Sentences with phrase «time cowering»

Some dogs are so anxious during loud noises they will either spend their time cowering under the table, or if they're like my dog, the bathtub, or worse, run away.
If your dog spends his time cowering under the bench or glued to your side, try to encourage him to come out, but remember, a trip to the park is supposed to be a positive experience.
Is that too much to ask after spending so much time cowering under the bed?
But as I said in an interview recently, life is too short to spend our time cowering behind what is «normal» and saying sorry for what is not.

Not exact matches

Prince Bader splurged on this controversial and decidedly un-Islamic portrait of Christ at a time when most members of the Saudi elite, including some in the royal family, are cowering under a sweeping crackdown against corruption and self - enrichment.
I have NO such fears and have challenged your god many times to come and face me man to god however your god cowers in abject terror at the prospect of facing me he is a craven coward.
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
Oh well; won't be the first time — if I got worried every time I was wrong about something, I'd be cowering under the bed all day.
Placed in the room a third time, once more alone, the socialized rats boldly explored more new places than ever, while solo rats continued to cower.
After eight generations, his team was able to run open field tests — experiments during which the birds were put in a brightly - lit arena and assessed for how much time they spent cowering on the periphery instead of strutting through the room.
I was menaced by a life - size Tyrannosaurus Rex (cowering in virtual terror as the beast stomped past / through me) and dropped onto the ledge of an 80 - story Times Square skyscraper (dropping reflexively to hands and knees and crawling backwards to safety).
When's the last time you saw a movie studio cower so before an author?
It's not as action - packed as «Predator» (it's actually more comparable to «Prometheus» and «Alien: Covenant»), nor as incomprehensible as «Under the Skin» (with which it shares a number of similarities), nor as aloof as «Arrival,» but it's one of those rare drama / horror hybrids that hopes to encourage audiences to think — at the same time that they're cowering.
The piney woods of East Texas set the mood of the time and place evoking mystical elements that both cower and protect.
The vet says he is 6 - 9 months (he had hook worms and was flea infested) and he has been beaten or hit to the point of cowering every time I even try to reprimand.
He has been attacked more times than I can remember and he just cowers behind me.
«There are times when — if you approach her the wrong way — she will flinch and cower
Dogs who cowered in the corner each time a caretaker would come by their kennel were now sitting right at the door waiting for the next moment to be with their new two - legged friends.
When this happens, he continues to cower but, at the same time, shows his teeth and might growl or snarl.
If the dog cowers or shows fear of the stranger at that time he is not suitable as a personal protection dog.
From the start he was a very sweet, gentle, quiet and loving little guy who was so extremely male shy that he would cower every time my husband came near the same room.
For a long time (several months), he cowered in a corner whenever Isabella tried to play with him.
It was at this point when my dog was running for the door every time the toaster beeped, cowering and trembling every time he set foot on a wooden floor and drooling and pacing obsessively when I left the house that I decided to consider Clomipramine.
She cowers and tries to hide when taken out of her run, but at no time does she become nasty or snippy.
Bystander AI can be overdramatic at times, cowering in fear indefinitely after witnessing you murder someone in front of them, but those visceral reactions are what make starting fights in public such a delight.
Just like the robust single - player campaign, DOOM's multiplayer is all about pushing forward in a furiously fast firefight: no time to stop, no cowering behind cover, no sniping from the... Read More
If you're not cowering in your hideout by the time night rolls around, you're going to be in serious danger.
This only annoyed me a few times where I had to cower behind a wall or box and take pot shots at a large group of enemies.
Place your leaders in charge of implementing each task, set specific timing, hold them accountable and watch the revenue grow, more doors opening, and the firm's reputation cower the competition.
Not all postgraduate degrees involve spending your entire time in the library, cowering under a mountain of books as...
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