Sentences with phrase «time doing outreach»

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This is proof that if you do not spend time or put any strategy toward the development of your outreach, you are not only wasting time and creating negative equity for your offerings, but you're making every other salesperson's job a whole lot tougher.
Of course, it looks about a million times better than what I did with Piktochart, and it will be much easier to use that one for outreach.
As you send outreach emails, I highly recommend using Boomerang for Gmail, which is a Gmail plugin that will automatically remind you if you don't receive a response after a certain amount of time.
busy with so called ministry, busy doing outreaches to bring in the unbelievers, yet still so lonely because most of us do not understand the true meaning of community, nor do we walk in it because it takes our time, a commodity that many of us don't want to give up.
I discover Todd and Andrew have done two weeks of residential outreach training in Preston as they have volunteered to do full - time missionary service for a period of 24 months.
I do not mean to «rub this in» too much, I have, however, been theologically amused and intrigued by those in the ecumenical movement who have so negatively and critically spoken of «globalization», when all of the time they exude and embody all of the elements - intellectual, cultural, ideological, economic and religious - of a «global mentality» and a «global outreach».
Similar arguments are rehearsed each time the state undertakes a major construction project: contractors say the makeup of the workforce is dictated by the construction trades, who in turn say they are making their best efforts to diversify, while minority leaders say not enough is done by way of outreach and recruitment.
The plan already raised concerns from Councilman Brad Lander who questioned how the officers will be trained to do outreach during the time they are not responding to 911 calls.
Mr. Rey said that his firm didn't begin working extensively with Mr. Espaillat's last campaign until May and will now have far more time to lay the groundwork for a more effective and comprehensive voter outreach operation.
He said, «what we have decided to do as the best way forward is to carry out medical outreaches, so that at least we can use the facilities on a weekend program; Saturdays and Sundays, where volunteer doctors will take time off and I have committed to funding the outreach program.»
Doing science outreach while at the same time their students could be the helping hands I was looking for.
Our program also includes an extensive undergraduate component, an outreach component that provides short - term opportunities for biologists to enhance their quantitative training, and opportunities for graduate students to do collaborative research with full - time staff and postdoctoral researchers at UT in computational ecology, or with a variety of researchers at Oak Ridge National Lab and private firms.
Even if you decide not to pursue outreach as a career, the interpersonal skills you gain will help if you go into outreach full time — or even if you don't.
For her part, though, Voss is a frequent contributor to Climate Feedback; like most participants, she's interested in outreach and carves the time out to do it.
And communication itself is a long to - do list of school marketing, public relations, social media, keeping your school website updated, community outreach, internal communications... we could go on, but with staff time maxed and budgets running tight, we don't want to stress you out.
«We're on a path to doing this in 2010, but the exact timing will be determined by Congress and the White House,» Peter Cunningham, assistant education secretary for communications and outreach, said Friday.
We can do your book marketing outreach for you, and save you time and effort, and guarantee multiple placements of your book on many different platforms.
Fine tuning your retailer outreach can be done as you have time.
And, if you need to schedule some time to do this outreach, take a minute to download my free monthly book marketing calendar!
I was hit or miss on getting my book to blog reviewers last few times out, but next time I'm going to make a concerted effort to do some blog outreach.
Since MediaBistro references an interview that Seaman did with CNBC's program, «Funny Business,» we know that Seaman's book promotion campaign consisted of outreach to the traditional media (even if it revolved around a promise, or threat, to streak through Times Square).
But this doesn't mean you can't achieve good sales over time with a sustained and strategic media outreach plan.
Additionally, unlike the previous studies, the Portland intervention utilized a wide - range of outreach tools and did so over a relatively short amount of time.
We do outreach three times a month to our at need pet - owning population: 1st Friday at the Watsonville Farmer's Market, 3rd Thursday at St Francis Soup Kitchen, last Thursday at Mountain Community Resources.
With a strong dedication to exceptional client service, my success is achieved through excellent marketing outreach, daily networking, good old fashioned hard work, and referrals from past clients and friends, who don't hesitate to pass on my name as a trusted, honest, full - time professional.
With a longer lead time we will also able to do better outreach and make as much splash in the market as possible ahead of the PS4 release, which will be easier if we avoid the holiday madness.
So aside from mermaid duties, King now spends time doing community outreach speaking about what people can do to help the water; like using organic fertilizers and natural pesticides.
Since scientists are actively researching other forcings and engaging in outreach, oft times high profile outreach ( has been doing the rounds on this), and other scientists discuss other radiative forcings in their outreach, myself included, it seems somewhat unreasonable to blame scientists for any perceived lack of awareness on this.
Leverage the spiritual gifts and experience of millions of retiring Baby Boomers who will have more time to serve in the church, do community outreach, or participate in missions!
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