Sentences with phrase «time decay in»

I continue to be very slow to raise our strikes further, so I don't anticipate a great deal of time decay in that position in the event of a further market advance.

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There are times when trolling seems like a troubling cultural trend, one that is causing decay in society, but there are times when trolling is totally warranted, valid, and maybe even a little helpful.
Of course, the ideal is to avoid the «slow bleed» of option time decay as much as possible, by taking a highly defensive investment stance only in situations associated with significantly negative market outcomes.
In the absence of additional restrictions, aligning a hedge with the estimated market return / risk profile resulted in persistent option time - decay, as illustrated by the red line, making put option hedges costly instead of beneficiaIn the absence of additional restrictions, aligning a hedge with the estimated market return / risk profile resulted in persistent option time - decay, as illustrated by the red line, making put option hedges costly instead of beneficiain persistent option time - decay, as illustrated by the red line, making put option hedges costly instead of beneficial.
The implied volatility in options is fairly low here, but to the extent that actual market volatility comes in even lower, we would lose some portion of that 2 % through time decay that we could not recover through active management of the position.
Given that the market's oversold condition has cleared, the Fund again has a «staggered strike» position that I would expect to provide a strong defense against fresh downside pressure (though losses might still occur if our stocks were to perform poorly or if we experience a net decay in option time - value).
«The limitations of quantum thermal dynamics may only be attributed by the heated degradation effects in timed probabilities upon perpetual decaying ratios of certain atoms structuralized accolades of which quantum physics remains allegorically aloof upon and can not be soundly fathomed via any mathematical physics conveyances which by the way are fraught with faulty mathematical probabilities and unreasoned factual soundings.»
One can of course not hide the fact that in the United States, too, the Christian heritage is decaying at an incessant pace, while at the same time the rapid increase in the Hispanic population and the presence of religious traditions from all over the world have changed the picture.
If we are to speak truly to our age, therefore, we can assume, not (1) the complete ignorance of Christian principles, such as existed in the decaying civilization of early Greece and Rome; (2) the thoroughgoing knowledge and acceptance of Christian principles, such as existed in the time of most of our grandparents; or (3) the vigorous antagonism to the gospel, such as now exists among those who accept either the Marxist or the Fascist interpretation of history; but (4) a vague and tenuous residuum of Christian piety, devoid of any intention of doing anything about it.
Although they differ radically from one another and appear in widely varied contexts, in two regards these early prophets testify to a prophetic continuum from premonarchic times (and even from the age of Moses) to the decay and collapse of monarchy in Israel and on into the days of Jewish reconstruction.
I would think he / she was trying to use it to poke holes in radio carbon dating but all it does is show there is a slight change in decay over different periods of time.
He simply could not understand how fossils could be dated and was just positive that man ate all the dinosaurs, and no matter how hard I tried to explain how sediment layers build up at consistent rates, how radio carbon decays at a predictable rate, how fossils form and why we know this, nothing I told him could convince him that T - rexs did not run the earth in the «time of Adam and Eve».
Anything made by nature will decay in time, and anything made by man will have faults, since humans are imperfect, and will fail in time as well.
beryllium isotope having the minuscule half life of 0.0000000000000001 seconds must find and absorb a helium nucleus in that split of time before decaying.
As at the time of the decay of the Roman Empire the success of Christianity in winning that Empire and becoming largely identified with it proved almost its undoing, so the passing of the culture which the Church had helped to nurture and with which it had unavoidably become closely interwoven proved a menace to the Church and its faith.
Some readers will doubtless complain that this conservatism is too Romantic, too English, one that can not be sustained over the course of a life, and certainly not in times of crisis or moral and social decay.
Salt is a preservative, often used in past times to save food from decay.
Although they differ radically from one another and appear in widely varied contexts, these early prophets evidence in two significant ways their place in the movement of prophetism from premonarchic times to the decay and collapse of monarchy and on into the days of Jewish reconstruction.
Cases of melancholy appear to have been not uncommon, stemming in part, perhaps, from that general sense of the decay of the world which was a familiar feature of the Elizabethan climate of opinion, in part from the sense of rootlessness and estrangement which is characteristic of a transitional society, and aggravated no doubt by the searching, pointed preaching of the time.
However, Dr. Weston Price found that native people who had little to no tooth decay were consuming ten times the amount of fat soluble vitamins than people in his day (this was in the 1920s and»30s, when people ate substantially more animal fat, lard and butter).
You were a young egg with the world in your hip pocket, alright, but then time took over and everything decayed and oxidized and faded and your stupid baseball team kept breaking your heart, over and over, it never stopped.
Over time, the milk or juice that pools in her mouth as she falls asleep can lead to cavities and tooth decay.
When children are given a bottle with milk or fruit juice to have in bed at night or nap time, the last swallow of fluid does not go down the throat - it remains behind the upper front teeth, bathing them in a fluid that is readily turned into the acid that causes tooth decay.
«About 60 percent of children in the U.S. have tooth decay by the time they're 5 years old,» says Dr. Miller, and it's not uncommon for babies to show signs of early decay.
I honestly think that the reason to switch to cups is that most of the babies go to sleep while having bottle in their mouth and that habbit after 1 year (or as soon as they start to get teeth) may cause tooth decay since they will be having teeth by this time.
«In general, I tell parents that kids who eat many times a day are at higher risk of tooth decay,» says Steiner.
Give your child healthy foods (being particularly careful to avoid sugar whenever possible), and never let your little one fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth since juice or milk will sit on their teeth as they sleep and, over time, this will inevitably contribute to tooth decay.
When it's time for bed, make sure the baby doesn't have a bottle in his mouth since it may cause tooth decay in the future.
You should also be careful with Sippy cups and feeding bottles especially close to bed time since they have been linked to tooth decay in babies.
Mr Kufuor said some alien vices prevalent in developed countries have found their way into Ghana, in recent times, and could be partly responsible for the increased decay in Ghanaian society.
This selection weighed against the selection of Zach Carter as Corporation Counsel (because he reportedly befriends disgraced public official John L. Sampson, but was a John Gotti, Jr. slayer and Abner Louima defender and knows that «Stop & Frisk» is not racial profiling when done right) may suggest bi-polarity for the mayor - elect, but I trust not paranoia for me as I am at a befuddled disadvantage on what to expect next: but we can ask a de Blasio agreement with Gov. Cuomo that neither of them will be involved in selecting the next Council Chair (because that would not only be unlawful but power prejudice ugly in these times of moral decay by the elected).
The only previously known radioactive carbon isotope at the time was carbon - 11, which had a half - life of only 21 minutes (half the isotope's radioactivity will decay in that time).
Or maybe cities would be so in tune with ecosystems that they would grow over time and then decay over time, too.»
Reburning spent rods in an SFR also reduces their radioactive decay time; the resulting waste would have to be sequestered for only a few hundred years instead of several thousand.
In the study published in Nature Physics, they were able to carefully follow, one x-ray at a time, the decay of nuclei in a perfect crystal after excitation with a flash of x-rays from the world's strongest pulsed source, the SACLA x-ray free electron laser in Harima, JapaIn the study published in Nature Physics, they were able to carefully follow, one x-ray at a time, the decay of nuclei in a perfect crystal after excitation with a flash of x-rays from the world's strongest pulsed source, the SACLA x-ray free electron laser in Harima, Japain Nature Physics, they were able to carefully follow, one x-ray at a time, the decay of nuclei in a perfect crystal after excitation with a flash of x-rays from the world's strongest pulsed source, the SACLA x-ray free electron laser in Harima, Japain a perfect crystal after excitation with a flash of x-rays from the world's strongest pulsed source, the SACLA x-ray free electron laser in Harima, Japain Harima, Japan.
The uninterrupted freeze of the permafrost preserved DNA in the horse bone, but since DNA decays into smaller and less intelligible fragments over time, the specimen seemed too ancient to analyze.
Its roots can be traced back a century to three - time Democratic candidate for president William Jennings Bryan, who ran fundamentalist campaigns against the theory of evolution, which he argued was causing moral decay in the nation's youth by undermining the authority of the Bible.
Their decaying corpses could release enough methanethiol and ethane gas to briefly show up in the atmosphere, but again we'd have to be looking at the right time.
They may then be able to provide a scientific explanation for the belief of the 17th - century herbalist John Gerard, that sage «helpeth a weake braine or memory and restoreth them being decayed in a short time».
«In the case where molecules are chemically reactive, one simply doesn't have time to study them in bulk samples: They decay away before they can be cooled further to observe interesting states,» Zwierlein sayIn the case where molecules are chemically reactive, one simply doesn't have time to study them in bulk samples: They decay away before they can be cooled further to observe interesting states,» Zwierlein sayin bulk samples: They decay away before they can be cooled further to observe interesting states,» Zwierlein says.
With compost, the model calculates how much methane is produced over time in landfills as organic materials decay.
Now Helbich, in collaboration with Professor Bernhard Rieger, Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry, has for the first time successfully embedded the silicon nanosheets into a polymer, protecting them from decay.
The Man Who Found Time James Hutton and the Discovery of Earth's Antiquity Jack Repcheck, Perseus, $ 26 In days of old — before scientists realized that radioactive decay could act as a gauge to Earth's age — scholars consulted the scriptures for clues to Earth's antiquity.
In most places, 6000 years would be plenty of time for cotton fabric to decay and disappear.
Shegelski: Well, most of the time I'm teaching; roughly 30 percent of the time or 40 percent of my time goes to research, and my research is currently in the area of quantum mechanical tunneling and decay.
They are produced in a particle collision in an accelerator, and they decay after a short time.
If you take a cup of honey, the motion ceases more quickly than in water; the more viscous the fluid, the quicker the perturbation of the system decays with time
At that time, a problem arose because it seemed that both energy and angular momentum were not conserved in beta - decay.
They add that the study did not look at the time lag between implementation and effect of the changes, but suggest that improvements in tooth decay would be seen first, followed by reduced rates of obesity and cases of type 2 diabetes.
At about the time the Lamb shift was reported, a group in England discovered the decay of the pion to the muon in photographic plates exposed to cosmic rays at high altitude.
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