50s, that read Lord of the Rings in my teens, I found that the Dark Tower series took LOTR place as a series I could read over and over and each time I find some Christian themes but also beautifully written passages that I simply want to stop and re-read agaias a series I could read over and over and each time I find some Christian themes but also beautifully written passages that I simply want to stop and re-read again.
At the same time, we recognize that, during the past five hundred years, the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Magisterium of God, has been faithfully at work among theologians and exegetes in both Catholic and Evangelical communities, bringing to light and enriching our understanding of important biblical truths in such matters as individual spiritual growth and development, the mission of Christ's Church, Christian worldview thinking, and moral and social issues in today's world.
Even the early Christian apologists such as Justin Martyr could not hold onto a claim without the help of the devil when they claimed that he was able to perform plagiarism in reverse time order in attempts to confuse the faithful.
Christmas occupies such a large part of the Christian imagination that the absolute supremacy of Easter as the greatest of Christian feasts may get obscured at times.
Any time I see the two words, «Christian» and «Treatment», used together, I tell the person considering such «treatment» to run, not walk, away — as far away as they can.
As a former Christian, I find the idea of one man standing before a congregation several times a week, explaining his beliefs (understanding of the bible?)
Bertrand Russell, in his book, «Why I Am Not A Christian», He discredits the inspiration of the New Testament: «I am concerned with Christ as He appears in the Gospel narrative... He certainly thought that his second coming would occur in clouds of glory before the death of all the people who were living at the time.
«Over half of Christians say it is fine to play sport then, as long as they find other times to engage in church activity.
... What has happened over time is that people were forced to believe in the one of the Abrahamic faiths through Holy wars, torture, Crusades and Inquisitions, and as people practiced this chosen people ideology, whether Christian, Catholic, Jew or Muslim, which was built on the principle of remaining segregated from the un-chosen, their faith urged them to remain segregated, where they lived and never to marry anyone outside their faith... and even in death there is a history of segregation which to this day continues, try having a non Jewish person buried in Jewish cemetery.
This prayer is so easy to say that even a child can say it therefore, in your personal decision to become a Born Again Christian and accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior, you have just held the key that will open the door to Heaven and will be given gainful entrance at your appointed time!
Evangelical reform, as Protestant evangelical theologian Timothy George has wisely cautioned, does not come by removing» or ignoring» the landmarks that serve all Christians of all subsequent times and places.
One in 10 Christians think sport is «an idol that many people worship in society today» and more than half said it's okay to play sport on a Sunday, so long as they're engaged in their churches at other times during the week.
President Obama is on record as having accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior around the time when he officially became Christian.
Half the time I wonder if the lot of them are trolls, because I've never elsewhere encountered such a mendacious group of christians as I have on this blog.
Ron Dreher calls it the Benedict Option as he believes it is time for Christians to copy the fifth - century monk St Benedict and pursue a «communal withdrawal from the mainstream, for the sake of sheltering one's faith and family from corrosive modernity and cultivating a more traditional way of life».
At the same time, from various motives some Christians, even bishops and clergymen, described themselves as deists as well as Christians.
It's the height of blasphemy to use God for such purposes, yet Jews and Christians do it all the time as if it was second nature.
As part of my work over the last four years, I've spent a significant amount of time reading books in the Christian «marriage advice» genre: Real Marriage, His Needs, Her Needs, Love & Respect.
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