Sentences with phrase «time cost less»

Education would improve and at the same time cost less.
I get most of our specialty ingredients and even our grass fed meats and fresh seafood online not only because it is more convenient but many times it costs less than the local grocery store!

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Ask, «If I had 10 less hours of low - value work each week, could I fill this time with higher value activities that would be worth more than the cost of an assistant?»
And with lenders «taking the money from a checking account every day, business owners have less time to use the money, which effectively doubles the costs again,» Kassar says.
Hiring freelancers and part - timers can be cost effective, efficient and less stressful that taking on full - time staff.
Any time you can delegate work for less total cost than you'd spend doing it yourself, pull the trigger.
Elon Musk's new recycled / reusable rockets will cost $ 40 million per launch, 30 percent less than a first - time flight and well below than the industry standard of roughly $ 150 million.
The outside firm can often cost less than the salary and benefits of a full - time employee and, at the same time, you may be getting a higher level of advice from a CPA or a tax accountant, the latter of whom usually is a licensed CPA and a lawyer specializing in tax law.
So even without much snow on the ground we have more to do, higher costs and less time to work in winter months.
Version nine, which is almost complete, cost about 35 percent less than the current version in space, and was made four times faster, he estimated.
The amount they pay is far less than what it would cost to have those resources on staff full time.
If I could go back to the beginning (and was interested solely in maximizing my investments, which I'm not), I would invest only during recessions, when almost everything costs 50 % to 90 % less than it does during boom times.
The cost of «value» tickets, sold during less crowded times of year, increased by $ 2 to $ 109 for adults.
If you take the Mr. Burns approach and decide to just pay the penalties, your annual cost by 2019 would be reduced to $ 60,000 (that's 60 employees less the 30 employee exemption times $ 2,000 per employee).
A great thing to do is to actually calculate the cost of your time, which will help you figure out if you can pay someone to do something for less than your hourly rate.
Advances in technology have reduced that price many times over in recent years, and Jain estimates that Moon Express's first lunar journey will cost less than $ 10 million.
In fact, it generates three times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing but costs 62 percent less.
But now, most LED bulbs cost less than $ 10 and studies have shown that LED bulbs are up to 10 times more energy efficient and last up to 50 times longer than the incandescent bulbs.
After all, we know that content marketing generates about three times as many leads as traditional marketing — and it costs 62 % less, to boot.
The company has moved from research on rats to the cusp of human trials in less than five years at a cost of less than $ 5 million, a process that can often take twice that long and cost many times more.
In some coal states in the Midwest and the South, electricity costs even less than that, and it will be a long time before solar is competitive in those regions.
It costs $ 10 to sign up, and most reps sell Avon part - time and make on average less than minimum wage doing it.
For instance, they'll be less happy and more stressed (which affects things like their productivity and creativity); they may quit on you (which will cost you and your company time and money); they may give you bad reviews or complain to HR (which puts your job in jeopardy); and you'll have trouble earning their respect, being viewed as credible, and getting them to listen to your opinions.
Other appointments can cost less — it's only $ 18 to speak with a nurse practitioner — so some first - time visits are free of charge.
How many times have you heard about entrepreneurs who grossed a lot less than $ 50,000 a year, and whose profits were eaten up by unforeseen costs?
It costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing and generates about three times as many leads.
With very little cost upfront and with very little time and effort, Marsh found that with an investment of less than $ 1,000, she was able to increase her sales and recoup her initial investment within two months.
Now we're on the verge, for the first time ever... of being able to have one pill to treat people with HIV and AIDS that costs less than $ 100.
It was sold in a bankruptcy auction in 2015 for 100,000 times less than it cost to build, BBC reported.
Over time that share will drift down, but to no less than 90 percent of those costs in future years.
In that kind of environment, adding the debt and other costs associated with the proposed Tronc deal made less and less sense all the time.
Clubs should cost far less than they do in the summer, and you'll have plenty of time to practice your swing before next year's season begins.
Wasted time in meetings, Rogelberg and colleagues wrote, costs companies in many ways: the direct costs of salaries and benefits associated with participants» time, the time lost that could be used for more productive activities, employee stress and fatigue, and job dissatisfaction and less organizational commitment.
It compelled me to justify myself, to explain to my interrogators how I planned to live in New York City on so little — less than minimum wage after accounting for the cost of my uniform and unpaid training time.
Whatever is the current cause of the rise of prices in the housing market, when computed as the mortgage cost in labour time in terms of the average weekly salary, residential properties, with the exception of the 1988 - 1991 period, are now clearly less affordable for middle - class Canadians than they were for the last five decades.
The changes to the Canadian securities laws if adopted would allow the general public to invest in equity crowdfunding online, and companies to offer small amounts of equity with less disclosure thus driving the cost of raising capital lower and widening participation at the same time.
Subscription cost is less than $ 2 per day (based on annual rate) and can be canceled any time.
The next time the premiers huddle together they should start talking about how to wean our economy off its overreliance on high - cost carbon fuels that the rest of the world has little need for today and will need even less of tomorrow.
Here at Little Dragon Media, we know content marketing is a «win win» for any business: it costs 62 % less than outbound marketing and drives three times more leads.
Our research found that a basic family budget for families making less than $ 45,000 a year would leave them ill ‐ equipped to pay back a payday loan given the short time frame and high cost of the loan.
The soap will last a very long time at least 3 months or longer with daily use and this is if it was my only soap which it is not so I expect a good 1 year plus use of this tub so for the price it costs less than a dollar a month for one of the worlds classiest and most respected soaps and brands in the shaving world.
Blockchain technology can cut out the substantial intermediary costs, security risks, and record keeping infrastructure traditionally associated with such applications resulting in reduced cost, fewer time delays and less human error.
«The cost to the economy at this time would be close to $ 3 trillion in lowered GDP and 6.5 million industrial jobs, while households would have $ 7,000 less income and in many cases, much worse than that.»
Not only is it a cost effective way, it is also less time consuming and more engaging in this aspect.
There can be no assurances that our costs of producing and delivering the Model S will be less than the revenue we generate from sales at the time of the Model S launch or that we will ever achieve a positive gross margin on sales of the Model S.
2017.09.29 Housing affordability relief still elusive in Canada in the second quarter as ownership costs continued to rise in Toronto: RBC Economics Becoming a home owner in Canada is less affordable now than at any time since 1990, according to the latest Housing Trends and Affordability Report issued today by RBC Economics Research...
That's not surprising considering that content marketing costs 62 % less than traditional outbound marketing and generates more than three times as many leads.
You're paying more money up front, in the form of closing costs, but you'll pay less in interest over time.
In their place, Toyota will use the more abundant rare earths lanthanum and cerium, which also cost about 20 times less than neodymium.
It can generate as much as three times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing, all while costing an average of 62 % less.
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