Sentences with phrase «time as a pollutant»

And now, it could be getting ready to make another, truly historic move — to regulate carbon dioxide for the first time as a pollutant that endangers public health.Regulating Carbon Emissions?

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As a result testers got one outcome — a diesel - powered car that met all the EPA's emissions requirements — while VW owners got another: a more powerful vehicle that spewed out up to 35 times more nitrogen oxide, an air pollutant, than standards allow.
Subsequently, the Clean Air Task Force of the DEC reports that since this time, illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, heart attacks, hospital visits, and death related to these pollutants have decreased statewide by 87 percent.
It is a sad irony that at the same time as Zaraska notes the value of urban trees in dealing with pollutants, a council contractor in Sheffield, UK, is busy cutting down hundreds of trees in the city streets.
Among residents tested in parts of Houston, Los Angeles, and Elizabeth, N.J., Hispanics faced a cancer risk from air pollutants as much as five times the rate of non-Hispanic whites.
Other times, these pollutants can masquerade as hormones.
What's more, environmental factors, such as pollutants and toxins, may also weaken your immune system over time.
Kuk further explains that our body weight is impacted by our lifestyle and environment, such as medication use, environmental pollutants, genetics, timing of food intake, stress, gut bacteria and even nighttime light exposure.
The Inuit (Eskimos) of Greenland have only 3 to 4 times as much mercury in their bodies, even though they consume about 100 times as much mercury, PCBs, and other marine pollutants as the average American.
The EPA has found that the defeat devices allowed real - world emissions for nitrogen oxide, a pollutant that's been linked to asthma and other respiratory problems, to reach as high as 40 times the legal limit under the Clean Air Act.
Chronic exposure to environmental pollutants has been suggested as a possible contributing factor in dogs that spend a lot of time in urban settings.
As John Broder wrote recently in The Times, it's likely that the move to apply the «pollutant» label to these gases is aimed at adding pressure to congressional efforts to write new gas - limiting legislation.
Furthermore (although I have no idea of whether Spencer was aware of it at the time of writing) Barack Obama has said that absent meaningful legislation on emissions within the first 18 months of inauguration, should he win he will allow the EPA to have the authority to regulate GHG emissions as dangerous pollutants.
In September 2000, while campaigning against Vice President Al Gore for the presidency, President Bush sought to «out - Gore Gore,» as some political analysts put it at the time, by including carbon dioxide in a list of pollutants from power plants that he would seek to limit if elected.
The main purpose of the first phase (development of the RCPs) is to provide information on possible development trajectories for the main forcing agents of climate change, consistent with current scenario literature allowing subsequent analysis by both Climate models (CMs) and Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).1 Climate modelers will use the time series of future concentrations and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants and land - use change from the four RCPs in order to conduct new climate model experiments and produce new climate scenarios as part of the parallel phase.
Title XVII: Incentives for Innovative Technologies -(Sec. 1702) Directs the Secretary of Energy to make guarantees for certain projects, including gasification and liquefaction projects, that: (1) avoid, reduce, or sequester air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases; and (2) employ new or significantly improved technologies as compared to commercial technologies in service in the United States at the time the guarantee is issued.
Capturing methane otherwise released into the atmosphere, purifying it, and injecting it into existing pipelines can displace fossil fuels and curb emissions of methane, a pollutant 34 times as powerful as carbon dioxide.
Tagged as: Andrew Dessler, Antarctica, Anthony Watts, carbon dioxide, clean air act, Climate Audit, climate change, climate disruption, climate models, climate - change denial, climategate, ClimaTweet, CO2, CRU, ENSO, global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, Greenland, ice sheet, Independent Climate Chang Email Review, Institute of Medicine, James Hansen, Lord Oxburgh, Marc Morano, Massachusetts v. EPA, methane, Michael Mann, Monckton, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, nitrogen, ocean acidification, Penn State, Phil Jones, Pollutant, Richard Lindzen, Ross McKitrick, Royal Society, S. Fred Singer, Science & Technology, sea level rise, Sir Muir Russell, Sonia Boehmer - Christiansen, Steve McIntre, Steve Milloy, Supreme Court, Venus, Washington Times
Look beyond decades of carbon capture deficit, though, and you'll see biomass plants that release a bit more greenhouse gasses — as in 50 percent more CO2 and nitrous oxide than coal plants, and (across all pollutant categories) eight times more than a natural gas plant.
No need, and yes, rather dumb * of me to forget the decay products (* or perhaps just evidence of lack of time on my part), although the broader point I made still stands, which is that some sources of radiation are otherwise chemically benign and others are not, though I admit much ignorance on the relative importance of chemical toxicity and wouldn't be surprised to find out it is generally quite small in such incidents like Fukushima and Chernobyl — but I don't actually know it; I thought perhaps it deserved clarification (and maybe — note that I'm not justifying this — that's why some people may see radiation from a pollutant as worse than radiation from natural source?).
The AirWatch application provides real - time data on specific air pollutants from air - quality monitoring stations, as well as user - submitted descriptions of air quality in different areas.
Can you imagine how bad things would be if all regulations that forced emission improvements had been blocked and cars and trucks still spewed as much pollutants as back in the era of bell bottom pants (and that time was better than the 1940s...)?
Quite strange: CO2 in itself is not a pollutant, it's his IR absorption band as well as the time it needs to go back in the biosphere / aquasphere which is problematic.
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