Sentences with phrase «time blood sugar rises»

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Besides keeping you satisfied for a longer period of time, a high - protein breakfast will cause a gradual rise in blood sugar, which translates to a consistent nutrient supply to the brain and the muscles.
The meat and nuts combo provide a slow rise in blood sugar, which will remain stable for an extended period of time.
Any time you get a rise in blood sugar (you eat a big meal or sweets, for instance) you get a rise in insulin.
As discussed in the CARBOHYDRATES article, simple carbohydrates are digested quickly by the body and cause blood sugar levels to rapidly rise and then rapidly fall, progressively harming the body over time.
Cortisol is a hormone released during times of stress, which causes blood sugar levels to rise.
For instance, every time when you will skip breakfast and then have a rich lunch it will cause bloating because your digestive system is shocked, also the insulin and the blood sugar will rise.
When blood sugar or hemoglobin A1C tests — a measure of blood sugar control over the previous three months — rise despite oral medications, it is probably time to look for further help.
While simple sugars and low fiber foods can cause blood glucose spikes (which then result in insulin spikes), lima beans tend to cause the blood sugar to rise more slowly, which can help regulate blood glucose levels over time.
Whereas sugary cereals, cookies, or crackers will cause blood sugar spikes and digestive problems, oatmeal will digest more slowly, helping blood sugar (and therefore insulin levels) rise over a longer period of time.
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