Sentences with phrase «time curve»

Fitch used historical vintage loss data provided by First Marblehead Corporation to form a loss timing curve representative of the series 2007 - A collateral pool.
According to general relativity, the cosmos arose out of a point of infinite density called the singularity, where space and time curved so radically that the physics breaks down.
Large quantities of matter and energy concentrate in an infinitely small space, the gravitational singularity, where space - time curves towards infinity and all matter is destroyed.
Here, I'm wearing a gorgeous dress from the new London Times Curve Fall Collection.
When a vehicle is retuned the base or open loop timing curve is changed.
They are very very accurate but taking a different time and or time curve shape to warm up and cool down means that for a rapid change in temperature they will accurately record a different value.
In a Festschrift for Einstein's seventieth birthday in 1949, Gödel demonstrated the possibility of a special case in which, as Palle Yourgrau described the result, «the large - scale geometry of the world is so warped that there exist space - time curves that bend back on themselves so far that they close; that is, they return to their starting point.»
Does not this slow cooker do exactly what one is supposed to avoid — I've looked at the temperature / time curve and wonder how long the food stays in the danger zone (mind you, I can't remember exactly what temp constitutes the danger zone.
By the time it curves over the heart of the plate, I'm dizzy.
The mean Cmax was 114 ng / ml occurring at 1 hour after dosing, and the area under the serum concentration versus time curve was 573 ng × h / ml, with a terminal phase half - life of 1.9 hours observed.
Probably will be another colors by the time the Curve 9300 will be launched.
Most of the time the curve or graph will start in the lower left and rise to the upper right.
Every time the curve apex rises, which it does by a rather large amount, the spread has contracted.
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