Sentences with phrase «time as high risk drivers»

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Often times, when you are categorized as a high risk driver, you may find it difficult to find insurance coverage.
In Alberta, a high risk driver is a defined as any individual who has had the following: three or more at - fault accidents within a six year period, five or more traffic convictions within a three year time frame or a criminal code conviction such as DUI.
Most drivers use their cars during the «moderate risk» hours of 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and occasionally during the «high risk» hours of 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.. Most drivers will also have «extreme braking events,» which are defined as slowing down 10 or more miles per hour over a one - second time interval.
If your car insurance provider decides to increase your insurance rate, normally to triple times, you will however be marked as a «high - risk driver» in the insurance industry.
Note: The typical amount time for high insurance rates for a high risk driver is three years as illustrated by the graph.
Another consequence of having insurance lapses on your record is that you may have a hard time finding cheap Vermont auto insurance as a high - risk driver.
As such, when assessing the driver's risk - taking behavior, such first - time speeding tickets rarely contribute to the classification of a driver as «high - risk»As such, when assessing the driver's risk - taking behavior, such first - time speeding tickets rarely contribute to the classification of a driver as «high - risk»as «high - risk».
ARAIP - PAIP - CAIP - AIP high risk or Assigned Risk Auto Insurance markets consists of licensed drivers commomly referred to as needing bad driving record auto insurance who are unable to purchase auto insurance through the Voluntary Market due to a variety of factors, such as their driving history, accident history or status as a first time dririsk or Assigned Risk Auto Insurance markets consists of licensed drivers commomly referred to as needing bad driving record auto insurance who are unable to purchase auto insurance through the Voluntary Market due to a variety of factors, such as their driving history, accident history or status as a first time driRisk Auto Insurance markets consists of licensed drivers commomly referred to as needing bad driving record auto insurance who are unable to purchase auto insurance through the Voluntary Market due to a variety of factors, such as their driving history, accident history or status as a first time driver.
If you have been apprehended many times over, then the insurance company will probably label you as a high risk driver and charge you more for premium.
The actual number of drivers in the Iowa AIP has dropped over time, as insurers in the voluntary market have gotten better at balancing the risks and costs of insuring higher risk driver.
High - risk drivers, such as those with poor driving records, may have a difficult time finding car insurance companies willing to provide them coverage.
A high risk driver is someone who has accumulated a history of traffic violations such as parking and speeding violations or has figured more than a couple times in road accidents.
First - time drivers are often perceived by insurers as high - risk clients and, as such, are usually charged a higher premium than experienced ones.
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